Childhood Memories

What did you love to do as a kid?

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Junior Member
We all remember those days

Those days when we were little

And had memories we treasured

Of people we met and who changed us

Of friends we made that stuck with us to the end

Of magical sword fights and adventures to distant lands

If only those days could last forever....

Hello and thanks for stumbling into this RP! This roleplay is some sort of experiment I'm trying. We will go through multiple chapters in this RP so please stick around till the end! First it will be the Children Chapter, the Teen Chapter, then the Adult Chapter. See where I'm going with this? You will be growing up along with your character. They will make friends and possibly enemies along the way. It's all how you roleplay it out.


1. Get along with everyone OOC! People should have fun here :3

2. No god-modding, or anything that doesn't abide by RPNation rules.

3. Put Nostalgia in your bio if you have read the rules

4. Put effort into your bios please! THe more descriptive the easier it will be for your character to grow.

I will let you all know when we will be moving onto the next chapter. I don't know how we will separate the chapters but I was thinking of just separating threads, that way it would be easier for everyone to read back or start anew. But you will have to update your character after each chapter just to let you know!






History(Optional. You may develop this throughout the RP):


I wanted to make this RP just for the sake of giving people nostalgia as well as make things exciting

Name: Mary Answel

Age: 9


Personality: She is quiet and reserved and isn't the kind to talk alot. Mary is a total scaredy-cat and will jump and scream at the littlest things. She always seems to be distant from the other kids and doesn't really play that much. Mary is really shy and gets as embarrassed as she gets scared.

History: Mary in truth was pretty sick when she was born, her parents were so worried about losing her that they kept her coped out in the house most of her life. It is because of this that she has a hard time making friends and why she is so shy. She was able to start get out of her house more recently.

Other: She secretly dreams of a cute little fairy tale where she finds her true love.

Name: Robin Hersondale

Age: 10


Personality: Probably one of the sweetest kids you will ever meet. He is polite and is usually the one to play the "knight in shining armor". Though he is stubborn and overly cocky, and can be especially hard-headed when things don't go his way. Robin is the kind to like to protect young girls from danger, always expecting them to be damsels in distress.
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Name: Rooroo Rose Wolph

Age(7-10): 7


Personality: Rooroo is a playful little child who loves to asks questions. She doesn't always get that sometimes it's not okay too. She is very gullible and innocent. She always looks for the good in everyone.

History(Optional. You may develop this throughout the RP):

Other: Nostalgia
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Name: Lota Talore

Age(7-10): 8

Looks(PLEASE MAKE THEM LOOK THEIR AGE):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdcf9cae0_images(1).jpg.b6cb4870fc657655c520e010add720a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2715" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdcf9cae0_images(1).jpg.b6cb4870fc657655c520e010add720a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Nostalgia xD Lota is a sweety pie that always feels bad when someone else feels bad. She loves to help others, especially old people. She loves to meet new people and is always dancing around and singing. She bumps into people from time to time and feels really bad when she does. She normally holds in her tears unless she is alone. A complete fighter for what she believes in and has a small issue when people touch her stuff, especially repeatedly. She likes to be in her mothers garden and her mother loves to dress her up in white, even though Lota normally gets the dress dirty whne she plays with the rest of the kids. At school Lota acts the part of being royalty and does all her manners correctly like taught.

History(Optional. You may develop this throughout the RP): She was born in a royal family. Extreme money but she must earn her rewards to get anything from her parents. She has chores around the house that she does while skipping around. She plays with the neighbors kids when possible but mostly she played normally in her room by her self pretending she was traveling the world with her imaginary friend.



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Better? x3 I totally read it I was just too sleepy to remember until you said that xD
Lota waits semi-patiently while having tea with her pinky up to become a character... ^.^

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Name: Johnathan (Johnny) Evans



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/BeFunky_07e5035f11f8a2b217ad53c5289eddcb71a8d1aa.jpg.jpg.16bd9902151b876fb6d18bc450216202.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2733" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/BeFunky_07e5035f11f8a2b217ad53c5289eddcb71a8d1aa.jpg.jpg.16bd9902151b876fb6d18bc450216202.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Isaac is very protective of people he loves. He's usually pretty quiet and calm about everything. He's also kind of a 'momma's boy'. He's love to draw, paint, and learn about music.

History(Optional. You may develop this throughout the RP): Johnny, his sister, his father, and his mother have just moved into town. He's never really had friends, but is hoping to make at least one in this new neighborhood.


Name: Iris (Rissy/Ris) Evans

Age(7-10): 8


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/fca87583d21adcccad0aa43850e692e033a37cea.jpg.8fd8d607a4c3bf59ed8ef4b33b06e336.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2810" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/fca87583d21adcccad0aa43850e692e033a37cea.jpg.8fd8d607a4c3bf59ed8ef4b33b06e336.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Iris is always happy and bubbly. She's the type to stand up for what's right. She's always trying to make everyone around her happy and keep smiles 0n their faces. As much as she loves to have fun, she understands when she has to be serious. She's very playful and loud also.

History(Optional. You may develop this throughout the RP): Iris, her brother, her father, and her mother have all just moved into town. She's very excited to meet new people and have fun.




