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Fantasy Zodiac High | Always Accepting


in a quiet garden
Roleplay Availability
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[column=span4][accordion=90%|bcenter]{slide=[bg=#BDD6F7][border=2px solid #CD757E][font=Coming Soon][size=5][b]GENERAL[/b][/size][/font][/border][/bg]}[bg=#BDD6F7]
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Age: (between 16-19)
Likes: (at least 3)
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{slide=[bg=#BDD6F7][border=2px solid #CD757E][font=Coming Soon][size=5][b]PERSONALITY[/b][/size][/font][/border][/bg]}[bg=#BDD6F7]
[font=Coming Soon](AT LEAST 1 PARAGRAPH, 5+ SENTENCES)[/font]
{slide=[bg=#BDD6F7][border=2px solid #CD757E][font=Coming Soon][size=5][b]BIOGRAPHY[/b][/size][/font][/border][/bg]}[bg=#BDD6F7]
{slide=[bg=#BDD6F7][border=2px solid #CD757E][font=Coming Soon][size=5][b]RELATIONSHIPS[/b][/size][/font][/border][/bg]}[bg=#BDD6F7]
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"character quote here"




Age: (between 16-19)




Likes: (at least 3)

Dislikes: (at least 3)








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Amara Valentina

Everyone deserves a second chance"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/anime-girl-art-ilya-kuvshinov-Favim.com-3492973.jpg.79d4de892a5a2499ba00662b4fdff6bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142037" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/anime-girl-art-ilya-kuvshinov-Favim.com-3492973.jpg.79d4de892a5a2499ba00662b4fdff6bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Amara Valentina





Music, art, games, animals

Being alone, corruption, violence



Amara is very sweet girl and can sometimes be shy depending on situations. If you get to know her better she tends to be more energetic to those she feels comfortable with. She likes to see everything as a joke to help her relax in dire situations. She can be a little nut sometimes. When it comes to friends she can be a protective and weird,mostly touchy like pats on the head or cheek rubs. She does indeed get nervous and is unable to think straight. She's....also not very bright. She believes in justice and love and can be persistent when it comes to justice.


Amara grew up like every regular person, the only difference is that she was home schooled because her parents were assassins from a small organization to keep justice and order. Of course she lived in a two story house away from the city to keep themselves hidden. She was never able to get stay close or attached to anyone because of the constant moving. Her parents trained her to defend and be on guard. Great to say she was an excellent fighter. Not only did they teach her how to fight and defend herself, but she had to learn from good and bad no matter how tempting people were. The memory etched on her mind that she never forgets is when a child and her mother walked alone one day down the street on a rainy day. A man came to rob the women of her money. She pleaded the man desperately, she would give up her life for her child. Amara could only watch with her legs shaking in the cold in the rain. She had the skills to fight, but she couldn't move.

Too afraid and scared, the thief grew impatient and shot the mother and took the purse. He was not finished, the child mourning for his mother not realizing the gun aimed toward the child, Amara took action to protect the child and push the man into the brick wall, but to no avail, the child was shot. Amara held the boy in his arms with shock and desperation to keep him alive, the scared, bulging eyes from a child was a horrific thing to watch. After her wallowing in self pity for a split second, she hears a gun cock and a gun pointed at her. Irritated, Amara manages to dodge the shot and break the man's arm. She was too heart broken and angry to focus on anything logical. The only thing on her mind is to kill and so she did. To that day she vowed justice is killing.




  • anime-girl-art-ilya-kuvshinov-Favim.com-3492973.jpg
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Shinto Kamishia

"Pain is an Illusion... Sadness isn't..."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/akira-anime-guys-20846982-500-523.jpg.395483c594e2640a8e84c9850783bd27.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142055" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/akira-anime-guys-20846982-500-523.jpg.395483c594e2640a8e84c9850783bd27.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Name: Shinto Kamishia

Age: 19

Gender: Male



Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: Good Music, Good Food, To Train, Playing Piano

