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  1. Jennai

    This semester is more time consuming than I expected. I don't think I'll be able to RP for a...

    This semester is more time consuming than I expected. I don't think I'll be able to RP for a while...
  2. Jennai

    The Cloak and The Dagger

    She sighed, as he mentioned her talking a lot. I wouldn't talk so much if you didn't force me to, by your unwillingness to engage with your own damned mission, she thought to herself, irritated. At least he finally gave me something to work with. "Quick and dirty, then," she said...
  3. Jennai

    Happy New Year's, everyone! May the next year be full of wonderful stories, and wild adventures!

    Happy New Year's, everyone! May the next year be full of wonderful stories, and wild adventures!
  4. Jennai

    The Cloak and The Dagger

    She muttered something under her breath and then straightened. "You said we'd talk in the morning, and it's morning," she said. "We need a plan, and now's the time to make it happen. So there's a few things that need to get resolved." She shifted positions, looking more authoritative...
  5. Jennai

    Only a week left till school starts anew. Going to enjoy this time off!

    Only a week left till school starts anew. Going to enjoy this time off!
  6. Jennai

    May everyone's Christmas be full of smiles, laughter, and love. May those who feel alone know...

    May everyone's Christmas be full of smiles, laughter, and love. May those who feel alone know that some hearts have love enough for everyone
  7. Jennai

    Need more RPs, I think :P

    Need more RPs, I think :P
  8. Jennai

    The Cloak and The Dagger

    Jennai woke up with a start, as soon as Jem started to make any noise. She sighed. Not enough sleep. She never could really relax in a forest. Too many potential angles of attack. Drawing herself to her feet, she suppressed a yawn. Another day on those horses. She pulled out her rations -...
  9. Jennai

    The Cloak and The Dagger

    "Stop being so tense." Jennai repeated his words in her head, snidely. Ha. If he only knew. "Sleep sounds nice," she said instead, settling in to her bedroll. She pretended to sleep until she heard light snoring. Quiet as she could, she slipped from her blankets to look Jem over more...
  10. Jennai

    The Cloak and The Dagger

    Late as it was, it was only a few hours before they made camp. Jennai wasn't interested in chatting while on horseback, and Jem didn't seem especially interested in Jennai. The ride made an excellent excuse to keep quiet. She startled from her spot by the fire when one of his footsteps cracked...
  11. Jennai

    The Cloak and The Dagger

    "And henceforth, he shall be known as Lord Hoppy," Jennai said, in a dry tone, smirking up at Jem. She scowled at the horse brought out to her. It was a perfectly fine steed, young enough, healthy amount of muscle. He was even kind of pretty, his fur almost the same dark brown as the bark of a...
  12. Jennai

    New to text RP, hope I've got this right

    Have to admit, I'm not 100% sure what you're asking / offering. Are you looking to RP with me, maybe, or just offering to help me get the hang of things? I've got 2 RPs kind of in progress, but it's a bit slow for my liking. I might start hunting up another.
  13. Jennai

    Thinking I need more RPs

    Thinking I need more RPs
  14. Jennai

    The Cloak and The Dagger

    She shrugged. "Different people have different approaches. Didn't know if you had any particular things in mind." She glanced at him appraisingly again. He had to have some sort of either high status, or some seriously pampering parents. Lots of expectations. He expected people to accept...
  15. Jennai

    One x One The Cloak and The Dagger

    As it's 1am, I think I should be off to sleep. Seems like a bit of a rough start, as far as the characters go. Still, interesting.
  16. Jennai

    The Cloak and The Dagger

    "Don't have a horse," she said with a shrug. "But I can ride." She walked light on her feet, always glancing around, never locking eyes on any one thing for more than a few seconds at a time. She held herself as though she were ready to bolt at a moment's notice. "So, Jem, do you have a plan...
  17. Jennai

    The Cloak and The Dagger

    She smiled icily. "I'm thinking I'll need the pay... not for the job, so much, but for putting up with you while we're on it." Sighing, she stood. "I imagine I'll need something to call you, as we'll be traveling together," she said as she started to walk with him.
  18. Jennai

    The Cloak and The Dagger

    From the moment he patted her head, she became ice cold, her dark eyes like yet another set of daggers. "Seems there are a few misunderstandings here. "One. I don't like to be touched. "Two. You seem to be of the opinion that you're better than me. Probably think it's your birthright, way...
  19. Jennai

    The Cloak and The Dagger

    Jennai rolled her eyes as she grabbed the paper. Pompous ass. She slipped the dagger back into her belt and read the paper. "Speaking of idiot braggarts..." she muttered to herself, recognizing the description. Jarek. Pickpocket, went after anyone who looked like he had money. Not a...
  20. Jennai

    One x One The Cloak and The Dagger

    Cool. I'll do my best. And... what about interactions between characters? Jennai, aka Watcher, her big thing is observation. That being the case, would it be reasonable for her to have spotted the weapons? I'll get writing the response. If I screw up something, let me know! You are, after...