Our Regular Lives.

Name: Kiyoshi Tsukino

Nickname: Kiyo or "Kyo"

Age: 18

Grade: [Would be 12th]

Ethnicity: Japanese



Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Special Talents: Photographic Memory


Growing up, young Kiyoshi was very healthy, and had a bit of an appetite compared to his brother, due to his excessively high metabolism. He grew up babied and spoiled a lot more than his brother, as he was quite the complainer. His parents being rather wealthy, it wasn't too hard to get what he wanted out of them.

A few months after he and his brother turned 12, he was in a fatal car accident, alongside his brother, and his parents. His parents did not survive, and Kiyoshi and his brother barely made it out with their lives... however, Kiyoshi suffered from a very serious loss of brain damage, which included a minor loss of his memory. [After the accident, however, he obtained a photographic memory, and can easily remember things when he wants/needs.]

Today, at age

18, Kiyoshi is cared for by his older brother. He does not fully attend school, and stays in the dorm a lot until his brother returns. He cannot function as an adult, however, and rejects anything that makes him uncomfortable or upset. He has the maturity of a 12 year old and cannot learn properly.


Childish, Impish, Socially Awkward, Loving, Emotional.


  • Before the car accident, he was getting used to wearing contacts, however, now he only wears glasses.
  • Unknown to his brother, he will occasionally sneak out of the house and go to the supermarket to look at everything.
  • He can't remember the accident happening at all.
  • He will occasionally be seen talking to his parents, as if they were there.

Name: Katsu Tsukino

Nickname: Kat, Kat-Tsuki

Age: 18

Grade: 12th

Ethnicity: Japanese



Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Special Talents: Excels at Most Subjects, Hard Worker


When Katsu was born, he was immediately put in urgent care for many physical problems, including being unable to breathe properly. While twin brother, Kiyoshi, was healthy as a newborn, his parents stayed with both of their children to make sure Katsu would survive. Many times, they brought Kiyoshi close to his brother, hoping Kiyoshi's good health would rub off on his twin brother. Growing up, he had asthma, but eventually, it wore off, and he became fit and healthy, like his brother.

A few months after he and his brother turned 12, they were in a fatal car accident, alongside his parents. Their parents did not survive, and though Katsu escaped with a few cuts, bruises and a scar on his right shoulder, his brother suffered through serious brain damage and lost bits and peices of memory from his past. [Read Kiyoshi's bio above]

Katsu is now 18, and currently attends St. Clowes Academy in the States. His brother, who stays with him in his dorm room, gets tutoring on some days, along with therapy. He also balances a small job and School to make sure his brother gets the best treatment as possible. He cares for his brother a lot, and can get easily offended if anyone mentions his brother...


Caring, Protective, Serious, Hard-Working


  • He gets easily offended by anyone who insults or laughs about his brother and his condition. [Even mentioning his brother can set him off at times.]

  • He plays in sports, but not competitively, or on a team.

  • He and his brother share dog-tags that have both their names on each.

Name: Niklas L. Franchot (Pronounced "fran-show")

Nickname: Nik, Nikky

Age: 17

Grade: Senior

Ethnicity: German



Zodiac sign: Aries

Special Talents: Mechanical repair, fighting

History: Always taught by his parents to obey the rules, Nik grew to rebel against laws and rules, especially those set by his mother and father. Throughout his time in school, he has always been an outcast, hanging with the "bad kids" and despising the obedient. For this, he often gets into trouble, whether it be with law enforcement or his teachers. With his part-time job at a local mechanic's, Niklas learned how to repair all sorts of machines; anything from cars to radios. With his skill, the (quite old) owner is planning to leave the shop to Nik when he passes on.

Personality: Reckless and overly-confident are just two ways to describe Niklas. He is pessimistic, and often the first to question whoever is in charge's actions, or comment on "how likely [they're] gonna fail." He'll never admit his feelings about others to anyone, because he thinks emotions are for sissies.

Extra: Niklas also learned how to locpick from his boss.
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Name: Majicka Ghost Storm

Nickname: Maggie, Ghost

Age: 16

Grade: 11th

Ethnicity: Greek

Appearance: (Attachment at bottom)

Zodiac sign:Libra

Special Talents: Cooking, training animals, archery

History: Majicka was born into a pretty good life, her parents were still both alive though her dad was a struggling drug addict he has been clean for two months. Her family was all wicca. She grew up always outside playing with animals and making weapons using sticks and a carving knife. Food was her main passion she perfected the art of culinary at 10. She has a strange obsession with trying to speak to the dead she is very intersted in that stuff.

Personality: Fun, smart, she is friends with anyone and everyone, loves to help people with problems or anything, coordinated.

Extra: She has a pet rat she carries around in her pocket.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Anime-Girl-Swing-640x400.jpg.bb946b7abe237cdd844eda82882d8b94.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5078" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Anime-Girl-Swing-640x400.jpg.bb946b7abe237cdd844eda82882d8b94.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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