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  1. Sir Horace

    Story to later be named

    Yeah, the iffy terms with god is a great idea. Could be an interesting relationship there. You could even do a duel perspectives, one from him up in Heaven trying to figure a way out without catching Gods attention, and the other from the wife or someone at home.
  2. Sir Horace

    Story to later be named

    You have a lot of foundation and just need a way to build up from there. I can't help but continue the story in my mind, and this is the idea I came to. What if he can't return to Earth and God won't help him because only Angels leave heaven. But instead, the promise is fulfilled that he can...
  3. Sir Horace


    Intriguing, I love the concept of the slash across the forehead to blind the thief. Will you be writing more?
  4. Sir Horace

    Literature Modern Science Fiction ?

    I haven't read Jurassic park but if you want Science Fiction I'd always suggest the Ender Quintet.
  5. Sir Horace

    One Piece: Burning Blood

    Such a fun game right? Though the cast is huge I completely agree they missed a lot of opportunities, Lucci, Ceasar, Mr One, like any of the Doflamingo Executives. And yet they found room for Koala? But yeah that doesn't stop it from being an amazing game and I love the characters we do have...
  6. Sir Horace

    Futuristic A Journey Offworld

    Also for species you just put "alien". Would love a name and maybe description to the type of alien if you've got it
  7. Sir Horace

    Futuristic A Journey Offworld

    Think you're overthinking your character a little : 3 How about asleep in an escape pod then? Escape pods are easy, pretty sure there just a big button that says "escape"
  8. Sir Horace

    Futuristic A Journey Offworld

    "Well then, lets get to it" Horace said these words with an enthusiastic tone, soon this ship would be up and running, and he would be behind it's metaphorical wheel at last. Moving quickly Horace led the small group down the narrow steel corridors, the automatic lights flickering on with a dull...
  9. Sir Horace

    Futuristic A Journey Offworld

    Ooh, that could work
  10. Sir Horace

    Futuristic A Journey Offworld

    Wormhole is pretty out there, I imagine it's the extreme long distance method. If you want your character to come from somewhere really really far away that would never have contact with other planets. If you want closer in, stow away in fun but thats kinda what I did and we don't want to be...
  11. Sir Horace

    Futuristic A Journey Offworld

    @Lady Ravenshade Just making sure, you don't mind the "accepting Veronas hand in assistance" in my last post? Small as it is, I am technically writing an assumed character action for you.
  12. Sir Horace

    Futuristic A Journey Offworld

    "Back at last" Horace reached out to the keypad of the hanger but as he approached his balance was completely lost, flailing his arms and dropping the fission tunnel with a resounding bang, Horace collapsed in a small heap on the ground. Groaning he lifted himself up, the area right outside...
  13. Sir Horace

    Futuristic A Journey Offworld

    Horace stuffed one last piece into his backpack, a length of Iridite Wire, one hair width wire that can carry an incredible voltage. Useful and expensive. Normally he might feel bad about taking all this stuff, but it wasn't Devons anyway, the man probably stole it off someone else to begin with...
  14. Sir Horace

    Futuristic A Journey Offworld

    You don't need to go crazy, remember the most significant, important things about your character should be yet to come, not already decided : )
  15. Sir Horace

    Futuristic A Journey Offworld

    Horace glanced back at Verona, "Legal, isn't it more of a perspective really? I mean, who is to say what's legal and not?" He ask cheerfully, still giddy from the success. "I mean, laws are made by rulers, and everyone has their own ruling system, maybe I just don't like the one on this planet...
  16. Sir Horace

    Futuristic A Journey Offworld

    Also speaking of @tommo020 You still around man?
  17. Sir Horace

    Futuristic A Journey Offworld

    Devon whimpered fearfully. "P-Put me down, Please! B-Behind those pallets, my warehouse. You'll find it in there. Don't hurt me!" Horace nudged one of the thugs with the toe of his boot. Kelly knew what she was doing, in a scary way. He stepped awkwardly past the two bodies and shoved aside...
  18. Sir Horace

    Futuristic A Journey Offworld

    Devons eyes shot open, this was not what he was used to at all. People should respect him damnit! He opened his mouth to tell this woman just that but the words caught in his mouth and the confidence turned to ash. He whimpered a command and his two thugs stepped forward, one snapped a shock...
  19. Sir Horace

    Futuristic A Journey Offworld

    Horace looked between his two companions. Two clear options presented themselves. Verona clearly didn't think a fight was the best option and normally Horace would agree with her, but he'd seen how Kelly had flicked that pickpicket across the street, he'd never had someone of this power by his...
  20. Sir Horace

    Futuristic A Journey Offworld

    It's totally fine, I'm from New Zealand and Kellys from Wales, we're pretty lax with that stuff. And go for it. We have enough human in the story already, sounds exciting!