SBURB- Omega Session (ACCEPTING)


New Member
The tale of four internet friends on their conquest to beat an unusual video game.

Will they beat the game and ascend to their rightful godly domain or will they crash and burn in their session?

God Tier Classes List-

God Tier Aspects List-


1. Normal site rules apply.

2. Be respectful to your fellow roleplayers

3. Relationships are accepted, just no instant love.

4. Do NOT attempt to go God Tier in the beginning of the game.

5. Other than that, have fun. Rules will be added as problems arise.

6. God Tier classes and aspects go for one person. For example, if someone is a Time player already, you can't use the Time aspect. If someone is already a Maid, you can't use the Maid class.



Age (13-16)-


Pesterchum handle(Written in the associated text colour)-

Strife Specibus-

Interests (Gambling, Magic, Singing, Acting, ETC)-

Fetch Modus (Name of Modus and an explanation of how it works)-

God Tier title-

Game Planet ( Land of ????? and ?????. Space players automatically have Land of ???? and Frogs.)


Misc notes-

My character-

Name- Noel Estheim

Age (13-16)- 14.

Personality- A man of sarcasm and sass. He is incredibly self-loathing and thinks he is worthless and stupid. Noel can tend to be a man of logic, than an adventurous one. Many people would consider him along the Douchey side of the Friendly Spectrum. He tends to be very cold and distant, though that tends to be accident mostly.

Pesterchum handle- maliciousDesigner-

Strife Specibus- Batkind

Interests- Mechanical Engineering, Roleplaying games, Spectrology.

Fetch Modus - Shroedinger's Cat- When using this modus you are given a number of "boxes" equal to the number of captchalogue cards you possess divided by two (rounded up if that isn't a whole number). Every time you captchalogue an item you must place it into one of the boxes, the first item you place into a given box will be the "alive" item while the second will be the "dead" item. To retrieve an item you must open the box it is stored in; when a box is opened it will yield either the alive or dead item, if it's the alive item then the other item will be returned to the box after it's been closed but if it's the dead item then the other item will be lost forever. If you attempt to open a box that you've only placed one item into then a null item will act as the dead item (i.e. you'll either retrieve the item you put in there or get nothing and lose it forever)

God Tier title- Thief of Doom.

Game Planet- Land of Hemlock and Obelisks. LOHAO.


Associated symbol-

Misc notes- None

Approved characters-

1. Noel Estheim- Solaire.

2. Madi Carlton - Moxie Riot
(Sorry the pictures are so big. I can't change the size.)

Name- Madi Carlton

Age (13-16)- 15

Personality- Madi is kind and very sweet , but she is definitely not a doormat and will put people in their place if they try to walk all over her. She usually acts first and thinks later, which gets her into some sticky situations. She is quite tomboyish and doesn't mind getting down and dirty.

Pesterchum handle(Written in the associated text colour)- melodiousShot

Strife Specibus- Whipkind, gunkind

Interests (Gambling, Magic, Singing, Acting, ETC)- singing, playing guitar

Fetch Modus- Notes- Each item has a long string of notes that must be sung correctly in order to retrieve an item.

God Tier title- Witch of Breath

Game Planet- Land of Daisies and Iron. LODAI



Misc notes- Took martial arts and defensive training and plays in a local band that is quite popular.
Welcome aboard! Though, your appearance image is broken. Could we also get a last name for Madi? That would be great if you could do that. But other than that, great character and I hope we can find out how she comes along in the roleplay. C:

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