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  1. redhuntinghat

    Childhood Memories

    Liam spits in his hand and shakes Robin's, "Sounds like a deal" He then proceeded to circle around the cul-da-sac a few more times before going back home, excitedly preparing for the following night. Hopefully it will come soon.
  2. redhuntinghat

    Childhood Memories

    Liam smirked, "Scary stories, you say? How scary can they be?"
  3. redhuntinghat

    Childhood Memories

    "Oh, yes, that sounds like a good idea," he nods a bit, "I think I have some good stories for this!" with a soft smile he nods at them and saunters off into his house. He began to peer through his large collection of books, running his fingers along the bindings until he found what he was...
  4. redhuntinghat

    Childhood Memories

    Simon looks between them all, seemingly one step behind everyone else. "Oh, ehh, that is good! Tomorrow, then...which one is yours?"
  5. redhuntinghat

    Childhood Memories

    (( sorry for the super delayed response :sorry: , just had a really crazy weekend )) Simon finally let himself smile a bit. He expected to not relate to anyone at all, nevertheless find someone who could sort of speak his native tongue. "No, no, you did pretty well!" his accent lightened a...
  6. redhuntinghat

    Childhood Memories

    Simon looked up a bit, nervously, "Mi n--I'm Simon. Simon Vega, I libe right there," he pointed to the newly built modern house behind him. He blushed a bit after saying "libe" instead of "live", as he was hoping to maintain his American accent as long as he could. Normally he did a pretty good...
  7. redhuntinghat

    Childhood Memories

    Simon looks up a bit curiously. He wasn't sure if that was an invitation, or if she was laughing at her, or what, but he couldn't work up the courage to ask. He was too afraid of letting his accent slip and sounding like a fool. So, instead, he just looked at her eagerly, as if she were s a...
  8. redhuntinghat

    Childhood Memories

    (( Totally didn't get a chance to post while you guys were eating pie, but I mean I guess this is the best I could do )) Simon continued to read in his tree. With the mention of pie, though, he looked over enviously. He wanted to go over there, he wanted to join the other kids. But he was too...
  9. redhuntinghat

    Childhood Memories

    Simon came out of his front door reading a book with one hand and an apple in the other hand, seemingly not even noticing the other kids playing. He had his camera strapped over his shoulder and was dressed far too well for an 8 year old boy casually going out to read. He then walked over and...
  10. redhuntinghat

    Childhood Memories

    I think I need more information on setting. Where and when does this take place? And do they all live on the same street, or is there some other way they are all connected...? Name: Simón Jose Luna Vega Age(7-10): 9 Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Looks(PLEASE MAKE THEM LOOK THEIR AGE): (I spent...
  11. redhuntinghat

    The Angel Regimen (Open! Please look at Sign Up Sheet!)

    As they went down to the street, Samson looked around like a bloodhound looking for a scent. He began wandering down different streets and alleyways, as if in some sort of trance, never checking behind him to make sure Genesis was still following him. Just as he suggested, they soon found...
  12. redhuntinghat

    The Angel Regimen (Open! Please look at Sign Up Sheet!)

    Samson narrowed his eyes and focused on Genesis for a moment, his soft and unassuming gray eyes suddenly becoming soul piercing and intense. Then, with a sudden movement which like he seems to frequently make, he dramatically turned toward the edge of the building. He gazed out at the city in...
  13. redhuntinghat

    The Angel Regimen (Open! Please look at Sign Up Sheet!)

    He looked to her, thinking that over for a moment as if he had not gone through the implications of such an offer until then, "Weellllll...sort've. I mean its kinda like a puzzle, but where everyone else is blind I can see the pieces," he then nodded to himself with a cheery smile, seemingly...
  14. redhuntinghat

    The Angel Regimen (Open! Please look at Sign Up Sheet!)

    While Genesis was looking on her phone and trying to sort things up, Sam got up and begin to pace a bit, looking around the rooftop with distracted carefree curiosity. Yet, he maintained a subtle notice of Genesis, and, as soon as she got off the phone, turned to her and with a flash of his...
  15. redhuntinghat

    The Angel Regimen (Open! Please look at Sign Up Sheet!)

    Samson nodded a bit, pausing to keenly think over what she just told him for a moment, then with an eager grin looked back at her, "So, what now?"
  16. redhuntinghat

    The Angel Regimen (Open! Please look at Sign Up Sheet!)

    Samson nodded a bit, still seemingly a bit unsure, "I guess that makes sense, its just...a lot to think about..." he wandered over to a nearby wall and dropped his bag down onto the floor, taking a seat on the ground next to it. With his back against the wall, he placed his left leg evenly on...
  17. redhuntinghat

    The Angel Regimen (Open! Please look at Sign Up Sheet!)

    "I know who you are, that's why I've come here. But how can you ensure the safety of anyone?" He peered at her with serious sincerity, having been at this point quite focused on the situation at hand rather than focusing on anything else.
  18. redhuntinghat

    The Angel Regimen (Open! Please look at Sign Up Sheet!)

    Relieved in more ways than one, he let his guard down from what already seemed to be a state of calm to an even more relaxed demeanor. "I am able to know things that other people can't," he said, speaking in a daydreamy voice that, "I don't learn things just from speaking and listening, but...
  19. redhuntinghat

    The Angel Regimen (Open! Please look at Sign Up Sheet!)

    He thought about that for a second. He tried to take heed from what she thought, which didn't help, so he thought more. He scratched his head a bit, and furrowed his light brown eyebrows. He came up with nothing. He wasn't sure what to say, nervous about properly executing this first encounter...
  20. redhuntinghat

    The Angel Regimen (Open! Please look at Sign Up Sheet!)

    Samson peered at her curiously. If he was daunted by the gun she pointed at him it was masked by his peculiar expression of relief. Sure, he was nervous about having a shotgun pointed at him at point blank, but it helped fuel his belief that she was of the Angel Regimenites he was looking for...