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  1. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Lars lowered his arms, frowning slightly and looking sadly at Mira. "If... If you say so.." He said quietly, giving her a small smile. He hoped she was okay. ((@Artemistel i am so sorry ^^''''''''))
  2. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Lars's eyes widened. "Oh god.." He murmured. "I'm sorry.." He said quietly, putting his food down on the step and opening his arms. @Artemistel
  3. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Lars shrugged. "I haven't met many" he said, grinning, "but, I'm not dangerous most of the time. I don't really go in for the whole biting thing unless I'm asked to." He added, smirking and waggling his eyebrows. He hoped he hadn't freaked the girl out. @Artemistel
  4. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    "Cool." Lars said, smiling lopsidedly at her and choosing not to inquire further. He opened the can of energy drink, took a sip and proffered it in Mira's direction, then stopped. "You want som- uh, you okay?" He asked, sensing Mira's nervousness. @Artemistel
  5. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Lars shook his head. "Nah, werewolf." He said casually, grinning lopsidedly at Mira. "What about you? You smell mostly human, but I don't like to assume." He added, before tipping his head back and dropping some of the bacon into his mouth. @Artemistel
  6. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Already have :P was inactive for a few days coz college @SolisNighsun
  7. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Lars opened his backpack and rummaged around until he pulled out a plastic container. He opened it. It contained 3 uncooked rashers of bacon and half a cheese sandwich. After a few more moments of rummaging he also pulled out a can of 'monster'. He cleared his throat a little, looking somewhat...
  8. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    @SolisNighsun :D hiiii
  9. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

  10. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Lars led Mira outside and round the side of the school to a quiet, semi secluded area between two of the schools buildings, near the back entrance of one of them. He sat down on one of the steps that led to the double doors and gestured for Mira to do the same. "Welcome to the lonely corner,"...
  11. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Lars glanced at the paper and gave Mira a thumbs up before returning to his notes, looking forward to not being completely alone. ((@Artemistel wanna skip to the end of the class?))
  12. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Lars smiled at her again, quickly turning back to his notes as the teacher turned back to speak to the class. With a burst of confidence, Lars scribbled something on a piece of scrap paper and slid it across the desk to Mira. It read; 'Wanna hang out during lunch? :D Y/N (circle answer)...
  13. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Lars beamed, sticking out his hand to shake. "Nice to meet you" Mira had seemed surprised and Lars wondered if she'd really spoken to anyone while here. She smelled human so, maybe people were ignoring her. ((@Artemistel ah no (I couldn't find a fc I liked so I doodled that in like 20...
  14. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    "You okay? I'm Lars uhm.." Lars introduced himself awkwardly, grinning nervously at Mira. She'd been working and Lars felt bad for interrupting now. @Artemistel
  15. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Lars was only half paying attention to his notes, distracted by the interesting new smells of the class. They were hard to describe but few were unpleasant, the girl beside him seemed nervous maybe, and he felt compelled to try and be friendly. He took a deep breath, clearing his throat...
  16. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Lars turned his ipod off, stuffing it into his bag as he pulled out a notepad and a pen. He gave Mira a friendly, if slightly nervous grin, oblivious to her suspicious glare, before focusing his attention on the teacher. @Artemistel
  17. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Lars nodded, quickly slipping into the room and sliding into the seat near the small, dark haired girl who'd told him this was in fact the right room. Lars looked like your typical metalhead, if a bit younger, with his long hair, peircings, and almost all black clothes. He pulled out his...
  18. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Sorry I've been inactive for my first few days, I've been staying w/ my boyfriend but I'm heading home now ( :( ) so I'll probably be more active lol
  19. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    ((@Artemistel ah, no I did read it, I just didn't realise that's how it works ^^"" sorry I'm not too great at the American system)) Lars almost completely walked past the door before pausing and pulling out his timetable. He stared at it, then at the door. Tentitively he knocked and opened it...
  20. BunnySkull

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    @Artemistel they're in completely different years tho ^^" Anyone/where else Lars can go or anything?