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  1. Varelyn Lux

    Dragon's Flame (IcyOwl & Varelyn Lux)

    When Aerilyn returned to her clothes, her wings were completely waterlogged so she had to hop the last few feet to the tree where her clothes were. Shaking out her wings a few times, her form blurred slightly and a squawk like sound of pain emitted from her as she felt herself getting stuck. If...
  2. Varelyn Lux

    Dragon's Flame (IcyOwl & Varelyn Lux)

    It had been several days prior to the downpour of rain that Aerilyn had sensed the storm coming. She had been sleeping peacefully next to Azul and her warmth when she was woken by what sounded like the cries of Orc's. The sound had caused her to shoot up and get into a defensive pose, and in...
  3. Varelyn Lux

    Partners! Time Periods, Originals, and Fandoms!

    If you are still looking for partners, I'd be more than willing to play Thorin Oakenshield ( Whom I've dubbed Mr.Grumpy ) for you. If that doesn't sound interesting to you, I'm sure we can figure out something else!
  4. Varelyn Lux

    One x One Dragon's Flame (IcyOwl & Varelyn Lux)

    Aerilyn Hair Color : Chestnut Brown Eye Color : Silver/Grey ( Human ) , Whiskey ( Hawk ) Skin Tone : Very lightly tanned Height : Just shy of 5'1 ( Human ), 4'6 ( Hawk ) Stature : Being a bird of prey and occasionally getting stuck with wings on her back causes her to stand very...
  5. Varelyn Lux

    Looking For A Few New Roleplays

    Hello! If you are still looking for RP partners I'd love to do something in the Tolkien verse. If that's not your cup of tea at the moment, I'm more than willing to brainstorm with you!
  6. Varelyn Lux

    Somewhere Out There...

    The cover art for Until Dawn is a thing of morbid beauty, and just like The Evil Within, I'd never play it without a heart monitor. Anyway, welcome!
  7. Varelyn Lux


    For some people, roleplaying is what they love to do all year, and for others it's give and take. Either way, it's a fun way to let yourself write what you want, without having to worry about people looking at you weird. We are all friends here!
  8. Varelyn Lux

    Here's to the adventures to be had!

    You're welcome! Glad I could brighten up your day a little bit!
  9. Varelyn Lux

    Here's to the adventures to be had!

    Yay! I would be a little concerned if people thought I was the bad weird. I mean, I started watching UK TV shows to prepare myself for studying in the UK next year, and my mom looked at me funny. I don't think that's weird. I call that being prepared.
  10. Varelyn Lux

    Here's to the adventures to be had!

    If I remember correctly, there is good weird, and bad weird.
  11. Varelyn Lux

    Here's to the adventures to be had!

    Awesome?: What is this awesome you speak of xD I'm just your average friendly human. Or am I? : insert ' dun dun dun ' here :
  12. Varelyn Lux

    Here's to the adventures to be had!

    Me either. My sister is though and seeing her after she drank too much was not fun. I kept trying to talk to her and all she did was giggle and show me facebook posts that she thought were absolutely hilarious. Hugs? : grabs and hugs :
  13. Varelyn Lux

    Here's to the adventures to be had!

    I feel old, although I'm kind of still young? @Mayumi , Thank you for the welcome! The way I make my tea is weird. I heat up the water, put it in the cup with the bag, let it sit. put honey in it, let that sit, add milk, and then let it get cold before drinking it. I also leave the bag in...
  14. Varelyn Lux

    Here's to the adventures to be had!

    Adventures? What adventures? Nobody told me about this! What if I forget my toothbrush again?! Hello! I'm new to this site, but definitely not new to the world of roleplaying. I've been roleplaying since I was 13, and if you add 10 to that, you'll know how old I am now. I'm old, I know. My...