

New Member

Yo! I'm Null! ..kind of! Well, I warn ya that you can get a bit confused with what I'll try to explain~! Alrighty then, my actual name is Chris, I prefer people to call me that, since I have a wide variety of names (kinda) so it's easy to get confused and I don't think that making a nickname for every one of them will help ya out xD

I didn't really know what name to pick for this site, cause I don't use only one character in roleplays (as you've already figured out).

A bit new to this forum type of stuff ^ - ^ '

I'm a nice guy and like anime (as probably any other). I'm also a gamer, more or less, hehe. Well, I may be this nice guy I state to be, but I can also be a douche, jerk, asshole, e.t.c. = n = I'm tryin'a be friendly here, cause I don't really want to argue on my first, say, month. And just to be clear, I'm not forcing you to be a friend of mine xD and I'm also awkward..so that's that.


In terms of roleplay, I'm into fantasy, modern or medieval and yeah. I'm also incredibly picky towards what I roleplay..cause not everything peaks my interest and/or I can't think of a character to use > n >

I'm currently working on my new character - Hiroshige, and he might sound a bit bullshitty to people who like realism and such, since I kind of gave him technology, that probably won't ever be invented, I guess xD Basically (and I know there might be people who wouldn't like this...sorry for those who don't) a Dimension Traveler! ..No idea what kind of plot to give him, so that's what I mean by "working on him".


A friend recommended me this site, since I kind of am a roleplayer (I'm saying 'kind of' because I don't roleplay as much as I did before) and the old site is kiiinda getting boring now (and old).

Anyways though, happy to meet y'all and I hope I get to like this place!

(Dun hate me cause of the "Yahallo" thing xD I just found it as a friendly way to say "Hello!")
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Hey, welcome~!

I have a character that sounds fairly similar to Hiroshige (at least in the way that she's also a dimension traveler)! I haven't worked on her/her world in several months, though I'm thinking of getting back into it just bc I haven't dabbled too much in sci-fi and I never got a chance to really plot anything out in that world. I just don't want to leave it all bare bones and forgotten, especially when it could have the potential to be something really fun, you know?


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