Dimensions [Inactive]


New Member
jjbluesam submitted a new role play:

Dimensions - 3 dimensions: upper-dimension, Earth, and the lower-dimension (fantasy)

This takes place in a completely altered timeline of the Earth. There are these dimensions, or planes of existence. There is an Earth one (the one mortals live on) the lower-dimension, (where all the demons live and lower beings live) the upper-dimension, (where all the angels and good spirits live, but sometimes demons can weasel their way through) the dark dimension (where demons, spirits, or any other type of creature can get banished too. Some parts of the dimension are like the...
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Lux was just walking around Hiver, looking for an empty hut to master this new rune he got. After showing it to an upper-dimensional rune keeper, he determined it was an artifact rune. Using artifacts from all around the Earth, it could do an attack. He decided to practice it on the small jellyfish-crab-looking hybrids that roamed around him.

His first move was a fail, leading a group of those creatures to attack him at once. Forgetting to bring weapons, Lux had to try to ward off the attack somehow. He had hope when he finally saw a human off in the distance...
Melanie was doing her usual daily clean up. Hoping her mother would not scold her for not properly cleaning up anything around their home. She was outside tending to the garden making sure everything was a live and well, and hoping that they fit for mother's standing of a perfect garden. She sighed and turned around to help the other flowers and vegetables, until she saw a man in the distance. "What in the world?" She muttered, looking as this man headed over this way.
"Ouch ow, crap!" Lux exclaimed in pain as he got a hold of himself, although the hybrid creatures were still surrounding him. "Ugh, uhh! Why wasn't I smart enough to bring any weapon? the only rune I brought was this artifact rune!"

He then gets closer to the human he sees. He then asks, "Do you have anything I can kill these creatures with?"
She stares at the man and these creatures wide eyed. She nods quickly then runs inside to get the only weapon she has. Holding out the sword towards him she yells to him, "This is my only weapon, if I had anything else I would gladly give it to you to kill these..." She stares at these creatures then shakes her head. "Just kill them..." She mutters under her breath.
"Aw thank you! You are a life saver! Don't remember getting myself into such a jam since the upper-dimension war!" He slashes the sword at the creatures, killing a few, while having to block a few other attacks from some other creatures. After blocking and slashing, all the creatures in the immediate vicinity were wiped out.

"What is your name? Mine is Luxulus, but you can just call me Lux." He hands the sword back to her.
"My name's Melanie, but you can call me Mel if you like..." She laughs some and holds the sword. "Why are you here, and what are those things that you just killed?" She peers over his shoulder as she stares at the dead creatures on the ground and shudders a little.
"Eh I was trying to master an artifact rune and use these creatures, but I failed, in both the rune mastering and forgetting to bring any weapons." He lifts up the rune. "But luckily there seems to be a port near, so I could just ride a ship to Kellinger."
She looks towards our port and back at Lux. "Aw yes, our port. We are somewhat prideful of it." She chuckles some, "Are you leaving now? Because there may be no boat for a while..."
I nod my head, "We usually never get anything that is not human in our area." I recall the disgusting beings and shudder some more. "If I am right there will be a boat heading out in half a week. And I can lend you shelter of my home, I think my mother will be fine with it." She smiled some.
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