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  • Users: Camp
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  1. Camp

    Fantasy Tales of Ristafel

    Heya, I see this RP is just getting under way and was wondering if there are any protagonist slots still open. Secondly, I would love to play a dwarf amongst this crew of characters but it's not listed in the races. Is this acceptable as an exception, would it need to be a variant human, or is...
  2. Camp

    Evolution of Anarchy

    I'm most definitely in!
  3. Camp

    War of the Dragoncrown Character Roster

    Name: Sylvian The Swift Gender: Male Age: 22 Mount: Often called a Bullet Drake, this beast is small but fast. Adapting to the hostile environments of then north they abandoned any combat oriented breath and possess great dexterity and are quick to handle. Featuring an extremely hard front...
  4. Camp

    Glory of a New World (IC)

    He went back to the sad excuse of a hole that he calls home. It held everything he owns, including only a junked mattress, a blanket, and a hand radio that he never could get to work. He took one final look around as he walked in to pick up his radio. I'm not really going to miss this place...
  5. Camp

    Glory of a New World (IC)

    He lost himself in thought, remembering everything that has brought him to this. It had been 6 months since he was abandoned in this city. Chrono was a part of a squad under the U.S. military who were sent to keep order along with hundreds of other soldiers. He still wondered why they withdrew...
  6. Camp

    Glory of a New World Character Sheets

    oh, so that explains the "Boogedy Boo"
  7. Camp

    Glory of a New World Character Sheets

    Character sheets: Name: Chrono Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Caucasian Good/Rouge/Bad: Good Looks: (Yes, that is Axton) Powers: - none Skills: - Super Human Reaction Time. Chrono got his name by being quick, he isn't the fastest at feats of great movement, such as running or...
  8. Camp


    I am a lover of video games and a fun story. I am a paladin at heart but sometimes I like to play neutral, I have played some D&D. I frequently play PC games with Heartsteal and Riddle. I am drawn to the fantasy world of an MMO or just a typical D&D setting though my way with words isn't the...