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  1. Paradox

    The Coming Darkness

    The entire fight, she had remained silent. It was a daunting quiet which excreted from Dawn which casted an odd feeling around her. Every move, motion, remark, or move made by those in the arena, had been noted by the girl. In those few minutes, she had learned more about those fighters then...
  2. Paradox

    Teen Titans RP character sign-up!

    Accepted! I love it, throw him on in whenever you want
  3. Paradox

    Leap of Faith

    Maybe it's not to bad that SolG123 would be the only boy. Alpha male complex! You'd have all of the man-sex-appeal. Like a lion whose pride mostly consists of lionesses. And I appreciate your acceptance. Thank you.<3
  4. Paradox

    The Coming Darkness

    ((Hey guys, sorry to pop in with an OOC post, but I just had to say something reallllyyyy quick. I'm as sick as a dog and have a headache from hell itself (dear Lord, it hurts to just think about a computer screen). Right now, while you guys are battling, Dawn is just on the sidelines waiting...
  5. Paradox

    Leap of Faith

    Okie dokie, changed it. And I'm sure more guys will join, if not I can always bring out my masculine side and place in a couple guys as well.
  6. Paradox

    Slave RP!

    Nope, you counted right. I'll make another slave if that's what we need to get started. If I do make one, then, can we start?
  7. Paradox

    Teen Titans RP!

    ((I suppose from where we left off, but taking what I said into consideration))
  8. Paradox

    Leap of Faith

    Name: Layla Branwen Age: 17 Personality: The best way to describe Layla is.....odd. She's intelligent, witty, clever, a bit eccentric at times, and prone to vicious mood swings. She can come off as harsh, but deep down, does care about others. She is actually a very lonely person, but has an...
  9. Paradox

    Hybrid Experiments

    Out of curiosity, when are we starting?
  10. Paradox

    Teen Titans RP!

    ((Okay, we are NOT restarting, but you all need to remember what I said earlier. Also, Painclown, I'm not really sure where your character is at this moment. I think you need to regroup yourself and make a plan that others agree on. Mitaku, your posts are very jumbled and difficult to follow...
  11. Paradox

    The Coming Darkness

    Dawn was taken aback by her roommates manner. She was being.......nice? How odd. How strange. How peculiar. This Rosalie also had a frail exterior, as the green-haired girl could decipher from her impending cough and energy signature. A balance between power and fragility. A marvel towards both...
  12. Paradox

    The Coming Darkness

    ((Yo, Sunnibun, you alive?))
  13. Paradox

    Hybrid Experiments

    Name: Terra Age: 2 biological years (though around 16 or 17 in mentality and physical appearance) Gender: Female Type: Tiger/Human Hybrid Personality: Terra is fast in every meaning of the word. She gets excited by new things, as the tiger-girl is always searching and learning. She is...
  14. Paradox

    FMA RP! Get in here!

    Eeeeeeeeek! THIS SHOW IS A PART OF MY LIFE. Hell yeah, let's do this! I'd be happy to play as Roy, Jean, Ed, Alphonse, or Winry. Or even any of the Humonculi.
  15. Paradox

    Teen Titans RP!

    ((You think so? What about the interaction your characters and mine had? Just a complete restart in general....or from a certain point? But I do think you have the right idea))
  16. Paradox

    Teen Titans RP!

    ((As am I. It seems the original plot was thrown out the window. I think we all need to sit down and converse about this for a moment. Okay, main antagonist: Slade Appearance: Soon Now, I think a big problem is, a lot of people are filling this up with "one-liners" and are not working with...
  17. Paradox

    Teen Titans RP!

    (( Dear....Dear God, Mitaku! What on EARTH have you done to Stein?! O_O We need to call the DWMA immediately to send reinforcements. On another note, where the glob is everybody? I'm going to make a few more characters if PD is kept at this standstill. I mean, I'm bringing in the big S...
  18. Paradox

    The Coming Darkness

    Dawn's face did not display any surprise as she turned around, though a single, inquisitive eyebrow was raised. A young female, blue-haired with skin almost as pale as her own. Her eyes burned with affirmation and intelligence as she observed the girl, taking note of her simple yet elegant...
  19. Paradox

    The Coming Darkness

    "Oh yes, and two more things before I leave you all to your business - One, this dormitory is split in half, the left side of the building is for males and only males, while the right side is for females. We've got a strict rule, where nobody can cross into the other side unless it's for an...
  20. Paradox

    Becoming Dauntless

    I'm down with that. Give me a couple of minutes, and I'll give ya another one!Name: Andrew "Wolfbane" Jackson Gender: Male Appearance: (Andrew is tall, standing at 6"2. He weighs 215 pounds, though that is mostly muscle. His hair is a relatively light brown, his eyes a piercing blue.)...