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  1. J

    Dimensions [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. J

    Dimensions [Inactive]

    He looks back toward the port as well. "Alright then. What all creatures roam this land? Is it mainly humans?"
  3. J

    Dimensions [Inactive]

    "Eh I was trying to master an artifact rune and use these creatures, but I failed, in both the rune mastering and forgetting to bring any weapons." He lifts up the rune. "But luckily there seems to be a port near, so I could just ride a ship to Kellinger."
  4. J

    Dimensions [Inactive]

    "Aw thank you! You are a life saver! Don't remember getting myself into such a jam since the upper-dimension war!" He slashes the sword at the creatures, killing a few, while having to block a few other attacks from some other creatures. After blocking and slashing, all the creatures in the...
  5. J

    Dimensions [Inactive]

    "Ouch ow, crap!" Lux exclaimed in pain as he got a hold of himself, although the hybrid creatures were still surrounding him. "Ugh, uhh! Why wasn't I smart enough to bring any weapon? the only rune I brought was this artifact rune!" He then gets closer to the human he sees. He then asks, "Do...
  6. J

    Dimensions [Inactive]

    jjbluesam submitted a new role play: Dimensions - 3 dimensions: upper-dimension, Earth, and the lower-dimension (fantasy) Read more about this role play...Lux was just walking around Hiver, looking for an empty hut to master this new rune he got. After showing it to an upper-dimensional rune...
  7. J

    The Zombie Games

    Name: Lee Age: 19 Gender: Male Bf/Gf(I will allow pre-paring relationships. But know, they can always break up): None Weapon(s): Assault Rifle and a Pistol Personality: He's an average zombie slayer with a love for music and electronics. He's serious when in the mood and joking when in...
  8. J


    jjbluesam submitted a new role play. @jjbluesam, please edit this post to include the sign-up information. Read more about this role play...Name: Age: Gender: Species/Race: Home Dimension: Place of Residence: (you can make up a town, city, or village, and state/province)...
  9. J


    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  10. J

    War of the Sword

    Sorry it took so long to reply. I meant that it is a human. Oh and that it's a warrior. I think I got a little confused.
  11. J

    War of the Sword

    Name: Elswith Age: 33 Gender: Male Race: Human but Barbarian-like Ability: Fighting Powers: Aura Construct Weapon: Heavy lonsword Made of steel with a gold handle and the blade curved toward the tip. Faction: Human Personality: Elswith tends to be impatient, but tries to be...
  12. J

    The Dreamland [World of Dreams](Actual RP)

    "Who I am isn't important, but my name is Don, and you fell on me!" Don exclaimed. He turned his ghost back into looking like a human, although still in ghost form, and slammed Jack up against a wall. "Now I don't wanna fight, but I think that was fair," Don declared before disappearing into the...
  13. J

    The Dreamland [World of Dreams](Actual RP)

    "Jack! Where are you going Jack?" Don exclaimed as he chased after Jack, while turning into his ghost form, then zapping him for a few seconds.
  14. J

    The Dreamland [World of Dreams](Actual RP)

    Don starts slowly transforming back into a full human form. "Anyone wanna grab coffee with me?" Don asked.
  15. J

    The Dreamland [World of Dreams](Actual RP)

    "Um, I'm not completely a stalker," Don exclaims as he drops his coffee because of being dragged by Twist. "Whatever then. I'll just go back into my ghost form!" Don says as he changes into his ghost form, flying away. After a few seconds, he comes back, with a lot of rainclouds, which makes it...
  16. J

    The Dreamland [World of Dreams](Actual RP)

    Don started flying around randomly as he exclaimed, "We'll that was actually fun! And no, my name is Don, Vice President, and you two strange brothers!" He eventually flew to the ground, his ghost form turning into a somewhat human form. "Anyway, I'm not much of a sadist, although that was fun...
  17. J

    The Dreamland [World of Dreams](Actual RP)

    Don swept in behind everyone, with the appearance of a bluish ghost, although the others couldn't see him, as he didn't want his presence known, letting the psychic wind carry him, watching the Nightmare Brothers and Vice. 'You know what would be fun,' Don thought to himself, 'Zapping down that...
  18. J

    The Dreamland [World of Dreams]

    So where is the RP thread?
  19. J

    The Dreamland [World of Dreams]

    Name: Don Age: 18 Appearance: (sorry I'm on my iPad and im sorry if there are any mistakes) Species: Human Visitor: Yes. Personality: He is a sociable person who enjoys going to the dreamland by meditating, astral...
  20. J

    Can you handle being a survivor that we meet later on?

    Can you handle being a survivor that we meet later on?