Dislikes: Bullies, Fighting if it isn't necessary

Zodiac: Pisces
Shinto is a very strange Person. He seems to be a big asshole and some people think that he's a Bully and intimidating. As soon as someone is bullyied, Shinto tries everything to stop the Bully, even if it means Fighting. He doesn't care about his Reputation. Cause he's very Disrespectful, many people don't like him and don't give him a Chance to show his nice, kind and caring side.
As a Kid, Shinto had many problems. He had no friends cause his serious and intimidating Appearance. His first friend, Shiho, didn't care about this. But the moment Shinto and Shiho were friends, other Kids started to Bully Shiho. They bullyied him in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade, but Shiho never broke up the Friendship. One day, Shinto had enough. As a few Guys bullyied Shiho again, Shinto picked up a fight. 1 vs 4. Shinto hadn't won, but he hadn't lost. No matter how many times they punched him, Shinto stood up and continued, until they ran away, feared of him. Since this day, Shinto trains a bit everyday. Everyday, he came back from school with more bruises and scratches, and saud Everytime. "Don't worry... That's nothing... I'm not in Pain... Pain is an Illusion... but Sadness isn't..." Shinto got the real Meaning behind his sentence a few years later. He was 17 as Shiho died. He died in a car crash. A month later, Shinto moved away. Shinto hates Bullies, and somehow, his life turned into one. He had to visit a Doctor several times a week and still needs to take medicine to pretend him getting depressive again.



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Lyra Constance
"Smiling isn't that hard."



Lyra Marie Constance










(+) Reading

(+) Dogs

(+) Sleep

(+) Sweets

(+) Sour Candy


(-) Cats

(-) Bullies

(-) Heels

(-) Super Salty Food

(-) Public Speaking




Lyra is a happy go lucky person to the point where it's almost obnoxious. She loves being happy and she loves helping people and she just can't she that. She's is a kind hearted and the good in everyone even if they claim to not be at all. She’s open-minded and cares for other more than herself which could be one of her greatest weakness along with being to patient and generous for her own good. Even when she herself is sad she smiles through it. She does this with the hopes of sharing a smile might give someone else a smile or maybe making someone's day, and she knows full well that this doesn't necessarily make her happy, but in a weird way it does. There are times where she does like to blabber on about something she's interested in, but that's only because she wants to share her feeling about that specific subject as well as hearing your option on the matter. In some situations she picks her words carefully to not up set you or to make you feel better. But the thing she values most is trust. For her it's a bond that should never be broken and if you do break it there is little to no hope of you ever being in her life again. All in all though she can be a pushover, and sometimes she likes to be a bit lazy because everyone need a break from being overly happy from time to time.


Lyra grew up as an adopted child. She was adopted because her mother wasn't able to bear children. Her mother was in the military. While her dad was a teacher. Her mother never really like her job. There'd be times where she'd wish she had done somethings different. Lyra was never supposed to see her military mom stressed out, but often times Lyra would see that mother with a tired expression and body movement. This is what prompted her to start smiling more and be happy for her mother so that way maybe her mom would smile.

When Lyra got older she had a weird habit of doing it. She also found that she was having a hard time paying attention in school. At first her parented dismissed it. Then as she went into her late elementary school and early middle school years they figured out that Lyra had ADD (Attention Deficient Disorder) not to be mistaken with ADHD (Attention Deficient Hyperactive Disorder) for she isn't hyperactive she just can't pay attention to anything very well. She'd describe it as having a room full of papers that are impossible to organize. Because this can't be cured or her parents decided medication for it at first she started taking it. She was getting used to the meds for a while but when the high school hit she stopped taking it, and it felt better for her to do so. When she was on her meds she's often describe herself as a robot. She felt like she had no emotion. When she stopped taking it, she would fake taking her medication so her parents don't get mad. She sometimes even brings her medication with her just in case.


DM other roleplayers and work out some relationships between your characters! Old friends? Strangers? Keep it blank if you want.

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"If you crossed a Unicorn and a Centaur, would you have a UniTaur or a Centacorn?"



Name: Ocean Bluebottle

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Straight


Mythical Creatures






The Dark

Mean people



Ocean is a very lively, energetic, eccentric individual. She isn't one to particularly shy away from the spotlight, but wouldn't put herself there on purpose either. She is rather childish in her approach to life, but it isn't a medical condition, just a wild imagination. She is often very giggly and fun, and can liven up any situation, although some people believe she is insane.

On the other side, she has a more serious side to her, where she has to be alone and concentrating. When this side is more dominant, she likes to read and keep to herself, although it is rare for this side to be seen outside of lessons. She does need to take a break from people every now and then, and can (doesn't often but can) hold a grudge from her serious side.


