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  1. TheWanderer

    New to here

    Ohhh, I understand, you're a fandom roleplayer. Thats where we differ, hahaha. I do stuff completely made up. Plot, World, Characters, everything. Makes the process much more tedious I'll admit but it's very fun. 
  2. TheWanderer

    New to here

    is that a thing, do we take characters to be our persona or is that just a character you roleplay...?
  3. TheWanderer

    New to here

    I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing (big surprise). I'm new to this site, though not to roleplaying. I joined the site a long time ago but never used it and am still very confused. I am an advanced  literate or T-1/T-00 level roleplayer (do you guys even use those terms on here idk), which...
  4. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

    Alice Waters Alice laughed at Audrey’s questions, amused by her friend’s rapid fire speaking. “I’m fine, just been a bit busy these last couple months, but this break is just what I needed before college starts.” Alice said smiling, the decision between college in France or in the States...
  5. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

    Alice Waters Alice spent some time floating on the surface of the pool, letting the rays of the sun warm her, completely at peace. She lay like that with her eyes closed for some time, before finally getting out of the water. She dried off slowly, letting her hair dry in the sun, the locks...
  6. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

    I'll write up a post when I get home
  7. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

    It is 3 in the afternoon lol
  8. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

    anyone wanna interact, not sure what to do
  9. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

  10. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

    Alice Waters Alice walked from the stables, having stopped to admire the giant animals housed inside. She have never ridden, but something about the sweet smell of hay and the soft breaths of the horses was very calming. She would have to try her hand at horseback riding for sure, but right...
  11. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

    lol sorry, just rambling.
  12. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

    hmmm this gives me some ideas, wont make her a swimmer because I know from personal experience that that wont be an easy thing to write well... but i could make her a diver. That could be cool.
  13. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

    lol you guys be swimmin and im here just finished with swim practice
  14. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

  15. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

    Ok I'm gonna be off, gonna watch Antman with the fam
  16. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

  17. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

    We could make a rule if they don't post in 24 hours we skip them
  18. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

    I think we should have an order in which we post, in my experience it makes things flow a lot easier
  19. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

    Alice Waters Alice listened to Ian with an unreadable face. She wouldn’t pull the “be grateful” card, but what he described sounded nice to her. Not paying to live somewhere with a large family… but she kept her spiteful thoughts to herself. Smiling, she replied. “Trust me, it isn’t exactly...
  20. TheWanderer

    Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation

    I'll write when I get home but I'm back