The Clock Strikes Four: Character Sign up.


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Class List-

Knight- The class of bravery and strength. Among the most cunning of warriors, Knights can carry their own in a medium battle and turn the tide of war if they're on your side.

Pirate- A class of cunning and deception. The Swashbuckling Corsair could steal your fortune, kill your family, and sell you into slavery.

Dragoon- A warrior of speed and skill. The Dragoon is the Elite of the military. Equipped with spears, they could execute you from across the battlefield or destroy a whole division in one swing.

Bard- A class of culture and jaunty tunes. The Bard plays back up in any warrior's party. They can mesmerize the foes with a merry song and heal the party to strike fear into the hearts of the evil.

Jester- The more villainous side of the Bard. The Jester can fool enemies into a false state of pride and fall victim to the dastardly tricks of the Jester. Do not fall for anything the class pulls if you are not on their side.

Mage- A class of Wisdom and Wits. The Mage can cause ruptures in the ground, burns on evil, and plagues to obliterate anything that stands in the way of the Mage. A great add to any party.

Thief- The class of quickness and shroud. The Thief is a fairly passive class, serving to only lighten your lockbox or help you with your "unwanted" currency.

Ranger- This class prefers to observe first and shoot later. This class is highly observant and is a great shot. Able to knock the head of the enemy from its neck from Thirty feet away or more.

My Characters-

Full Name- Artorias Ornstein

Age- Twenty- Seven

Class- Knight

Birthland- Arsenia/Elf.

Personality- Cold, calm, and calculating. Not easy to anger. Would rather beat you in a battle of wits than a battle of might.

Backstory- Parents died of a plague when he was Three. He was drafted into the Arsenian Military at Fourteen. Classed as a Squire, he quickly moved up the ladder for four years and became a Knight. He fought in few battles along the Arsenian borders, mostly to prevent intrusions. He raised a canine companion to fight by his side, named Sif. His speed and tactical advantage allowed him to sneak past his foes and strike with precision. This allowed him to obtain the title of Void Knight.

Skills- Tactical Prowess, Strength, Speed, and Coordination.

Weapons- An Ebony Cleaver-sword.





(Under Armour)


Age- 110.

Class- Mage

Birthland- Crucible

Personality- Calm, Drunkardly, and Not Coherent.

Backstory- He witnessed the original heroes vanquish the Great Gwyn of Isles. He wrote the new prophecy according to his visions. He vowed to find the heroes in their new forms and train them when the need for them arises.

Skills- Martial Arts, Sorcery

Weapons- Wooden Staff.




Four Hero listing-

Crucible's champion- Alexandria Delphi Morticus Elain Richardson - Dolphinlynx

Jurga's Champion- Jayce- TheyCallMeFox

Arsenia's Champion- Artorias Ornstein - Solaire

The Isles' Champion- Camila "Nox" Bianchi - Witch of Time *FireFly*

Other members of the party-

Grandmaster Frampt- Solaire.

Natasia Ucklov - kikinavi

Full Name- Camila "Nox" Bianchi

Age- Twenty-Three

Class- Pirate

Birthland/Race- The Isles

Personality- She's difficult and enjoys pushing buttons and testing people. Camila enjoys teasing people, especially those she's close to. She's gifted at manipulation, using any means necessary (words, bribes, flirting) to get whatever she wants whenever she wants it. She steals, cheats, lies, gambles, and drinks the nights away. Camila is loud and rowdy; she doesn't beat around the bush when she wants something, but she does enjoy double talking and making people jump through hoops when they want anything from her. Beneath all that though, there is a more sentimental, romantic woman. She loves to hear stories of adventure, and is quite the fun person to be around.

Backstory- Growing up, Camila was always a difficult child. Coming from a home with four older brothers and an estranged, absent mother, she had to be tough. Camila loved to read stories about adventurers, and she loved to watch the ships down by the dock near her home, so it was only natural she'd find her way to a life of nautical journeys. She became a pirate at age fifteen, stole her own ship to Captain at twenty-one. She took the name Nox when she joined her first ship; new life, new name. For her to tell anyone her real name, she would have to have great trust in them.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/green-eyes-makeup.jpg.9988ae3f65aed5fc4bdebbb0f73da0e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="865" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/green-eyes-makeup.jpg.9988ae3f65aed5fc4bdebbb0f73da0e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills- Manipulation, thievery, navigation, agility, and swordplay.