She was always a very silly child, always playing and talking and having fun and being social, but at the same time sometimes she was quiet and reserved. At this young age, her parents worried that she had multiple personality disorder, and would grow to be a completely split person. Worried, her parents decided that worse case scenario, she would have to be adopted by someone who could handle that kind of mental problem. Thankfully,at the age of 7, she managed to prove that while she did have two different sides to her, they were part of the same personality. Most people that don't know her, that have only met her briefly assume that she does have multiple personality disorder.

Because of this, her school life was always pretty difficult. Her playful side always welcomed attention and friends, but when she needed some alone time she was often called a liar or mocked. Because of this, she values friends who know that she is sane and a fun person to be around most of the time, and that she needs to be alone sometimes, as well as accepting her for it. She and her parents decided that Zodiac High would be the best option for her, a new start. So, there she is.


DM other roleplayers and work out some relationships between your characters! Old friends? Strangers? Keep it blank if you want.

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Lola Gray

"I just want to spend the rest of my life laughing."



Name: Dolores "Lola" Gray

Age: 17

Gender: Cisgender female

Pronouns: She/her/herself

Sexuality: Heterosexual


+ The vintage aesthetic, especially the sassy clothing

+ She is a follower of Wicca, so she loves the Moon, nature, and all things spiritual.

+ Fashion designing

+ Her red-rimmed heart shaped sunglasses

+ Rainy days

+ Being the center of attention

+ Romance movies and novels (Jane Austen is her favorite author), and anything else even remotely related to romance

+ Daydreaming

+ Laughing until her stomach hurts

+ Herself

+ Feminism

+ Expressing herself and sharing her passions with the world around her

+ Bright colors and patterns, especially reds, pinks, and purples (Valentine's Day colors). A fiend for red lipstick.


+ Dull, plain, and/or colorless clothing

+ Feeling sorry for herself

+ People who wallow in their misery without doing anything to improve their bleak situation

+ People who do not put passion, effort, and excitement into everything they do, or otherwise do not frequently open up about their emotions. Nitpicky pet peeve: people who read in class in a flat, expressionless voice.

+ Being told what to do

+ Mismatching or otherwise ill-conceived outfit choices

+ Cliches in speech such as 'it's raining cats and dogs' or 'all's fair in love and war'. Believes that they are used as a lazy substitute for personal, creative thought and condemns these inexcusable phrases at every chance she gets. Feels the same way about curse words.

+ Sexists, racists, homophobes, transphobes, etc. Disgusted by social injustice of any kind.

+ Orange lipstick

Zodiac: Leo


The best word to describe Lola in a more positive light would be 'emotional', but I'm really just using that as an euphemism for 'overly dramatic'. She tends to get worked up about everything. (Can't figure out what to wear? The sky is falling! Eavesdropped on some drama that had absolutely no relevance to her yet is still so shocking nonetheless? The world has ended! etc.) When Lola has an emotional reaction to something, that reaction is usually huge. Additionally, Lola is a hopelessly hopeful dreamer who pretty much always has her head in the clouds about one thing or another, waiting for her prince charming to come or simply for a little more excitement to enter her life. She often imagines everything as if it is taking place in a movie, and she is the star of it... which brings me to my next point. Although Lola tends to be on the more optimistic side of life and often tries her hardest to be the best person she can be, she also tends to be quite... self-absorbed. She doesn't always consider the way she makes people feel or what someone else may want, since in her mind, she is always at the forefront of every situation; she is always the leading lady. This, of course, often causes her make a huge mess of things, or to hurt those she cares about when she really has no ultimate desire to do so. With noble intentions, Lola wants to be a good person, and she is certainly capable of doing so, but she is simply oblivious to the fact that it is in her nature to behave like a self-centered, overly theatrical diva. In addition, with a love for regency romance, Lola speaks a bit more properly than most, due to her 'spirited young lady', high society girl self image, and she has a bright, passionate, and positive outlook on life that makes her radiate with confidence to those around her. Above all else, her core belief is that love, passion, and a little bit of color can make the world go 'round.


Lola grew up in a stable, happy home for her first ten years of life. Her mother and aunt, both loyal practitioners of Witchcraft, owned a handmade clothing shop in the local area, her father was an inventor with a knack for pointless gadgets sold on QVC and late night infomercials, and Lola was an apprentice fashion designer under the expert tutelage of her vivacious mom, until her mother eventually passed of cancer when Lola was 10 years old. This, of course, was a terrible blow to Lola's psyche, since her mother was her closest and most beloved relative. Because of this, Lola spiraled into depression and seclusion, and in addition to being teased for her already shy, quirky behavior and rather mousy physical appearance, the girl was very alone in her life until she became friends with the shy, emotionally troubled new kid in town who provided her with needed emotional support. He and Lola stuck together throughout the rest of middle school, living on the outskirts of the social scene, until Lola decided to reinvent herself when she entered high school.