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Name:Rhea Key



Personality:Rhea is adventours,talkative and just loves to play pretend.There isn't a time when she isn't slaying a dragon or having tea with angles.She lives in her own world where she can do anything she wants whenever she wants.She also just loves people and likes to be around them.She is the girl who will practically drag you into a game if you look lonely or sad.

History;N/A to be developed as she grows.

Other: She is afraid of thunder.
Everyone is accepted! Though please read the rules! I know it's the usual stuff that you always see but it always reassuring when I know that people know what they're doing.... I will make a separate thread and link you all to the RP.
I think I need more information on setting. Where and when does this take place? And do they all live on the same street, or is there some other way they are all connected...?

Name: Simón Jose Luna Vega

Age(7-10): 9

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio


(I spent WAY too much time on this collage)


Personality: Simon is a very passionate, curious, and mature boy who is wise beyond his years. He is pretty mellow and often keeps to himself, but has a streak of being sometimes sarcastic and even short-tempered. He likes to dress and act like he is much older, and seems to resent being 9 years old. He is very bright and creative, and at times can act a bit precocious because of it. This doesn't make him any less 9 years old, however, and can certainly act it sometimes. He can be extremely silly, ridiculous, and actually loves to laugh and is quite funny, though he often hides it beyond his serious demeanor. A lot of times he acts like a snarky loner, but really he just wants to make friends but is quite insecure. He also does not care for sports, and would much rather read or photograph. He rarely can be seen without a book, his journal, and his camera.

History(Optional. You may develop this throughout the RP): Simon moved to America from Spain only a year ago and speaks both fluent English and Spanish, though his accent still shines through a little bit. His father, Javier, is a freelance designer/photographer and can not only speak both, but also Portuguese, French, Italian, and some Catalan. His artist mother Nerea, on the other hand, still struggle with their English and speak Spanglish at home and sometimes struggles to communicate with Americans. Simon also has a 4 year old sister Ana, who he calls Annie, who he is very fond and protective of.

Other: Nostalgia

Name: Liam Bennett

Age(7-10): 10

Zodiac Sign: Aries



Personality: Liam is your classic troublemaker. He is rowdy, inappropriate, and just loves pushing buttons. He drives teachers crazy and is a class clown. He is, however, actually quite funny, even if he sometimes is funny at the wrong times. He is constantly outside playing and is quite athletic, enjoying soccer, baseball, football, basketball, hockey, and biking. He is often dirty and loves it, and is basically your run of the mill rowdy gross little boy.

History(Optional. You may develop this throughout the RP): Liam is the youngest of 5 brothers; 12 year old Elliott, 14 year old Charlie, 17 year old Connor, and 19 year old Matthew. He, as a result, is often babied by his older brothers, much to his annoyance. He idolizes and imitates his older brothers, though they often all fight and butt heads.

Other: Nostalgia
Name: Kimberly Greene

Age(7-10): 8

Looks(PLEASE MAKE THEM LOOK THEIR AGE):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/m.png.000e9ac6c991cfd7796f15c0e4e9b682.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3227" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/m.png.000e9ac6c991cfd7796f15c0e4e9b682.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: shy, quiet, sort of absent- minded.

History(Optional. You may develop this throughout the RP): She was taken from her birth parents as an infant because of their drug abuse. Now, 8 years later, her adoptive parents are moving in to a new town.

Other: She is home schooled and takes violin lessons.

(Sorry I tried my best to make an 8 year old. Not a lot of young looking anime creators out there. -_- )



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Name: Leo(nel) Lim

Age(7-10): 10

Looks(PLEASE MAKE THEM LOOK THEIR AGE): Does he look his age?

Personality: Leo's a very outgoing and spontaneous child. He likes to play pranks on people and make jokes. Leo's a very happy kid and is often mistaken as a girl, which upsets him since he's a guy. He's also quite the smarty pants and is top of his class.

History(Optional. You may develop this throughout the RP): Leonel is an only child living with his mother in a small apartment. They're struggling financially, but are close knit. Leo wants to grow up and get a job quickly so he can take care of his stressed and overworked parents.

Leo's father left the country to make money somewhere else, Leo looks up to his father, and they communicate over email. His mother, however, is juggling 3 jobs and a kid, with no time to pick Leonel up, he always had to walk home by himself. She comes home late with a tired and exhausted look on her face, but can always give Leonel a cheerful smile. Leo does what he can to help his mother, cleaning the house, cooking the meals, etc. and will strive to make her proud (what a momma's boy).

With his friends, Leonel has a little hero club that goes around helping the neighborhood. Although, sometimes their help backfires...

Other: NOSTALGIA!!!! :D

Name: Kennedy Anderson

Age: 9



Personality: Kennedy's happy, energetic and outgoing exterior masks her shyness that she tries desperately to hide. Although she loves making new friends, the task is difficult to her because of her hidden shyness. Kennedy enjoys being silly, and can't help but burst into a fit of laughter if even the slightest funny thing happens. Often times when Kennedy doesn't have things her way, she gets a little upset, but overall, she can handle it and compromise. Making friends is her biggest goal, along with challenging her timid and shyness. Kennedy is also a bit of a flirt, even for her young age.

History: (Let's just develop it throughout the rp, haha)


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