Camp No Good

Alex sighs and walks up to the path of the cabin. She really hated the cabin.There was nothing to do. She didn't understand why she was going here alone, then she notices the other cars " Oh, are there other people here? " she asks her self, watching her breathes come out in life puffs of smoke. She walks up into the cabin, her bags already besides the door. " Ah, when do i get my video games! " She says irritated. She enters the door, noticing a few people here " Um.. Helllooooo? who are you guys? "She asks the group of people. 
@everlasting Hey! I'll try and post longer! i really don't like one liners ethier.
Angelina was un-phased by the puff of smoke blown in her face. "For your information, I'm a virgin and I'll be staying that way." She rolled her eyes and averted her attention to another female who had just arrived, 'oh look another one' she thought. "Angelina, and you are?" Angel looked the girl over, she didn't seem to look like as much of a jerk as the others.
Shea rolled his eyes and flicked the cigarette butt onto the cabin's floor. He saw the new girl arrive and sighed, another loser. He decided he wanted to have a little fun with this girl. "Hey, I'm Shea" he smiled sweetly "Mind if I carry in your bags for you?"
Alex sets down her bags, then a girl speaks to her. She smiles and replies " I'm Alexandria, but you could call me alex. " she says the walks to her room, throwing clothles into random drawers. She opens her bag and pulls out her phone, Alex, loved to take selfies " Hey anybody wanna take a selfie with me? A remberance of our first day at this cold a** cabin? "she aks then she laughs, maybe she was going to like it here, who knows, maybe she'll get an atuall boy friend. She laughs at that thought. " Nopee..." she says in her mind while she walks back out of her room and over to the kitchern, she was starved, since the trip. " What is there to eat in this dang place? " she asks no on in particular. 
Hello? Guys?? )))
Molly glared over at Shea. "Really?" She shook her head. Suddenly he was nice to this Alex girl. He obviously wanted something. She then called out to the redhead who was in the nearby kitchen. "Listen Alex, don't take anything from Shea." She pushed herself off the bed, glaring at Shea as she did, and said more quietly, "he sucks." She then walked towards the doorway, stopping as she reached the frame. "Barbie, you wanna finish unpacking? I don't want the room to be a mess."


Carson watched as everything went down and sighed. "I'm just gonna go fix up some coffee. I'll make extra in case any of you want some." He walked into the kitchen and slid by Alex. "We don't exactly have much food yet. My dad was gonna bring a bunch in tomorrow morning." He opened a pantry above her. "But we do have an assortment of crackers if you're interested."
Angelina smiled at Alex, "well, I hope we can get along" she said sincerely, she didn't want to spend the entire break picking pathetic fights with the others. Not wanting to bicker with Molly anymore, she made her way to their room, and unpacked what she had left. Her bras and underwear, which she shoved in with her tank tops since she didn't have to many and there was a lot of extra space. A couple hair ties and a brush, she slid the ties onto her right wrist and placed the brush on the surface of the dresser. Finally, was her makeup, Angie never wore a ton of makeup, she assumed she was only called Barbie for the lipstick, but she wasn't about to change her style to please the others; concealer, mascara, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil and lipstick all fit into one black and white makeup bag which she placed beside the brush.
Molly opened up her closet and began to hang up her many dresses. "So..." she started, attempting conversation with her roommate, "Why did you're parents decide to send you here?" After hanging up the last one, she took a mirror and hung it on the door. She then took out her liquid eyeliner from her front pocket and began to fix herself.
Shea rolled his eyes at Molly trying to warn Alex, who did this chick think she was getting in the way of his plan for fun. He strolled over to Alex when Molly left and sighed "Don't worry about her, she's always had a bit of a crush on me. She's probably just jealous" Shea winked at Alex, hoping she would buy his story.
Angelina shrugged, pushing her hair behind her ear and sat on 'her bed', "I guess they just got tired of me being suspended and getting into fights." She paused for a second, "they don't understand how annoying the people at my school are, they'd knock their lights out too." Angie sighed and glanced over at the closet, "nice dresses."
Alex smiled at Carson, he was pretty cute " Ya, Thanks, coffee sounds great right now." then a girl spoke to her warning her about shea, She didn't even know any of these people, but she hoped they were nice. She sits down at a table as some guy tries to talk to her,She sligtly smiles at him and then he talks. She eys him suspisously " Ya, right..." she says as she runs her hands through her bright red hair. " Haha, Okay, now i'm bored...." She sighs and runs to her room, passing by Angel, she forgot to reply to her earlier " I hope we can be friends too "She smiles toward her. Then she runs to her rrom and un-packs the rest of her stuff, she took out her big makeup case, which had three different eyeliners, red red lipstick, mascara, her black nail polish. she sets it down on her dresser and takes out her game boy. psp, her X-box, Wii, she had almost anything that you could think of, " Nice.."She thinks as she sets them down on the couch in the living room. then she puts the rest of her chlothles into her drawers. bra, underwear,t-shirts,skinny jeans, sweat pants, and her geekyy,nerdy glasses. she sighs as shes is finshes and sits down on her bed. she hears a small little whimper coming from the other side of the room " Shadow! " she says as she remembers the she forgot her dog was here with her. Akex, walks over to the dof cage and lets her out. " Come on let's meet the others " She whispers to shadow as they walk back out into the living room. 

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