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Fandom Anime Worlds || Fairy Tail: The Dark Grimiore

Unknown Drifter

Just a stranger among many


1.No Godmodding!

2. Romance is fine but no sex!

3.Keep all non-cannon drama out of the OOC and rp!

4.You may have up to
three characters!

5.No killing off other players period!

That should be all! If there are any rules I may have missed I'll add them later. :)
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Character Sheet





Appearance: (anime picture please)

Guild: (for Fairy Tail characters what guild are you from?)



Affiliation: (good, bad, neutral, on the fence? you decide. Unless you're a cannon character)

Strengths: (list three)

Weaknesses: (everyone, even the most powerful have them. List them. It could be one or more)

Bio: (can be long or short. I don't expect essays, but please at least have up to a small paragraph
Name: Maxamillion Stardust (Max)

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Personality: Calm, Cool, and Collected. A man who doesn't always step in but observes. A head full of the knowledge of monsters, their strengths, and weaknesses, and a respecful fear of his power and magic. After the events of the Collector he had grown and broken out of his fear of using his magic. Seeing it as a gift now instead of a curse. Max follows his heart and carves his own path rather than following the rules of the world. In his eyes he sees the truth, who is really right and wrong and doesn't follow blindly after something. Chivalrous and protective, he deeply cares for his friends and protects the innocent. He is not a knight, nor a mercenary, just a man doing his best to make a difference. Unafraid, he charges forward boldly staring everything in the face. Loyal to the Mistress he respects her and gladly uses his powers to aid her cause.


Guild: None, for now


Normal Attacks:

1.Monster Eye

A magical scan spell Max casts over his left eye to look for a weakness in his enemy. It's a technique he developed after hunting so many monsters in his world. His magic amplifies it's power to where his left eye glows a soft purple and looks slitted just like a monsters. It lasts for fifteen minutes, but it's enough time for him to attack at the weak points of enemies. Once cast he has to wait a few hours before casting it again or else he'll damage his brain.

2. Hurricane Dance

A two-step combo where Max hurls his poleaxe at the enemy, through the power of wind magic. Looking like a sawblade he rushes his enemy grabbing the hilt and spinning upwards attacking them and sending them flying into the air. Throwing the weapon causes, well most of the time, his enemies to be caught off guard. After all who would expect someone to throw their weapon at them? Doing this attack too much wears him out and sometimes could be risky. It's one of the moves he uses in a pinch.

3. Strike of the Silverbeak

A technique he crafted after fighting a large flying bird monster known as a Silverbeak. It's an up or doward thrusting tech that moves in a quick motion. Quick and fast it's a multiple jabbing move that looks like the enemy is being attack by the angry beak of a large bird. It's his Signature Move so it's been mastered and is often used to repel attacks.

Magic Powers:

4. Earth Shell

Combining the elements of earth and water he creates a earthen barrier to jut out of the ground and shield himself, or his allies, against an attack. The barrier doesn't last long, but it helps gain the advantage in battle sometimes.

5. Healing Mist

Combining the elements of water and air he creates a healing mist that heals a medium amount of wounds and restores energy to his allies. It's not as powerful as the more skilled healing spells but it's good in a pinch.

6. Lava Surge

Combining the elements of fire and earth he creates a pillar of magma that erupts underneath the enemy. It then oozes and bursts all around the fighting circle blocking the pathway of the enemy. To his allies the lava does no harm and boosts attack power.

7. Frozen Flames

Combining the elements of Fire and Ice, he freezes his foes in a beautiful ruby colored icicle. One that also burns and is warm to the touch. Two forbidden magic elements combining to create something powerful and beautiful. This is one of his Master Spells.

(more to be revealed as the rp goes on....)

Ultimate Moves

8.Ashes of the Silver Phoenix

Thrusting a hand into the air he closes his eyes and focuses calling fourth all of the elements. Combining them he uses a lot of his blood and power to summon a silver phoenix that soars towards the enemy engulfing everything evil in a silvery flame. A mixture of the ultimate elements of light and darkness. It's a last resort and wears him out when it's done. The Phoenix protects him from dying and returns some of his blood back to him when it vanishes.

Weapon(s): Wyvern's Bane; a poleaxe crafted out of multiple scales of various Wyverns. Originally crafted as a weapon to slay dragons and dragon type monsters, thanks to the rune magic engraved within it Max traps a magic element inside of it making it a powerful weapon that is unbreakable and masterpiece in the right hands. The pole is made out of dragon bones and silver, and engraved with various runes he carved into the metal. The blade is silvery white and glows when mixed with a magic element. It's light and quick, and greatly aids him in his travels.

Affiliation: Good, but neutral sometimes.

Strengths: Cooking and survival skills, agile dexterity and speed, an unshakable will full of courage and protective strength.

Weaknesses: Blood for mana, though his magic is powerful he uses his blood to cast it. Thanks to him having nine runes engraved into his heart he uses less of his blood, but he still is at the risk of killing himself if he goes too far. Because of his blood he gets fatigued quicker and being a Blood Magus makes him a bit weaker than Mages or Wizards who rely on magical energy or mana. His power is a double edged sword.