With the goal of emulating her girly, theatrical, and outgoing mother in an effort to honor her memory and improve her current miserable social situation by becoming noticed and popular, Lola began to transform into a completely unrecognizable person (still retaining some of her weird, neurotic ticks, of course), donning a whole different 'persona' that she invented until no major traces of her former timid, reclusive disposition could be seen, which ultimately resulted in the end of her closest friendship with the former 'new kid'. Additionally, this sudden yet needed metamorphosis led to a physical transformation as well, in which Lola let her hair grow out long and beautiful, and she started dressing more vibrantly and dramatically. Now, Lola is essentially a high strung, overly dramatic monster of her own creation, but she isn't a bad person by any stretch of the imagination — just a painfully misguided girl who is still in a state of recoil from her mother's tragic death, whether she realizes it or not. Lola currently works in her aunt's clothing shop after school and will sometimes help her father with his inventions, since her mind is quite innovative, but she has yet to become popular as she wants to be.



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Eleanor Remedy

"Let me take care of it."



Eleanor Remedy

-Ellie, Sunshine, or Sunny











Taking care of things (People, strays, plants, etc)


Being in Charge



People who get her to be spontaneous(Secretly enjoys this)



Being called uptight

Being right majority of the time

Completely goofy or serious people

Being bossed around



Ellie is a very outgoing girl with a save-the-world attitude. Caring and protective of those who she befriends or loves. She tells people what she thinks is best for them and bosses people around a little too often - after all she is right majority of the time. Part of telling people what is best for them is her desire to see people do the best they can for themselves. Along with all this she has one hell of a temper and can fly off at stupidity or such things. She also listens extremely well and will help in anyway she can. It is hard for her to see a lost case but when she is done with you, she is done with you.

Ellie grew up in a loving home with her mama and mother. She was an only child but she easily learned to play alone. Her mama had a night job while her mother had a day job so she was always with someone but they often slept or worked in the office even away from work so she was left be. Due to her parent's schedule she didn't have the choice to bring friends over often and spent a lot of time alone. She learned to be indepent and ended with a bright imagination, along with a habit to talk to unanimated things or anything for that matter. When Ellie turned thirteen she got curious about her biological father and found him on the internet. He worked at a nursery and was studying to be a lawyer. She reached out to him and explained everything and he wanted to meet her, of course though now she had to tell her mothers. Explaining everything they were angry but also understanding and helped her meet this man. They came along in case he happened to not be who he claimed to be. That's how she met her dad and learned her love for gardening and stargazing. Although she doesn't see him often, she talks to him frequently. She also found out about zodiac highschool through her Lola and wanted to go there for a more open school instead of her private school.

Extra: Her name means sun and that's where her nickname sunshine and sunny come from.

She was named that because she was born on the hottest, and said to be brightest day of the year along with the fact that her mother's spent so much time making everything perfect in their lives and they said she was the final touch - the sunshine to their garden.


Coworkers with Lola Gray

Childhood friends with Jayden Lockmiller

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] Lloyd Rowe

"Get out of the way and let me handle it."



Name: Lloyd Rowe

Age: (between 16-19): 17

Gender: Male

Pronouns:He, Him, His

Sexuality: Straight

Likes: (at least 3) Winning, Leading, Getting things done, Dominance.

Dislikes: (at least 3) Incompetence, Inefficiency, Bullies, Apathetics, Superiors.

Zodiac: Leo


Lloyd Rowe is very overly competitive, in just about everything. There are very few things that set him apart from an Aries and one is the fact that he is born to rule and lead. He hates being beaten in just about anything, and at his very core it eats at him when he feels like he could have done better at something. Although, he is smart enough to give up on things that he is just not good at. For example, he is not very musically-inclined, and it doesn't bother him that he can't play the guitar. Lloyd is, despite his in-it-to-win-it personality, very generous. He will help others when they are in need of it no matter the cost, even sacrificing his own success in the process of it, though only for his closest of friends.


