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  1. H

    The Hunger Games

    Denzel He mimicked her and messed up his hair to the way he like it, then took off some of the crap they stuck on him as he worked on this he talked "My name is Denzel um some people call me Zell." he listens to her talk then nods, "I don't think hate is a strong enough word for how I feel...
  2. H

    The Hunger Games

    Denzel He gave her a thumps up and mouthed "Partners." Back to her, before looking back at the crowd. He was finally let back inside away from those...monsters who enjoyed watching people die? He snuck away from Helen and his mentor. So he had made an allience with a girl frim another...
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    Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit

    Lyra "But, but how?" My voice quivered sharply and not usually being the huggy type I clung to her and burried my face in her shoulder, "My mom, your dad the thing s I have read in those books, about where they go to when they die......... its awful a horrible place." I sobbed choking them...
  4. H

    The Hunger Games

    Denzel He swore all the cursewords he knew in his head, he cursed the capital and everything it was worth, He tired his best not to glare or blush he rubbed at he cheeks and looked over at Helen who smiled and waved to them all she was two years older then he. Denzel scowled at her, why give...
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    Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit

    Avery I frowned as she ruffled my hair but a tiny smile touched my lips, "Yeah okay I guess sisters are suppose to be annoying." It still felt strange being surrounded by so many brothers and sisters, "So what have you been up to?" I asked curiously. Lyra My fist balled around my...
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    High School RP

    I want to join but I think this RP may be dead the owner's last visit to this site was Octomber 12th that is almost two months so idk...:confused:
  7. H

    Walking with the Angels

    I don't know but I want to start also!
  8. H

    Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit

    Avery I pouted at her "Hey I was reading that!" I whinned "You lost my page, and I got it from the library its in our cabin it belongs to everyone right?" he asked ucertiantly still pouting. Lyra I stopped playing and looked over at her, "Hi I am Lyra and I am in the Hermes cabin for now...
  9. H

    The Hunger Games

    Denzel He looked like a geek, a little innocent geek. Dezel tried to keep the blush off his cheeks but it mostlikly only made him look more like a little idot. He kept his pace up walking too fast his mentor slowed him down, he heard giggles, laughter and aww's from the crowd full of freaks...
  10. H

    The Hunger Games

    Denzel sighed and tried to listen to his mentor as he shovled food down his throat there was so much! And it was all really good, The one thing the old woman said that caught his interest is that they would be arriving soon, the next stop actually it made sense he would be early because he was...
  11. H

    Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit

    Lyra She sat quietly on a hill looking over the strawberry fleilds, she had to be hallucinating, to believe her mother is dead killed by some beast, and that she ran into a talking satyr who took her to a camp full of demi-gods. She refused to believe her mother was dead, but the silent ters...
  12. H

    The Hunger Games

    Denzel It had all happened in a nightmarish blaze, his name being called, his feet walking up to the stand , grieving faces, but no-one coming forward to take his place. The saddness tears in Dex's eyes, in al thier eyes, the tone in their voices as they uttered what it seemed like their...
  13. H

    Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit

    Oh my gods I love your for making this RP!!!! Charater One Name:Lyra Harper Nickname:Idk... Age: (19 and under.) 16 Gender:Female Son/Daughter: Daughter of Apollo Bf/Gf: None yet History: Lyra grew up in a hippie sort of place her mom was care free and her best friend, One day...
  14. H

    The Hunger Games

    Denzel grumbled as he put on his best dress shirt, slacks and tie. The tie was the worse Dezel gave up and tied it around his forhead instead, he made faces at himself in the mirror laughing at each one, the stupid capital wanted this to be a sad day well not sir not for him, Denzel grinned...
  15. H

    The Hunger Games

    District Three Denzel walked along the road, he hoppd over rocks and picked up pieces of wood tossing them about. He waved to some fellow friends sitting on the streets near garbage cans. Denzel gritted his teeth, today was the reaping, he clinched his fist slipting the wood in his hands and...
  16. H

    The Hunger Games

    OCC: awsome! So when do we began?
  17. H

    The Hunger Games

    I LOVE the Hunger Games! Name: Denzel Age:13 District:3 History:He was orphaned at age six, but a nice ole man named Dex took him in and taught him all about quick wiring and electronics devices Skills: Good at wiring and noticing electronic devices. Good with a spear shotting darts...
  18. H

    High School RP

    Hi There! I am new to this site and I am wondering If I could join as well? :confused:
  19. H

    Walking with the Angels

    This seems cool mind if I join as well? Name:Micah Davis Age:19 Gender: Male Appearance: He has smooth carmel colored skin, bright hazel eyes and messy deep brown hair swept back in a messy ponytail. History: Micah's Father was killed by the Fallen angels so you think he woud be angry...