Bio: Max traveled the world, in the past, drifting with the wind and protecting the innocent from powerful and vicious monsters. When the Collector attacked, the Mistress of the Worlds saved him from the destructive fate her brother had for his world. During the vile man's attack he met Seiyu and the Dark Magician. Both of them from other worlds he aided them and eventually restored their worlds. His was eternally lost in the process, becoming an orphan to the cold nothingness. He agreed to stay with the Mistress and be her weapon and ally whenever the worlds would end up in danger.
Name: Sunneous Flufftail (Sunny)

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Personality: On the outside, Sunny is goofy and childish. Random and silly, curious and a bit eccentric. A lover of engineering, technology, and machines, he's often seen cooking up new plans for inventions. Underneath lies a broken heart filled with the fear of being rejected. He despises magic because of his broken past. Unlike Max he has yet to let go of his past and embrace a healing future.


Guild: None, for now


Normal Attacks:

1. Lucky Smash!!

A standard attack beating the enemy over the face with his shovel. It's a bit weak but effective!

2. Lucky Tilt-a-Whirl!!

A combination to where the spade on Lucky Joe grows in size. A move where he leaps into the air and spins attacking all that's around him, followed by a kick to the face.

3. Lucky Hammer!!

Turning the shovel into a hammer he attacks bonking his enemy on the head with all his might.

4. Ants in Your Pants!?

A comical and distracting move where Sunneous drops a itching powder grenade down someone's pants.

5. Lucky Hero Slice!!!

Turning his shovel into a sword he attacks in a flurry of slashes. Wild and unpredictable, and sometimes unblockable.

Engineer "Magic":

5. Lucky Box: Soldiers Marching into Battle!?

A medium sized square box with a twist key on the top. Sunny turns the key opening the box causing small clockwork soldier "toys" to appear. They attack with their weapons. It's one of his mechanical summons.

6. Lucky Box: Monsters Carnival!?

Another mechanical summon. With the same thing as the soldier toy box he turns the key to summon small toy monsters to attack. Like the soldiers they might be small but can hurt.

7. Lucky Bomb Dance!!

A fast technique where Sunny tosses a line of various element bombs at the enemy. The enemy is hit with a variety of elements and explosions!

8. Lucky Box: Wonder Cannons!? Ho!

Another mechanical summon. Another square toy box that summons small cannons. On contact they fire at the enemy.

Ultimate Move:

9. Robo Joe

Using an engineered box he calls upon a small rideable boxing gloved steam punk machine. Run on various fuels, the different fuel determines the attacks. The boxing glove fists and packed with explosives that can be replaced in the blink of an eye. The small ride able machine breaks down a lot so it's always in need of repair.

Weapon(s): Lucky Joe, an ordinary shovel transformed into an engineered masterpiece. At the push of a button the spade can become a grappling hook, a magic reflecting sheild, growing hammer, a guitar, and even a sword. It's all thanks to a special tiny gear he had crafted in his world. It's sturdy and made from a metal that can reflect magic as well as fight with.

Affiliation: Good, but tends to follow after Max

Strengths: Tough skinned, intelligent and learning mind, bouncy feet

Weaknesses: Broken Tail, his race holds their magic in their tails and when broken they cannot use magic. He was born with a broken tail, so he cannot use magic. His machines aren't as powerful, plus in his heart his doubt stops him from being as powerful as he could be. With all of his protection gone he's a coward that can't face up to the world.

Bio: Sunny comes from a tribe of Flufftail. A magical rabbit race who is intelligent and blessed with magical power. Unless your tail is broken, then you're cast out into the cold world as a sacrifice and seen as a useless outcast. That happened to him, and while he managed to be taken in by a kind Human engineer, Sunny found a little happiness. Yet it was taken from him when the Collector invaded his world. Saved by the Mistress, he helped around the mansion and occasionally Jumped into the worlds, unlike Max he's still trying to cope with losing his world. He's agreed to help but is torn between guilt and the joy of his race being wiped out. For a cute little rabbit he's more Human than Humanoid sometimes.
Character Sheet

Name:sorrow ethren (known as shadow)




quiet secretive and seclusive

(Much like mystogan)

Appearance: View media item 4739

Guild: fairy tale


Shadow dragon slayer-

•Darkness Dragon's Roar- shoots out a large blast of darkness that incinerates anything it touches.

•Darkness Dragon's Black Slash- envelops his hands and/or feet in darkness and slashes at the enemy.

•Darkness Dragon's Wing Attack- covers both arms in darkness, he then rushes at the target and swings both hands at them, incinerating the target.

•recharge- eats shadows and/or dark energy(this includes negative emotions anger, sadness , ect.) it refuses his energy

•nightmare- places a hand on your head and you are paralyzed dreaming of your worst fears wares off after ten minutes (two posts)

•shadow army- gothic shadow clones rise from the shadows of those he chooses even himself clones have the powers of the person who's shadow they came from and resemble that person

•shadow dragon essence- shadows wrap around him turning into black scales and increases his strength, turns his nails to claws (like sabertooth from Xmen), his canine teeth to fangs, and gives him black dragon wings

•Dual element dragon mode- can consume different elements and use those elements dragon magic as a last resort happens when he is in a high state of anger


Affiliation: chaotic good

Strengths: fighting, technique, high magic level

Weaknesses: vehicle sickness (like natsu)

Bio: raised by the dragon skiadrum he was taught darkness dragon magic ledt as a little boy he wondered and eventually came upon fairy tale becoming one of the strongest mages in the guild


Class-world prime


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