Lloyd Rowe grew up in a lazy household. His father could rarely ever hold a job and they lived mostly off of welfare. His mother, however, was always pushing him to be his best, saying that their family needed a real man. His father was a drunkard, and some nights he would even resort to physical abuse. Lloyd eventually started supporting his family as soon as he could get a job, even though his own father was perfectly able to. He continued to work at everything wrong with his life, but the only thing that he could never fix was his own father's laziness and incompetence, and it ate at Lloyd. He hated his father, not only for his abuse, both physical and verbal, but also because he was the reason Lloyd grew up so fast. Lloyd excelled at most everything he tried to do, and anything that he didn't excel at he tried harder to excel at. He almost always got good grades, A's and very rarely a B. Thus, when the letter from Zodiac High came to his mailbox, Lloyd wasn't too surprised.


Part 1 of the collab with @TheHappyPikachu








The Basics

Name - Aster Parell

Age - 16

Gender - Male

Pronouns - He/Him/His/Whatever works

Height - 5'6"|168cm

Sexuality - Demisexual? (His interest, or lack thereof, in people is rather questionable)

Date of Birth - June 6th

Zodiac - Gemini

"Keep quiet just for a second! Don't even breathe! Agh, nevermind. I already forgot what I was going to write...So, did you need something?"

While most Gemini are gifted in both the mental and physical departments, Aster leans more towards the mental aspects of the human persona in comparison to his sister who excels in the more physical aspects. Despite being on such opposite sides of the spectrum, neither of the twins resent the other or view the other's abilities with particular envy. Naturally, there are short and minor bouts of contempt towards the other in the areas that the other excels, but for the most part, they simply feel like their separate specialties simply make them special and distinct yet incomplete without the other, bringing about a special kind of closeness between siblings that you normally cannot find elsewhere.

Despite being twins, the pair share an ironically small number of traits. As the calmer and more responsible of the two, Aster takes it upon himself to appear as someone who can be relied upon. Despite fancying the idea of "being mature," Aster himself is also a bit of a problem child. As someone who takes things at his own pace without much regard for those around him, Aster generally does things when he wants, wherever he wants. He is also quick to express his dislike towards certain things, opting to simply disappear from the scene in order to avoid that particular thing or subject. Capable of being quite spiteful at times, Aster isn't one to let go of grudges very easily. He's slow to truly anger and he normally doesn't show clear signs of the fact that he's still angry, but those who have managed to get on his bad side should probably take care to tread lightly lest they face a deluge of verbal jabs and snide commentary. Even towards those who haven't ever even come close to offending him, Aster seems to have a bad hobby of messing with people, as seen in his rather odd way of giving advice or "compliments." Of course, this is mainly reserved for the easy targets.

Overall, Aster isn't one to show a whole lot of extreme emotions, preferring to remain calm and composed. His sarcasm and other mannerisms have a tendency to lean more on the subtle side, causing some to become confused as to whether or not what he just said was a joke. Shockingly enough, this calmness is thrown out the window the moment that something of extreme interest comes into play. Be it participating in a hobby or having a spike in inspiration, Aster tends to be a tad bit too enthusiastic for his own good. He's actually disturbed quite a few people with his mumbling while scribbling away some new idea in his notebook/sketchbook while still in the middle of class.

Despite all of his faults, he's still a good guy who cares about those close to him. Probably.
Backstory + Relationships
  • Note/Forewarning - This backstory is in Aster's point of view, so there's bound to be bias on his part. There are also a few details that I may have left out for development purposes.

    "...my childhood? It's nothing interesting, so I'll probably just end up falling asleep while telling you. Let's do this another day."

    Foolish. Weak. Such are the words that Aster provides to whomever inquires about what he was like when he was a child. As both of the twins have their fair share of emotional scars, it could be said that they lived in a household full of complications. With a mother who was always "too busy with work" to look after her own children and an abusive alcoholic for a father, the two hadn't really grown up in the best of living environments. However, as much as Aster claims that he had no good childhood memories regarding their parents, their family situation wasn't always so bleak.

    One of the reasons as to why Aster resents his father so much in particular is due to the way that he had been before he had gotten into his habit of drinking and taking out his stress on the only outlet that he could find, his children. The memories are very faint, but their father had once been like any other father. In fact, perhaps he was even kinder than most fathers. Realizing that the absence of a mother was no good for children, their father always made sure to keep the children content and safe. However, by the time the children were six, the stress of handling two children on his own while still working on a stress-heavy job caused him to take a turn for the worst. The fact that he had no emotional support due to his wife's ignorance and neglect only drove him further into his depression.