Weapons- Nox uses traditional pirating tools of the trade: Small bombs made with black powder, a blunderbuss loaded with whatever debris and shrapnel she can shove down the barrel, and, more often than not, a sword known as a cutlass.



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Full Name- Jayce. He doesn't know his last name.

Age- 23

Class- Thief

Birthland/Race- Unsure/ half elf half human.

Personality-Jayce is very nice to people who he trusts. But also a bit clingy because e has so much pent up affection. He has a very tough exterior. He tries to keep people from getting close to him.

Backstory-Jayce was born to a single mother who eventualy went insane and kille his sister. His father walked out on him so he is not trusting of males, or anyone for that matter. His brother who raised him used to abuse him, and eventially abandoned him on the streets. Now he thinks everyone will hurt you goven the chance to.


Skills-He is good at disappearing.Sneaking is another skill of his. He has spent his life trying to be as small as possible so no one would hurt him. He is now great at just blending in. He also is very good at killing things. If he can sneak up on someone, most of the time they don't really have a chance.

Weapons- He uses two short swords, and also asorted smaller weapons like throwing knives.
Alright. Before I can accept you, I do need some revisions. I'm assuming Jayce is a champion, so I'm really gonna need you to list one of the lands. If not, you don't have to and he could be a secondary member of the extended party. The entire unification of Imperia against evil shtick, you know? But other than that, he should be a great addition to the roleplay!
Full Name- Alexandria Delphi Morticus Elain Richardson

Age- 22

Class- Mage

Birthland/Race- Crucible/ human

Personality- She's sociable, but fairly reserved, preferring the company of books than others. Some might see her as snobbish, despite her regal bearing. She enjoys toying with people's emotions, just to see how they react.

Backstory- Born of a fairly high noble family, Alexandria was raised well, with a high education. Her books told her that there were things greater than sitting around all day to do, and when she asked her parents about the arcane, they immediately agreed to let her learn magic. Tragically, her father was slain in a dispute with another family, and ever since, her mother has been riddled with grief. She wants to remove all evil from the world in hopes that someday, she might be able to make pain and suffering a thing of the past, so that no one else ends up broken like her mother

Appearance-<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Sarah-Brightman-sarah-brightman-24123615-500-313.jpg.72346a81420edd622727e49ebd9524cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="868" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Sarah-Brightman-sarah-brightman-24123615-500-313.jpg.72346a81420edd622727e49ebd9524cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills- She's very good with politics, and can tell the mood of almost any room she enters. She's also intelligent, and not afraid to use her body to get what she wants.

Weapons-Her mind, A petrified rose hair clip
, and an emerald-hilted dagger she keeps hidden on her at all times.



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Full Name- Natasia Ucklov

Age- 20

Class- Mage

Birthland/Race- Human

Personality- Personality- Natasia is a very stern graceful woman with poise. Even though she physically acts poised and majestic, she has a harsh, sarcastic, and flirtatious side. She is a strong silent beauty. She tends to act on morals and impulsive than strategically

Backstory- Natasia was born a high class daughter of wealthy parents who were not famous, just successful. Natasia was taught young of self defense in magical arts and is now a mage today because of it. With a nice education and well off life ahead of her, at 18, Natasia was to be married to the handsome man of her dreams and start a lovely family. Natasia wanted adventure though. She loved her fiance very much but couldn't seeing herself settling down. Eventually she left him and resided in a small but lavish home, near her parents, thriving off of her beloved and generous father.


Skills- flexibility, agile, unique technique and surprising fighting style.

Weapons- her mage powers along with martial arts training.
Why thank you. The big lavish robe would be her combat ware and the other is sleep ware or lounge ware that I used so you could see the full body. Now, how should I interject? Should I come through the portal like the others, yes?

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