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  1. Solaire

    Avengers International

    Jack chose to remain silent, wishing to know of his new teammates. They were intimidating in the videos, especially the Kain guy and the Smoke Wraith. This entire program seemed shady and unsavory. It left a bad taste in his mouth. He began formulating a plan. Wait for Nightfall, grab the suit...
  2. Solaire

    SBURB- Omega Session (ACCEPTING)

  3. Solaire

    SBURB- Omega Session (ACCEPTING)

    Welcome aboard! Though, your appearance image is broken. Could we also get a last name for Madi? That would be great if you could do that. But other than that, great character and I hope we can find out how she comes along in the roleplay. C:
  4. Solaire

    Avengers International

    Jack flipped his shit when people poured in and the walls came down. He listened to the man talk, still in full anxiety mode. Avengers? Surely they must be mistaken about who is applicable. Jack is a Thief, not a hero. A screen descended and a video was played. The timestamp said that it was...
  5. Solaire

    SBURB- Omega Session (ACCEPTING)

    The tale of four internet friends on their conquest to beat an unusual video game. Will they beat the game and ascend to their rightful godly domain or will they crash and burn in their session? God Tier Classes List- God Tier Aspects List-...
  6. Solaire

    Avengers International

    Jack Knight prepared for the heist of his lifetime, The Stark Castle. When Tony Stark revealed he was Iron Man, everything in that manor ballooned in value. It would make a pretty penny after he sold it to the local Fence, Garrett. He cloaked in his Nightingale attire and set out in the back...
  7. Solaire

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Frampt- "Oh yes! Wonderous mage! Appointed by Gwyn to the Council. She got tired of his ignorance of the land and strove for equality for the Imperians." He explained.
  8. Solaire

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Artorias- "Man with a knife. Scary. What are you gonna do? Loot my pocket? I am ever at your mercy. I have a family to feed! Don't take me coin!" He leaned back in the chair, balancing himself on his sword. "You don't threaten a Knight, mate."
  9. Solaire

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Frampt- "Your ancestor didn't think he was one either." He responded. "Thought he was born to cloak and steal. Though, he used his wits and his stealth to conquer one of the most important part of the mission: Infiltrate Gwyn's domain and clear it so that they may launch the final assault. On...
  10. Solaire

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Frampt- He finished his exposition on the War of Cinders and the imminent return of Gwyn. Artorias- He is mentally jolted awake. "What happened. I was awake." He said, drowsily.
  11. Solaire

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Frampt- "Sit down, boy. Descendant of Lautrec, Master thief. I cannot believe how much you four act like your ancestors. It's almost uncanny. But I digress. Come Jayce, Hero of Jurga. We have obtained all of our savior a again." He said, explaining the tale to Natasia and Jayce. Artorias-...
  12. Solaire

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Artorias- He stopped listening to the old man when he saw the girl fall in. "Welcome to the unknown, lady. Nobody knows what we're doing here but the old guy." Frampt- "Ah! Welcome! You must be the Mage, Natasia! I am Grandmaster Frampt. I have sent for you to join the Four Heroes on their...
  13. Solaire

    The Clock Strikes Four: Character Sign up.

    I suppose you should. Seems to be the preferable method of transportation.
  14. Solaire

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Frampt- "You would be correct. The original Dread Pirate in the Third Age. She was a terror of the seas. Fought bravely in the War of Cinders against Gwyn. Commandeered an entire fleet of ships against his Navy. Took the Navy down in one hale of cannonballs. Lord Magnum was a brilliant Mage...
  15. Solaire

    The Clock Strikes Four: Character Sign up.

    Much better.
  16. Solaire

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Frampt- "Well, before I was interrupted..." He started again. "Descendants of Lady Nocture, Lord Magnum, and Sir Spekter. I have summoned you here to warn you of a great evil that will rise again in this age. The evil known as Gwyn. He enslaved Imperia long ago and was destined to enslave us...
  17. Solaire

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Artorias- He set his hand on his helmet that was placed on the table and tapped on it. "Your choice, lady." He chuckled, and took the blade from his back, leaning it on the table. "I'm simply a peasant who has no authority over such royalty."
  18. Solaire

    The Clock Strikes Four: Character Sign up.

    Perfect! Though, your images are broken. Other than that, it's wonderful!
  19. Solaire

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Artorias- "That grunt thing was more of a modesty thing. Ever heard of the Great Arsenian War? The one we fought against the Delsyn marauders? I was the Void Knight. Lots a' jaunty bard tunes about that battle. Stole a way into the camp and shanked the crew in their sleep. Nobody knew I was...
  20. Solaire

    The Clock Strikes Four.

    Artorias- "This is going to be fun, I can just tell." He chuckled to himself. "I was only doing you a justice, milady. As it is improper to undress herself in the presence of such peasants." He jested. Frampt- He sighed to himself and took a seat with them at the table, waiting to explain...