    Suddenly seeing their father in such a broken state was enough to frighten the two as they were merely six-year-old children. It only became worse when their father began to take his stress out on his children in his drunken rage. He shouted about how his children were useless, how a smart girl and a strong boy would have been better than it being the other way around. Being the weaker of the two, Aster could do nothing but cower in fear as his father rampaged. His impression of his father only became worse as his sister, Retsa, would often take it upon herself to take some of the beatings for him.

    Despite how he was while under the influence of alcohol, their father was still kind and gentle with the children when he didn't drink. He even apologized for his maltreatment and harsh words, giving hope to Aster that perhaps they could one day go back to the way that they once were. This hope was further built up by the promises that their father would give them about how he was going to try his best to "snap out of it" and that he was going to quit drinking. For short periods of times, it seemed that he really would quit, however something would always cause him to relapse, causing the terrifying cycle of abuse and apologies to continue. Over time, this behavior frustrated Aster. If his father hadn't had a kind side and if he hadn't treated them gently in the beginning, then Aster and his sister probably wouldn't have been so badly affected by the "bad things." If they had never known what it was like to have somewhat of a happy family, then he wouldn't have had to experience the pain of clinging onto a hope only to have it crushed into the ground over and over. If only he had always treated them badly, then they would have been more prepared and the emotional wounds would cut less deep. If he had never shown them his kind side, he could have simply brought himself to hate his father, just like he did his selfish mother for feigning ignorance of all that was going on in the household.

    For a countless number of times, Aster had reached out to his father in search of the man that he had once used to be. However, this hope slowly dwindled until it was no more. He had given up on that hopeless "ideal" and instead focused on becoming stronger so that he wouldn't have to continue seeing his sister getting hurt in his place. He was tired of waiting for something that was obviously never going to happen. If his father was going to continue casting his children to the side, then he would retaliate by casting the past away. As a result of this, Aster began to repress his most extreme emotions, viewing them as a weakness. He refused to cry, refused to show anger, and even refused to allow himself to display his happiness and contentment as openly as he once had.

    Even up to entering high school, this behavior continued along with his urge to look after his sister rather than allowing for it to be the other way around. At this point, he had turned to the arts as an outlet. As something that he actually truly enjoys as well as being his specialty, Aster uses the arts, especially the piano, as an outlet for all of the emotions and stress that he keeps bottled up inside. Music and the like had become the only things that he found that he could afford to "let loose" in.
The Extra Tidbits

  • Likes


    Strange snacks


    Music (especially the piano)


    Learning Languages

    High places

    Pressed flower bookmarks


    Stained glass

    Palindromes/Anagrams/Reverse Anagrams


    His sister



    Paper cuts

    "Troublesome things"

    Running around

    Eating (breakfast, lunch, and dinner are a chore to make and eat)


    Overly sweet things

    Oily things/foods

    Spit (This includes that from sneezing)

    Unsanitary things

    Having his train of thought interrupted

    Words that aren't words

    Leaving his hair untied (feels uncomfortable)



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Retsa Parell

"The sun may not shine today, and that's okay, Because- Sometimes…. Even the sun deserves a break….. But after? When the sun does come up again? It'll shine even brighter than before! So no matter what I'm gonna try my hardest, and one day maybe, just maybe, I can shine as bright as the sun!~"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/9586a81a2bc97f233efb1e4bd43c4a94.jpg.c11fa2d53342bb81e71124ac0d3efc0c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/9586a81a2bc97f233efb1e4bd43c4a94.jpg.c11fa2d53342bb81e71124ac0d3efc0c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Retsa Parell

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her (Female Pronouns)

Sexuality: Bisexual (Is, despite her rather childish and sporty attitude quite a 'play-girl'.)


-'Western Food'

-Full-meals, doesn't snack much and the she does in quite high serving sizes.


-Sport, in particular she likes running, high-jump and swimming.

-Doing things, 'the hard way' or in other words being somewhat lazy at non-sport related tasks.

-Milk/Dairy 'T-They say it's good for female chest-size, okay!?~'.

-Sweet things!


-Rain, and especially the puddles of both water and mud afterwards.

-Daydreaming/Spacing-Out although at the same time looses track of thought easily and often forgets things, making her have a tendency to have a rather 'in the moment' attitude.

-Making up words, particularly to annoy her twin brother.

-Leaving her hair messy/untied, 'Huh? Oh, I woke up this way~…. Why? to much work to brush it!~'.

-Anime & Manga.

-Females (In more ways than one~….)

-Her brother.



