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  1. Nullbyte

    RP Coin Network [Idea]

    Nevermind, I found a fairly obvious flaw in this system which would deem it useless which I did not think of initially.
  2. Nullbyte

    RP Coin Network [Idea]

    RP Coin (RPC) I had in mind -- how about creating something similar to bitcoin, but for RP's? I was thinking possibly RP creators who would want this system (RPC) implemented into their RP(s) would fill out a sign up form (form will basically just be the thread that wants to use the RPC) and...
  3. Nullbyte

    Other What Would You Do If You Were A Ghost?

    I would observe those committing the wrong, and punish them for such sins.
  4. Nullbyte

    Hi I'm vanilla!

    Hi there, and welcome to the RPNation community, Vanilla! If you have any questions, feel free to message myself or another member of RPN.
  5. Nullbyte

    Thank you, Salt Lord. I apologise for my late reply, the 'newbie restrictions' would not allow...

    Thank you, Salt Lord. I apologise for my late reply, the 'newbie restrictions' would not allow me to reply to your comment.
  6. Nullbyte

    *Insert Creative/Welcoming Title Here*

    Hi there, and welcome to the RPNation community, Sorrel! If you have any questions, feel free to message myself or another member of RPN.
  7. Nullbyte

    Anyone interested in an Empire like roleplay?

    Anyone interested in an Empire like roleplay?
  8. Nullbyte


    Hi there, and welcome to the RPNation community! If you have any questions, feel free to message myself or another member of RPN.
  9. Nullbyte

    Hiya! Tokyo Teddie here!

    Hi Tokyo Teddie, and welcome to the forums! I am just as new as you are, but that shouldn't be a constraint as to why I can't say welcome. (^U^) Be sure to read the Rules for the forums current regulations! Regards, Null.
  10. Nullbyte

    Collaborative RolePlay [Need Partner!]

    Good to see someone took interest in my thread for once. I will PM you shortly. (^U^)
  11. Nullbyte

    Collaborative RolePlay [Need Partner!]

    Thought(s) I am thinking of creating a reasonably large, free-for-all type roleplay. Events will be tailored to players actions. Plot All players are scattered within a forest, at random. Players will be able to create nearly anything to their hearts desire. A few notable actions include...
  12. Nullbyte

    A Second Introduction of Sorts.

    Welcome back!
  13. Nullbyte

    Realistic or Modern Kingdom Builders [v1.0]

    Bump. (I apologise if 'bumping' a thread is neglecting the Terms and Conditions/Rules of RPNation. I will delete this comment if so, thus sinking the topic to its original state)
  14. Nullbyte


    Thanks Kes, good to see a warm welcome. (^U^)
  15. Nullbyte


    Thank you, Sunkissed. (B')
  16. Nullbyte


    My name is Nullbyte -- simply abbreviated to Null. When creating roleplays, I enjoy working alongside the strategic side of things. I like a roleplay that gets players thinking, and roleplays that are tailored to a players choice of action(s). If you have any questions regarding myself, feel...
  17. Nullbyte

    Realistic or Modern Kingdom Builders [v1.0]

    Kingdom Builders [v1.0] Kingdom Builders will be a war-based game revolving around a realm of player kingdoms. What to expect in Kingdom Builders [v1.0] Attacking: NPCs/Player Empires Defending: NPCs/Player Empires Loot/Plunder: NPCs/Player Empires Mining: Gold/Silver Troops: Build...
  18. Nullbyte

    Realistic or Modern Parkour Z-Apocalypse

    Sounds good. Keep the idea rolling.
  19. Nullbyte

    Realistic or Modern Cirque Du Freak

    Seems interesting.