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Futuristic A Journey Offworld

One thing that I'd like to factor in is that she has slight... clarravoience. A sixth sense that is so subtle that most people- herself included- contribute it to talent, luck, intuition, animalistic senses or insanity.

I haven't figured out the full extent of her sense, but I know it includes this:

• sensing danger about a split second before it happens and knowing which direction it's coming from (like spider senses)

•Sensing strong emotions (especialy malicious ones)
If the crew is taking off, I might have to wait till you arrive at the next planet to introduce Yahlie.

As for how she got off of her planet, i'm having trouble deciding between:

• step through freak wormhole

• stowayed aboard a visiting ship

• was kidnaped and and escaped

Either way, she needs to be able to adiquitly speak the common language (or maybe not. That could be fun).
Wormhole is pretty out there, I imagine it's the extreme long distance method. If you want your character to come from somewhere really really far away that would never have contact with other planets. If you want closer in, stow away in fun but thats kinda what I did and we don't want to be repeating stories. Kidnapping is also fun. Up to you.
Actually, what if you find her in an escape pod floating around in space? I have an idea.
Thank you. I'll get to the backstory as soon as I am able. (Are you guys in space yet? No rush.)
You would have to make up a story about how she got into the escape pod. But other than that it's a nice and different idea.
Good point. Forgive me, I was anxious to save a spot. I basically KNOW what her story is but is going to take a little bit to get it writen down. I figured that if I don't have the backstory done before you encounter the escape pod, we could say she was still unconscious from stasis.

The gist of the backstory that she hitched a ride on a spaceship (largly to escape an arrange marriage.) But she started to realize she was in danger of some sort and figured out how to operate the escape pod.
Think you're overthinking your character a little : 3

How about asleep in an escape pod then? Escape pods are easy, pretty sure there just a big button that says "escape"
Hi. I was just wondering how you guys would discover Saska in the spacecraft? I've got some ideas, for example, when putting supplies away you could notice me, or I could be trying to escape and come across one of you. Those are some ideas but if you have other recommendations, then feel free to tell me.

You've got some good ideas there, and I think any would work fine. :)

I've got a few questions, first off, I was wondering what role you would like your character to take on in the Strides? Also, in Saska's character sheet you stated her age in alien years and I would love to know her age in human years as well.

I'm looking forward to further interactions between our characters.
Also for species you just put "alien". Would love a name and maybe description to the type of alien if you've got it
Thanks guys! I have quite a bit of my character sheet to flesh out, I'll note it all down. I would love for some feedback on my ideas! : D

I was thinking that Saska could be part of the crew, as a navigator and communications technician. Considering how I wrote Saska in, I was thinking she might be in her 20s. Around 23 years as the rest of the crew's ages are ranging around their 20's.

As for my species I shall have to give it a little more thought, I'll notify you all when I update my character sheet by tonight probably.

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