-Snacks/Small portions of food.


-Classes that don't involve physical activity or have too many lectures.

-Piano songs, much prefers more modern songs, ether with guitar or one of the various options from her extensive list of anime.

-High Places

-Men/Boys/Males/…. You get the idea~

-Games that involve high amounts of 'Mental energy'.


-Being Bored.

-Not getting enough sleep.

-Tests, unless in the physical category.

-Her scars being brought up by people.

-When people pick-on/make fun of her brother.

-When the ABC soup only has four different letters in it.

Zodiac: Gemini


'Just a little longer, just keep reaching out for another moment and I'm sure- I'm sure…. We'll both make it, together. And-…. If you can't hold on? I'll hold on for you, because I'm going to become stronger….. For you.'

Retsa, despite being a gemini is very much focused towards the more- 'physical' aspect of the spectrum rather than the normally generalised balanced the sign presents pose to her twin brother who is much more towards the mental aspects. She's always cheerful and upbeat personality-wise, one of those almost annoyingly happy people that just don't seem to understand that sometimes there needs to be times when you have to take things seriously, but at the same time radiates this energy that almost rubs-off on people with her seemingly everlasting energy.

She has a rather short attention span and whilst in mentally-focused classes generally ends up staring out the window daydreaming with chin in palms and pen in mouth. Though when it comes to sport she's about the fastest girl you'll see on the track-team, beating both the girls and boys times, though she's talented in this area she's not overly competitive and never really brags. She has an oddly strong sense of justice and, unlike her brother 'calm and mature' demeanour looses her temper quickly and has, more than once, punched someone in the face for simply littering.

She has pretty good looks, is athletic and quite klutzy~ Sound like a popular girl for the guys, but- this doesn't quite work out in any males favour as she has a fairly strong phobia of anyone of the opposite gender to her, her brother being one of the rare exceptions to this rule. When she was younger the mere act of a guy approaching and talking to her was enough to make her run away in a panic or start tearing-up in a fairly pathetic manner, now days she can hold out around them for short amounts of time, but if this limit is exceeded or they get too close to her she has the same, strange reactions. This of course means that around guys she almost completely speechless and bright red in focusing on not panicking.

She's a kind-hearted and caring girl however, many times having given her umbrella to a puppy left in a box in the rain, subsequently catching a cold and then trying to blame it on being tough and training in the rain, a fairly obvious lie as whenever she tells a fib she moderately indiscreetly glances to the side. She's alway there to help and support anyone who needs it- But….This leaves her with one problem, she's so focused on protecting and caring for others, painted an image of herself so highly that she's placed herself onto such a high pillar, that- when she wants help?…. She can't find it.


(This is from her twin brother, Aster's POV as there are features in hers that as of current times, would be better for plot-progression and character development as TBR, but still sums up their past adequately.)

//Foolish. Weak. Such are the words that Aster provides to whomever inquires about what he was like when he was a child. As both of the twins have their fair share of emotional scars, it could be said that they lived in a household full of complications. With a mother who was always "too busy with work" to look after her own children and an abusive alcoholic for a father, the two hadn't really grown up in the best of living environments. However, as much as Aster claims that he had no good childhood memories regarding their parents, their family situation wasn't always so bleak.

One of the reasons as to why Aster resents his father so much in particular is due to the way that he had been before he had gotten into his habit of drinking and taking out his stress on the only outlet that he could find, his children. The memories are very faint, but their father had once been like any other father. In fact, perhaps he was even kinder than most fathers. Realizing that the absence of a mother was no good for children, their father always made sure to keep the children content and safe. However, by the time the children were six, the stress of handling two children on his own while still working on a stress-heavy job caused him to take a turn for the worst. The fact that he had no emotional support due to his wife's ignorance and neglect only drove him further into his depression.

Suddenly seeing their father in such a broken state was enough to frighten the two as they were merely six-year-old children. It only became worse when their father began to take his stress out on his children in his drunken rage. He shouted about how his children were useless, how a smart girl and a strong boy would have been better than it being the other way around. Being the weaker of the two, Aster could do nothing but cower in fear as his father rampaged. His impression of his father only became worse as his sister, Retsa, would often take it upon herself to take some of the beatings for him.

