The Hunger Games

Ziora went quietly to her place on the platform. When she was dismissed she spent the last moments with her family and then departe to the train, sleeping, her mentor getting used to her personality and being informed of how the events would take place throughout the time she would spend here. But she was only half listening.
Denzel sighed and tried to listen to his mentor as he shovled food down his throat there was so much! And it was all really good, The one thing the old woman said that caught his interest is that they would be arriving soon, the next stop actually it made sense he would be early because he was just the third district. The woman insturcted he go dress and wash now. Dezel agreed as he pladded off, taking a wiff of his armpits and he did just that. He came out drying his hair and scowled at the clothing on his bed.

"HEY LADY!" he hollered down the hall.

"Yes Denzel?" his mentor asked already knowing what was coming.

"What the hell is this your mking me were?" Denzel fummed

"It is your atire to present yourself to the capital with."

"You want me to were this in front of those people!!"

"Yes I do, now listen it will work for your advantage, give you the innocent look, this will get you more help in the battle field , and I know your not helpless but that is what we need to protrayed young boy, his name picked how unluckly for him, the woman especially will be eating it up, sending you things this is what we need now get dressed." Denzel stood there blinking before doing so, she was smarter then he thought, but still he did not like this..not one bit, he did not know if his pride could indure it.
Ziora was quiet while her mentor discussed strategies with her, then sent her to her stylist. The stylist was an average height woman who designed her a gorgeous dress, with cherry tree designs and branches and flowers with fruit tree stems woven into her hair. The orchards of district eleven made this outfit inspirational. She stood on her carriage with the male tribute from her district and waited.
Nikki glanced at the shimmering dress made of jewels he slipped on her. She closed her eyes and pulled the silver shaw on before sitting down and waiting to go to the carrigages.
Katniss was shocked when they got to the capitol by her prep team she automatically thought of them as pets but started feeling the pain soon after they started then when Cinna her stylist walked in she saw the simple bag he held with what she assumed was her outfit Cinna circled her and thane spoke "Put your robe on and lets go eat first." She followed him out to a room and plates of food rose from the table and they ate having conversation then he got to work sliding her unitard on her doing simply feature enhancing makeup. then they left to go to the chariot and she got in only to see peeta dressed identical to her.

He looked like a geek, a little innocent geek. Dezel tried to keep the blush off his cheeks but it mostlikly only made him look more like a little idot. He kept his pace up walking too fast his mentor slowed him down, he heard giggles, laughter and aww's from the crowd full of freaks! For once he did not really mind a quick death in the Arena . He made it in as his stylist and mentor talked deciding to torment him by fixing up his hair. He was loaded into the carrige along with Helen he did not know her too well, but she was dressed in girl version of a geeky electronic girl . Denzel groaned trying to hide himself.
Nikki chuckled at Denzel as he blushed she was watching him on the tvs. She turned around and waved to him. She wanted to make a good impression before she killed him. Even if he was cute.

He swore all the cursewords he knew in his head, he cursed the capital and everything it was worth, He tired his best not to glare or blush he rubbed at he cheeks and looked over at Helen who smiled and waved to them all she was two years older then he. Denzel scowled at her, why give thise batch of freaks what they want? He turned away from her seieing a very pretty girl wave at him, he hesitated for a second before waving back, he even to the chance to mouth "This is stupiid." at her He waited maybe, maybe she could be an ally until she had to die of course... he would not take her life he could not do that to anyone could he? I voice in his mind whisphered maybe.
Nikki nodded and mouthed back "I know." She quickly turned back around as the boy from her district, Devinne, pulled at her arm. Devinne liked her and she knew it. She shot him a glare before turning back around and mouthing to Denzel "Partners?".

He gave her a thumps up and mouthed "Partners." Back to her, before looking back at the crowd. He was finally let back inside away from those...monsters who enjoyed watching people die? He snuck away from Helen and his mentor. So he had made an allience with a girl frim another disrict, he was expect to work with Helen but he knew her plans bum of the kid while he gets his parsels and then leave him for dead not gonna happen!! Denzel smiled he would keep his allience with Nikki a secert.
Nikki smiled at Denzel when she saw him walking to the elevators. She got into the one he had stepped into and pressed the button labeled 1. She smiled at him and said "Hi. I'm Nicoletta, but everyone calls me Nikki." she played with a bright green emerald on her dress and bit her lip. She wiped at her face scraping the glitter and makeup away. She combed through her hair with her fingers and sighed "I hate this." she muttered as they went upward.

He mimicked her and messed up his hair to the way he like it, then took off some of the crap they stuck on him as he worked on this he talked "My name is Denzel um some people call me Zell." he listens to her talk then nods, "I don't think hate is a strong enough word for how I feel right now." I looks at her sideways, "So partners right? Do you have any plans or training? I am really good with electronics and not bad with fighting with a sword and some hand to hand." He leaned close to her ear, "I know where some pressure points are to stop a person from moving for a minute or two, So I am wondering what you can contribute Nikki?" He leaned back and waited for her response.
Nikki smirked "Well, I can handle a knife and I'm pretty good with a bow. But, hand to hand combat is my specialty." she said and looked out the clear glass of the elevator. She stepped out as the elevator stopped "Well, see you in training." she said and blew him a kiss as the doors closed. She walked to her room and sat on the large bed. She frowned as Devinne walked in "What do you want?" she said, annoyed. He just smirked and sat next to her. The room fades to black.

(FYI she was just r@pEd)
Katniss shuffled through the opening ceremonies dressed beautifully as the girl on fire she hated that she was admitting this to herself but she actually enjoyed this part she felt so otherworldly and above the crowd that cried and wailed to get her attention even for a meager second or two
Name: Aurelia Freestone

District: 12

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, freckles on cheeks. Slim, but muscular.

Mother: Mercy Freestone

Father: Sawyer Freestone

Siblings: Elijah Freestone(17) and Renata Freestone (13).


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