Camp No Good


Hit Me!
When a group of parents decide to start a book club, they all agree that they need some time away from their troublesome teens. Luckily, the Gilmores own a camp up in Maine. So why not send their kids there alone, for one hectic, cold, and plot twisting winter break?

Molly stepped into the cabin with a big sigh. She hadn't visited this place since she was six years old. "Well," she said to her brother Carson, "might as well go unpack." She headed towards the third room and threw her two suit cases on the floor next to the window side bed. She then flopped down.


Carson walked into the first bedroom. It was pretty plain but he liked how small and cozy it was. It was also next to the kitchen and that was a plus! He set his bags down gently next to the door and took his boots off. He sat on the edge of his bed and put on a pair of navy blue slippers.
Shea walked into the cabin with three of his seven suitcases. "Ugh" he scoffed "This is so...woodsy, I hate it." He threw his first set of bags into Room One. He then pushed the two beds together forming one large bed "This is my room" he alerted the others disregarding the fact they're supposed to share.
Carson looked the boy up and down. "First of all, who are you? And secondly," he pulled his bed back towards the other wall, "This is my family's cabin so no... but good try."
Angelina let out a long sigh as she walked into the cabin, "this is great" she said, he voice coated in sarcasm. She walked into room three and set he bag down on the bed she presumed was hers, seeing as no one occupied it. "Hey," she greeted the other female in the room; might as well make conversation and at least one friend so the stay isn't as pitiful as she had expected.
Molly, looking over at the girl who just stepped in, made a disgusted noise and said, "You look like a freaking barbie."
Angelina glared over at the younger girl and laughed at the pathetic joke, "cute insult, dear." She retorted, her voice condescending. "Nice eyeliner, did you use the brush or just smudge your fingers over your eyes?" she asked before opening her suitcase and pulling out numerous clothing items.
"Listen you twit" Shea said pointing his finger in Carson's face "My parents sent me here because they thought it would be," Shea formed air quotes "good for me. I don't care who owns this place I'm taking that room"
"I don't wanna fight with you, kid. If you're parents thought it would be good for you, shouldn't you make the most of it? We're gonna share the room." He patted him on the shoulder. "K, buddy?" He then picked up one of his bags and began to hang his stuff in the closet.


Molly rolled her eyes and made herself comfortable under her covers. "Ooooo. Burn," she said uninterestedly as she kept her eyes locked on the ceiling.
Angelina, let out a short sigh as she grouped up her different articles of clothing and shoved them into the corresponding drawers. Tank tops in the top right, t-shirts and long sleeves underneath, then sweaters under that. Leggings in the top left, jeans underneath and sweatpants in the bottom drawer. She then plopped down onto the not-exactly-comfortable-but-decent bed and closed her eyes, listening to the shouting outside the room. "So I guess no ones going to get along here" she murmured to no one in particular.
"Yep," Molly answered before groaning as she pushed herself off the bed. "I'm gonna go check out what's goin' on."
Shea plopped down on his bed and closed his eyes. "Make yourself useful and get the rest of my bags" Shea figured he should make the most out of this occasion, by making Carson his servant.
Angelina fixed her eyes on a crack in the ceiling, "you go right ahead and do that." She somewhat groaned and tilted her head to both sides, cracking her neck. "Let me know is anything exciting happens."
Carson shook his head then looked over at the boy. "Hm...No." He then turned back to the closet.


Molly walked out of the room and turned the corner. She saw the the door to her brother's room was open so she waited in the doorway. "How's it going, love birds?"
Shea shot up at Carson's refusal. "Excuse me? I told you do something, go do it" Shea couldn't believe this kid defied him.
Carson didn't even bother to turn around. "Who died and made you king?" He then noticed Molly in the doorway. "Oh, ya know. Just unpacking. Dealing with that kid over there."


Molly nodded. "Shea is it?" She shrugged. "I heard you through the walls. You're lucky you got a pretty face because that personality is going nowhere for ya."
"Whatever" Shea didn't have time for these disrespectful losers. He retrieved his remaining luggage and tossed it onto his bed. Shea pulled out a carton of cigarettes and swiftly removed one. "Mind if I smoke?" Shea said in a mocking voice as he lit cigarette filling the room with the smell of smoke.
Molly rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She walked in a sat next to Shea. "Mind if I have one?"


Carson gave her a look. "C'mon, Molly. Stop."
Shea put the carton back into his bag "I'm not just gonna let you have something a scarce as this. I only have like 3 cartons to last me this whole time, get your own."
Angelina caught the sent of cigarette smoke from the other room and perked up, hopping off of the bed. Entering the bedroom, she noticed the sassy girl, also known as her roommate and two males, one of which were smoking. Mentally chuckling at the shut down of the female, she leaned against the door frame. "Hello darlings."
"Oh look it's the blonde bimbo that'll end up sleeping with half of us" Shea chuckled at his own comment. "Sorry 'darling' but we don't have condoms or lube or anything else you probably like in here. You're gonna have to look somewhere else"
Angelina scoffed and laughed at his joke, "oh please, honey- you only wish you could get a piece of this." She grinned, "listen dear, that piss ass attitude you have there isn't going to get you anywhere."
"First of all, Barbie, no one wants you. And second," she said looking at Shea, "you can screw off."


Carson held back laughter. "I'm going to the kitchen."

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