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  1. vintage sloth

    *Drum roll*

    Alright... ......I caved and I bought Fallout 4... haha~ I haven't gotten very far yet, but I love what I've played so far! i probably shouldn't have gotten it since the last thing i need is another game occupying all of my attention, but bethesda lured me in with a free copy of Fallout 3 if...
  2. vintage sloth

    Er, hello... ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴

    @SilverSolis Thank you~! I've watched Attack on Titan and Wolf's Rain. What about you? ^u^
  3. vintage sloth

    XD Thank you~! Nice to meet you, Front, I'm Sloth. ^u^

    XD Thank you~! Nice to meet you, Front, I'm Sloth. ^u^
  4. vintage sloth

    Er, hello... ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴

    Hello and welcome to RPNation~! ^u^
  5. vintage sloth

    *Drum roll*

    Yeah, absolutely. Creating new worlds entirely from scratch is hard work, but once everything has some flesh on it, it's extremely rewarding. But I wouldn't want the ending any other way! I mean, of course I wish there were even more installments with Shepard, but s/he went out just how s/he...
  6. vintage sloth


    Hey, welcome~! I have a character that sounds fairly similar to Hiroshige (at least in the way that she's also a dimension traveler)! I haven't worked on her/her world in several months, though I'm thinking of getting back into it just bc I haven't dabbled too much in sci-fi and I never got a...
  7. vintage sloth

    A greeting of sorts.

    Hey, welcome! I'm just as new here as you are, and I have to agree that it already looks promising! c:
  8. vintage sloth

    *Drum roll*

    Fantasy is my absolute favorite genre to rp~<3 I suppose there are endless possibilities for all genres, but fantasy has always felt more vast than any of the others to me. And when it's paired with action and adventure and an in-depth plot, ppffftttt, it just becomes a marvel. I haven't dabbled...
  9. vintage sloth

    22-Year-Old Gamer and anime fan.

    Hey, welcome~! What are your favorite video games and animes? ^u^
  10. vintage sloth

    My toes are frozen Xl

    Hi c: It seems like a really great site, don't you think? The whole coding aspect of it seems a little intimidating, but I'm sure it'll be much easier to handle once everything becomes familiar.
  11. vintage sloth

    My toes are frozen Xl

    Thank you! ^u^
  12. vintage sloth

    (begins yelling)

    You and I are pretty much in the exact same boat; rping for 5 years, my RP partner and I haven't been speaking much lately, and I'm taking a year off after graduating high school to explore more creative outlets (and figure out what the hell it is that I even want to do with my life xl ). That...
  13. vintage sloth

    My toes are frozen Xl

    Hello~! I'm Sloth and I've been roleplaying for about 5 years now, though lately I've been on a bit of a hiatus, which has taken a serious toll on my writing style. DX I would consider myself a 'detailed' writer, but considering how rusty I am, I think I might start with casual roleplays (1-5...