Search results for query: *

  1. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Possible Pokemon Gijinka Rp?

    Ok I get it Humans are boring. ^^; I guess I'm odd for liking to rp as one. >.>; Well if you want we could add fantasy into the mix and have a world of Gijinka ruled by Gijinka kings/queens stuff like that. :P Medieval meets Pokemon? *derps*
  2. Unknown Drifter

    Rofl sorry ^^; life kind of pulls me in from time to time. xP That and I has a jorb. xD I'll try...

    Rofl sorry ^^; life kind of pulls me in from time to time. xP That and I has a jorb. xD I'll try my best to be on more frequently though. :3
  3. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Possible Pokemon Gijinka Rp?

    Well another idea I had was a Human gets sucked from the Pokemon World, to an alternate Gijinka World. His team of six Pokemon are scattered and become Gijinka themselves. So the goal would be for the Human to reunite with his Pokemon and find a way to return to his world. That would be the...
  4. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom PokeHumans 2

    I'm a little confused, am I allowed to join or did I need to tweak my character at all? ^^;
  5. Unknown Drifter

    lol I feel like such a noob trying to figure everything out! ^^;

    lol I feel like such a noob trying to figure everything out! ^^;
  6. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Anime Worlds || Fairy Tail: The Dark Grimiore

    This roleplay is open by the way and accepting! I don't know where to go to recruit people since the recruit form is blank?
  7. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Anime Worlds || Fairy Tail: The Dark Grimiore

    Name: Sunneous Flufftail (Sunny) Age: 20 Gender: Male Personality: On the outside, Sunny is goofy and childish. Random and silly, curious and a bit eccentric. A lover of engineering, technology, and machines, he's often seen cooking up new plans for inventions. Underneath lies a broken...
  8. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Anime Worlds || Fairy Tail: The Dark Grimiore

    Name: Maxamillion Stardust (Max) Age: 27 Gender: Male Personality: Calm, Cool, and Collected. A man who doesn't always step in but observes. A head full of the knowledge of monsters, their strengths, and weaknesses, and a respecful fear of his power and magic. After the events of the...
  9. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Anime Worlds || Fairy Tail: The Dark Grimiore

    Character Sheet Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Appearance: (anime picture please) Guild: (for Fairy Tail characters what guild are you from?) Magic/Powers: Weapon(s): Affiliation: (good, bad, neutral, on the fence? you decide. Unless you're a cannon character) Strengths...
  10. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Anime Worlds || Fairy Tail: The Dark Grimiore

    This was created as a sequel to an rp I did a few years ago. I'm not sure I want to post that one up yet. Since it's large and unending. Basically, Max and Sunny, two Jumpers enter the World of the Wizards, to destroy a Dark Grimiore and various other dark artifacts that could cause serious...
  11. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Anime Worlds || Fairy Tail: The Dark Grimiore

    The Place to chat about things outside of the roleplay! :P
  12. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Anime Worlds || Fairy Tail: The Dark Grimiore

    Rules! 1.No Godmodding! 2. Romance is fine but no sex! 3.Keep all non-cannon drama out of the OOC and rp! 4.You may have up to three characters! 5.No killing off other players period! That should be all! If there are any rules I may have missed I'll add them later. :)
  13. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Anime Worlds || Fairy Tail: The Dark Grimiore

    A few years had passed since the banishment of the Collector. The Mistress of the Worlds banished him to one of the worlds he created and sealed it with magical chains. Forever to be forgotten. It was a blessing in disguise. Her brother finally having his own world to rule over and toy with. The...
  14. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom PokeHumans 2

    Name: Grex Flint Nickname: Grex Age: 30 Appearence: Occupation: Ex-Team Rocket Executive Pokemon: None atm Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Bio: Grex was nothing more than an orphan, a product of a mishap by Team Rocket. During a "failed" attempt to harness the power of...
  15. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Pokemon Gijinka Mutation

    Heart Meters Each Gijinka will have a Heart Meter. Much like in the Pokemon Coliseum games the hearts will slowly begin to open up. After meeting their trainer. So below everyone's posts they should have a meter: Heart Meter: 100%/100%. Every five posts, after meeting their trainer...
  16. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Pokemon Gijinka Mutation

    Name: Thomas Wyse Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Personality: Kind and caring. Thomas is also a bit stubborn, he doesn't give up on something until it's seen through. He's a little shy, but a genuine nice person. It's not that he doesn't have flaws, Thomas sometimes...
  17. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Possible Pokemon Gijinka Rp?

    O_o you can rp on Miiverse? I kind of figured that was just for posting game stuff and drawing pictures. xD Sure! Well I've learned the making large unopened games is kind of hard. (even though I kind of just made one on here *facepalms* ). I figure a small group rp then. So that all the...
  18. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Pokemon Gijinka Mutation

    Hello all! I'll create my character later, for now I've got to run to my job. :P So I'm going to say Welcome! to those that silently join this rp. :)
  19. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Pokemon Gijinka Mutation

    Character Sheet Here is what your character will need: Trainers Name: Age: (20 and older please) Gender: Sexuality: Personality: Appearance: (description or anime picture please!) Bio: Stolen Pokemon: (for now list one) Shadow Gijinka Name: Age: (20 and older...
  20. Unknown Drifter

    Fandom Pokemon Gijinka Mutation

    A Gijinka x Human themed roleplay where in the past most of the Gijinka were stolen Pokemon that were mutated and had their heart artificially closed. These Shadow Gijinka now follow the orders of the scientists that created them. The only flaw is that there is still that part of them that is...