Despite how he was while under the influence of alcohol, their father was still kind and gentle with the children when he didn't drink. He even apologized for his maltreatment and harsh words, giving hope to Aster that perhaps they could one day go back to the way that they once were. This hope was further built up by the promises that their father would give them about how he was going to try his best to "snap out of it" and that he was going to quit drinking. For short periods of times, it seemed that he really would quit, however something would always cause him to relapse, causing the terrifying cycle of abuse and apologies to continue. Over time, this behavior frustrated Aster. If his father hadn't had a kind side and if he hadn't treated them gently in the beginning, then Aster and his sister probably wouldn't have been so badly affected by the "bad things." If they had never known what it was like to have somewhat of a happy family, then he wouldn't have had to experience the pain of clinging onto a hope only to have it crushed into the ground over and over. If only he had always treated them badly, then they would have been more prepared and the emotional wounds would cut less deep. If he had never shown them his kind side, he could have simply brought himself to hate his father, just like he did his selfish mother for feigning ignorance of all that was going on in the household.

For a countless number of times, Aster had reached out to his father in search of the man that he had once used to be. However, this hope slowly dwindled until it was no more. He had given up on that hopeless "ideal" and instead focused on becoming stronger so that he wouldn't have to continue seeing his sister getting hurt in his place. He was tired of waiting for something that was obviously never going to happen. If his father was going to continue casting his children to the side, then he would retaliate by casting the past away. As a result of this, Aster began to repress his most extreme emotions, viewing them as a weakness. He refused to cry, refused to show anger, and even refused to allow himself to display his happiness and contentment as openly as he once had.

Even up to entering high school, this behavior continued along with his urge to look after his sister rather than allowing for it to be the other way around. At this point, he had turned to the arts as an outlet. As something that he actually truly enjoys as well as being his specialty, Aster uses the arts, especially the piano, as an outlet for all of the emotions and stress that he keeps bottled up inside. Music and the like had become the only things that he found that he could afford to "let loose" in.//


Aster Parell, her twin brother only 7 minuets younger and although they have the same eye colour that's about the only thing they have in common~ (
@Nano )



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Everyone who has made a character is accepted! Post whenever you wish.


Kiera Snow




Name: Kiera Snow

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She, Her, herself, The girl

Sexuality: Demi-Curious




Sleeping in



Dislikes: (at least 3)



Sad Endings


Height: 4'9"

Zodiac: Taurus the Bull


Don't be fooled by this red headed doll..

Kiera can be very stubborn in her perspective about life. This girl is physically strong and mentally quick. She's a perfectionist when it comes to the finer things in life, she has superb taste in clothes and almost everything else. She tends to be less thoughtful and caring since she spends most time by herself and away from humanity. Though inside her brain runs with ideas and amazing things including a imagination. Action is used not words when it comes to Kiera, talking just isn't her thing.

Kiera hates drama though romance doesn't bother her, it just seems to be in her system. She is actually flirtatious to get her every need and want 24/7. She tries to hide this though it just doesn't work. Oh and the sarcasm is strong with this one.


" You see I don't dwell in the past, and you shouldn't either!.."

Kiera Snow born on April 28 which was a rainy day, the baby was only 17 lbs. Now this tiny baby born in an average family of 4 or at least for a minute or so. As the raindrops slowed outside the hospital window, Liana Snow mother of Kiera Snow took her last breath. At the time the baby girl knew not of what was happening as doctors & nurses ran in and blinking lights went on and off. Finally everything went silent for only the weeping of a man & boy, and cries of a baby.

Time went off after the dreadful event and things happened on Kiera's 3rd birthday as she strolled around in baby blue dress. Kiera was hitting 3 though in this household the only person to care was her mother who looked down on her seemingly through pictures all over the house. For Mr. Snow was busy working as usual and Jacob Snow age 10 cared not for he blamed the toddler for his mother's death. All the poor girl got was a small teddy bear which she abnormally loved and tend to care for his name would be Tebby of which she could only pronounce.

Kiera was 10 when she found out that her father had gotten brain cancer and was dying , so at the sad time she turned to her brother who thought of her as a nuisance and was emotionally sad and angry 24/7. It wasn't soon when the snow came and a death struck and a tombstone appeared with the name " Matt Snow". Now Jacob was upset for he had lost his parents and soon motivation to live. Kiera was the first to find the hanging boy and was the first to cry tears as she was taken to her aunt's.

Kiera grew up in the care of a kind aunt who was seemingly in her 50's though she cared not. Kiera was home schooled for her first 2 schools were filled with bullying, this did not drain the intelligence of her though. Now Kiera is as strong as ever and is ready to head to class.







@Sugar Honey Iced Tea

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