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  1. Lucas Stello

    Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

    Alexa apparated right in the middle of her Magical Defense class. She was late yet again. Alexa was still getting adjusted to the new time zone Excelius was in, and had overslept for many of her classes. Realizing her period of Magical Defense had ended hours ago, she rushed off to Advanced...
  2. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    Alexa quickly jumped out from behind a corner, aimed straight at Jack's chest, and shot a pale disarming curse from her wand.
  3. Lucas Stello

    Fantasy Excelius: Academy of the Arcane Arts

    Hey @Veyd Sahvoz is my character accepted?
  4. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    Alexa, realizing that she would be defeated by the guardian or by @Light, used a summoning charm on her wand, which flew towards her. As soon as it touched her hand, Alexa teleported away from the duel to another location in the guild within shouting distance of her opponent. "You have bested...
  5. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    Alexa struggles against the grasp of the guardian. She manages to slip from it's hold, leaving her wand in the process. Weaponless, Alexa backs away from the guardian and quickly casts a disarming charm with her magic bracelets. Alexa's wand flys out of the guardian's grasp and lands right...
  6. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    The guardian's claws almost strike Alexa's face, but rebound off a charm she had casted earlier. While the guardian was staggered, Alexa quickly shot a killing curse straight into the beast's chest. Bright, green lighting shot out of the tip of her wand and enveloped the guardian.
  7. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    (Sorry I was busy IRL) "I can handle this." Alexa says. "Confringo!" She yells, as flames erupt from her wand, englufing the astral warriors. She turns her attention towards the guardian, and aiming at it, casts a spell that shoots a jet of pressurized water towards the fire. She waits for...
  8. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    "Don't worry friend, it's only a duel. She won't KILL me." Alexa said quietly. As she waited for her opponent to make her first "My name is Alexa Hopewill. I've come to the guild seeking new adventure and have already found some. I've met your friend Morpheus. Would you care for a duel?"
  9. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    Sage, you seem preoccupied with that girl. (I'll fight Light's character for now.) "I accept your challenge. You can make the first move." Alexa said.
  10. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    "Good to see everyone is kinda calmed down." Alexa said, "But I'm probably going to get people riled up again, because I'm rather bored and am looking for something or someone to fight. Anyone know any candidates?"
  11. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    "Well... I suppose I'll join your Dragon's Warriors. You gave me a proper greeting and all, so I think it's only fair." Alexa said. She looked over at Sage, Jack and the ice arrow, wincing at the pain it would cause him on impact.
  12. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    Alexa materialized after having disappeared for several hours. "Yawnnnn.... Sorry guys, I had a little nap. What's up-!?" she said, stopping as she saw the fighting animals and quarreling guild members. "Well, Jack- is it? I'm sorry I missed you. I suppose you should join the guild if you...
  13. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    Well Well, to answer the question of you and your pale friend Morpheus, I've come in search of new adventure. My name is Alexa, and I am a trained Enchantress. It is nice to meet both you and Morpheus. Alexa conjures pale crystal butterflies and sends them towards Theodore and Morpheus...
  14. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    Alexa looks up. "I thought I felt someone watching me... Oh well! "It was nice to meet you Mr. Kitty, and Top-Hat man. Perhaps I shall see you again soon!" Alexa says as she walks into the main guild chamber. "Wow. This place is incredible", she says as she looks around. "What can I get...
  15. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    "Yes. I'm afraid I destroyed the entrance." Alexa said sadly. "Before I come in there though, let me fix it." Alexa gave Morpheus a small pet, and then began casting a repairing charm. Parts of crystal and various rubble began to hover back into place, eventually reforming into a door that...
  16. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    Uh-oh" Alexa said. "I did NOT mean to cause that much damage." Alexa noticed the small blue kitten. "Well you're an awfully cute one. Are you okay?"
  17. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    Alexa began to wonder if she had come to the right place. Was Dragon's Roar even real? She backed away from the crystal pillar and pointed her wand at it. This would be her plan B on entering the guild. "Here goes nothing" she muttered. She flicked her risk and exclaimed, "Bombarda Maxima!"...
  18. Lucas Stello

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    Climbing out of a small boat, fresh-faced Alexa heads towards the large crystal pillar known as Dragon's Roar. "I've heard of this place, but how do I get in?" she murmurs. Alexa, looking around, quietly pulls out her wand and casts a small enchantment on the face of the crystal pillar...
  19. Lucas Stello

    Hello, World~

    Thank you very much Xylin!
  20. Lucas Stello

    Hello, World~

    Hey everybody! I recently came to this site out of boredom, but have had some experience role-playing before. I go by Lucas! It's nice to meet you all. This seems like a pretty cool place, so I'm excited to get involved with some RP's. See you all around I suppose!