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  1. Wintide

    The Path From Fayland - Official RP

    [[Pssst-- Liam is a boy... =w=]] Liam staggered upright, wiping the nervous sweat from his brow. "T-Thank you..." He said, shaking, and suddenly began to breathe heavily. "I... I just..." He suddenly sighed and fell forward onto the young man, fainting from exhaustion and fear.
  2. Wintide

    The Path From Fayland - Official RP

    [[Oh! There he is!! xD It wasn't showing up for me... that's what I get for having too many tabs open. I'll hop in now!]] Liam wandered through the heavy forest's thickets, before suddenly bumping into a stranger. "Wah!" He shouted, falling backwards. He backed into a tree, having a nervous...
  3. Wintide

    The Path From Fayland - Official RP

    [[Gosh I can't seem to even find my character. It's like it didn't post! Q____Q; Hang on..]]
  4. Wintide

    The Path From Fayland - Official RP

  5. Wintide


    Name: Liam Artemis Forge Gender: Male Age: 18 Talent: Magic: Icebolt, Ice Spear, Hail Storm Personality: Socially Awkward, Shy, Caring, Loving, Emotional Background History: Growing up, Liam was a very enthusiastic and cheerful boy, however, he was also highly over-confident in...
  6. Wintide

    The Path From Fayland - Official RP

    [[Thank you kindly! Sorry to disrupt the roleplay. <3]]
  7. Wintide

    The Path From Fayland - Official RP

    [[Hello everyone, I'm interested in joining the roleplay with a character of mine. Are any openings available?]]
  8. Wintide

    Our Regular Lives!

    Katu walked sternly out of the main office, glancing around at a small map he had made himself of the school. He put his hand behind his head, blocking out the people around him, and before anyone could say a simple 'Hello', he walked off towards the math hall. However, someone had snuck out...
  9. Wintide

    Our Regular Lives.

    Cleo - Thank you so much!~
  10. Wintide

    Unmei no toshi - The City of Destiny - Information/Sign Up!

    Connected to Hearts Are the red strings of our fate Destiny draws near... ----------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Unmei, a small city centered in Japan. Not much is this town known for, in fact, little know of it's history. We...
  11. Wintide

    Nephilim Academy

    Well, I am a huge Yaoi fan, so... They'll totally be bisexual. =w= <3 Lets do this! I love the idea. Just gotta' get accepted.
  12. Wintide

    Nephilim Academy

    The boys are both straight, yes, but one of them could turn bi if needed. =w= Their sexualites are currently to be changed in roleplay if needed. [Though I prefer it if they stay straight.]
  13. Wintide

    Nephilim Academy

    [] Name: Kiyoshi Tsukino Nick Name: [N/A] Gender: Male Age: 18 Personality: Childish, Impish, Socially Awkward, Loving and Emotional History: Kiyoshi was born after his twin brother, and being the younger of the two, he lived up to his immature, "younger sibling" generalization...
  14. Wintide

    Our Regular Lives.

    Name: Kiyoshi Tsukino Nickname: Kiyo or "Kyo" Age: 18 Grade: [Would be 12th] Ethnicity: Japanese Appearance: Zodiac sign: Sagittarius Special Talents: Photographic Memory History: Growing up, young Kiyoshi was very healthy, and had a bit of an...
  15. Wintide

    LOL, I don't know weather to thank you for the comment, or sob uncontrollably for losing my...

    LOL, I don't know weather to thank you for the comment, or sob uncontrollably for losing my page's purity. It's just a filler-icon until I can decide on a nicer one. =w= Glad it made ya' smile!~
  16. Wintide

    Lovin' the site so far!~

    Lovin' the site so far!~