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Looking For A Few New Roleplays

Demon Shadow

† bonsoir elliot †

Hi everyone I'm Demon Shadow. I was gone for awhile do to a few months due to some personal issues but now my life is back on track and I'm starting to want to get gradually back into roleplaying by picking up a few casual roleplays. I am looking for a few original and fandom roleplays with romance as a sub-element.

If you are interested in roleplaying shoot me a message or comment below.

Also if we had a roleplay or were planning one with me before I left and are interested in picking back up or staring a new roleplay with me let me know because I would probably love that.

  • General Information (Replies and Grammar)

    • Personally I prefer to roleplay over PM only seeing as it's much easier for me to keep track of so please note that if you request a roleplay with me it will be over PM.
    • I usually reply once every other day (sometimes once a day if I have the time) so please be understanding if I don't get to your message right away. Nothing drives me more crazy than people bugging me to reply to them. Give me time and I will reply eventually. However if I haven't replied within a week shoot me a message because I probably just forgot (I will do the same for you if I don't hear from you in a week). But please keep in mind real life comes first.
    • I usually write 1-2 sometimes 3 paragraphs (5-8 sentences) for each character per post depending on my creativity so I'm looking for a partner who will write around that much. Please no one liners I despise short posts.
    • Please try to use proper grammar and spelling. I know mistakes happen but I like to actually be able to understand what my partner is writing. (Note: I am British so I use British spellings (and terms sometimes). Amazing I know so my spelling might be slightly different than what you're used to so please don't complain.)
    • I like to talk OOC (out of character) with people as it helps with ideas and writers block. Plus it doesn't feel as awkward as if I was just roleplaying with a unfriendly stranger who doesn't reply when I say something OOC.
    • We must decide on a plot. I don't like going off of just a pairing/fandom and not knowing what direction I'm going in. With that in mind if you can help with forming a plot or idea that would be amazing.
    • I prefer to write in third person so I'm looking for a partner that has the same writing style.


    • For pairings I can do FxM, FxF, and MxM (Note: I am just getting into the MxM field so I am not that experienced at it)
    • For fandoms I do OC x Cannon (double up), OC x OC, and Cannon x Cannon. But it depends on the fandom.
    • I can play both female and male characters. Although I usually prefer to play female characters seeing as my male characters are not as developed. But I can and will play both.
    • My character sheets can be as detailed or as simple as you want them to be seeing as I usually follow my partners character sheet format.
    • Please use real life pictures (face claims) for your CS rather than drawn or anime.


    • Romance
    • Fandom
    • Sci-Fi
    • Fantasy
    • Modern
    • Historical (almost any era)
    • Futuristic
    • Action
    • Crime
    • Adventure
    • Dark Humour / Comedy
    • Supernatural
    • Horror
    • Mystery
    • Thriller
    • Drama
    • Steampunk
    • Apocalyptic
    • Dark / Mature
    • Distopia

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I will teach you the art of MxM through a Detective x Murderer rp o3o Err, but, I use anime pictures. If it bothers you I can just describe him but that's the most I can do about that.
[QUOTE="Kazuka Rikiya]I will teach you the art of MxM through a Detective x Murderer rp o3o Err, but, I use anime pictures. If it bothers you I can just describe him but that's the most I can do about that.

Alright I will be willing to give a MxM Detective x Murderer roleplay a try. Message me I would love to hear any ideas you have.
[QUOTE="Mia Moulop]Would you like to do a Pirate x Captive.

Alright that sounds like it would be interesting to try out. Shoot me a message and we can discuss details.
Criminal x Criminal

Criminal x Cop

Serial Killer x Girlfriend/Boyfriend

College Student x College Teacher

This things sounds interesting.. Message me?
Hey there!

Unfortunately, I can't send any PMs at the moment, but if you're still looking for a partner, please feel free to message me! (o'v'o)I am interested in role-playing either the
Twisted Fairy Tale, Roommate x Roommate, or the Apocalypse idea.

If you are still looking for RP partners I'd love to do something in the Tolkien verse.

If that's not your cup of tea at the moment, I'm more than willing to brainstorm with you!
Would you be interested in seeing some ideas, Era based, plots I have as of now? Their more romance (I'm new ouo)
I dont know if youre still active, but id definitely be interested in doing the demon x witch with you.
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I would be interested in any of these if you're still looking and bolded the one's I'm more interested in. I can't PM yet so if you would like to RP, could you PM me?

Spy x Spy

Assassin x Assassin

Cop x Cop

Detective x Detective / Partner

Roommate x Roommate

Best Friend x Best Friend

Criminal x Criminal

Criminal x Non-Criminal

Criminal x Cop

Serial Killer x Girlfriend/Boyfriend

Childhood Friend x Childhood Friend

Superhuman x Superhuman

Superhuman x Human

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