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  1. tyob123

    Fandom SCREAM, The Roleplay

    Good character feel free to start whenever!
  2. tyob123

    Fandom SCREAM, The Roleplay

    Great characters! Feel free to start Rping (Maybe by starting as an average day of school) while we wait for more people
  3. tyob123

    Fandom SCREAM, The Roleplay

    Ghostface stood above the bodies of the freshly killed couple, Joanne and Darryn. Did Woodsboro really think it was safe? Ghostface was sick of seeing the people of the town live without fear, frolicking as if they were invincible, disgusting. Ghostface would see to it that Woodsboro would...
  4. tyob123

    Fandom SCREAM, The Roleplay

    Name: Shea Morris Age: 17 Bio: Shea is one of the "Head Honchos" at Woodsboro High. He's equipped with a quick tongue, making the life of anyone unpopular a living hell. Looks: Shea stands in at about 5'5 so he suffers from a total Napoleon Complex. He has piercing green eyes and short...
  5. tyob123

    Fandom SCREAM, The Roleplay

    Also I didn't put this in the fandom section because this is 100% original RP so no taking characters from the movies or anything besides the killer.
  6. tyob123

    Fandom SCREAM, The Roleplay

    The Killer Name: Ghostface (real persona unidentified) Age:? Bio: A sick killer who wants Woodsboro Senior Class dead. Looks: Wears a long black robe that falls to the floor. Their costume wouldn't be complete without the iconic Ghostface mask they wear.
  7. tyob123


  8. tyob123

    Fandom SCREAM, The Roleplay

    Welcome to the town of Woodsboro! We hope you enjoy your stay...for now. You're a senior at Woodsboro High School and things have been pretty normal for you up until last week. Two of your classmates, Joanne Kellins and Darryn Jones, were found slaughtered at the Jones' residence by a...
  9. tyob123

    Fandom SCREAM, The Roleplay

    @tyob123, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  10. tyob123

    Fandom SCREAM, The Roleplay

    Skelly: Name: Age: (15-18) Bio: Looks: (Describe them NO PICTURES)
  11. tyob123

    Fandom SCREAM, The Roleplay

    You're a senior at Woodsboro High School and things have been pretty normal for you up until last week. Two of your classmates, Joanne Kellins and Darryn Jones, were found slaughtered at the Jones' residence by a mysterious killer. Soon the killer targets you and your friends! Who will live...
  12. tyob123

    The 35th Annual Hunger Games [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  13. tyob123

    The 35th Annual Hunger Games

    Name: Age: Looks: (Don't use pictures, leave some stuff up for the imagination!) Bio: District: Weapon of choice: Read more about this role play...Name: Quartz Age: 16 Looks: Quartz is of a short stature, about 5'2. He has sandy blonde hair and emerald cat like eyes. Bio...
  14. tyob123

    The 35th Annual Hunger Games

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  15. tyob123

    The 35th Annual Hunger Games [Inactive]

    tyob123 submitted a new role play: The 35th Annual Hunger Games - Compete to the death to bring pride to your district! Read more about this role play...
  16. tyob123

    Camp No Good

    Shea rolled his eyes at Molly trying to warn Alex, who did this chick think she was getting in the way of his plan for fun. He strolled over to Alex when Molly left and sighed "Don't worry about her, she's always had a bit of a crush on me. She's probably just jealous" Shea winked at Alex...
  17. tyob123

    Camp No Good

    Shea rolled his eyes and flicked the cigarette butt onto the cabin's floor. He saw the new girl arrive and sighed, another loser. He decided he wanted to have a little fun with this girl. "Hey, I'm Shea" he smiled sweetly "Mind if I carry in your bags for you?"
  18. tyob123

    Camp No Good

    (lol it literally just started)
  19. tyob123

    Camp No Good

    "Trust me hon I don't want gonorrhea" Shea blew smoke into Angelina's face.
  20. tyob123

    Camp No Good

    "Oh look it's the blonde bimbo that'll end up sleeping with half of us" Shea chuckled at his own comment. "Sorry 'darling' but we don't have condoms or lube or anything else you probably like in here. You're gonna have to look somewhere else"