Search results for query: *

  1. Fiendish Az

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Journal Location:Classroom With:Classmates Condition: Stable Notice: None Active Theme: Quotes:@GreenEyedStranger @Lotusy Out..Of..Care:Thanks. The boy watched as the figure in the suit started to answer his question but never finished causing him to tilt his head...
  2. Fiendish Az

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Journal Location:Office With:Classmates Condition: Stable Notice: None Active Theme: Quotes:@metalcity @Lotusy @GingerBread Out..Of..Care:Not sure if there is already Npc for the principal so apologies if there already is. "And here are the medical prescriptions he...
  3. Fiendish Az

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    @Lotusy Use to until i realized the time(INRP) so i'll take you up on that offer.
  4. Fiendish Az

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    @Lotusy Edited it in, Thank you for having me.
  5. Fiendish Az

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Name: Salvia Nerva Gender: Male Age: 14 School year:Freshman Species:Human Power(s)/ Skills: ●He possesses a monstrous level charisma and an inhuman prowess for manipulation that is extraordinary and effective in causing suffering and destruction towards everything around him. He has...
  6. Fiendish Az

    Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

    Journal Location:Ruined Town? With: A corpse Condition: Stable Notice: None Active Theme:Nothing Quotes: Out..Of..Care: A boy watched the group of survivors from a far through a pair of damaged binoculars seeing them converse with each other, One seemed rather nervous...
  7. Fiendish Az

    Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

    Name: Salvia Nerva, No.4 Age: 6 Gender: Male Zombie or Human: Human Personality: ● On the surface, Salvia is a well-mannered, charismatic and compassionate young boy. He possesses a myriad of favorable traits and can easily overwhelm individuals with his seemingly loveable nature...
  8. Fiendish Az

    BBcode help.[Solved]

    I swear i- Well whatever, Seems i still have quite a ways to go. Anyway thank you greatly for your help, You saved me from a major headache, I'm glad i asked for assistance from you guys, I'll be sure to come again if such problem arise but in the meantime Farewell and once again thank you for...
  9. Fiendish Az

    BBcode help.[Solved]

    I need a bit of help, Is it possible to have text wrap around Sides? Much like how it's displayed in the BBCoding help forum. I have been trying a lot of methods to recreate this but nothing has been working so far, Though to be fair i'm not really use to this type of BBcode yet. I...
  10. Fiendish Az

    Music Favorite Game Soundtracks?

    Hm.. Well that's a tough one, The game is generally old, Old enough to be made in the GameCube Era though they were made for the PS2 if you're lucky to still have either of them left. Well that's a hard question to ask since i grew up on the game so it's kinda a tough one to ask to someone like...
  11. Fiendish Az


    Yes i'm seeing that, Quite a lot of thought have been put into them and that's something i really appreciate. No worries, Though there's nothing really per say except for this form of BBCodes, It may take some time for me to adjust to this but i think i can enjoy myself a lot with this in due...
  12. Fiendish Az


    Thank you for the warm welcome, Glad to find that this community to be so welcoming..
  13. Fiendish Az

    Music Favorite Game Soundtracks?

    If i were to choose then it would have to be Ty the Tasmanian Tiger soundtrack, And by soundtrack i mean all the OST's it provides, A lot of the music is quirky, charming, relaxing and filled with energy all mixed with an Australian tone. The music is wonderful (Maybe just because i use to...
  14. Fiendish Az


    Hello to all the Users out there, I can't believe i missed this beauty of a gem for so long.