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  1. LostDreamer

    Thanks for following me. o_O

    Thanks for following me. o_O
  2. LostDreamer

    Hi. Are you going to post on the Rp (The Cursed) anytime soon? =(

    Hi. Are you going to post on the Rp (The Cursed) anytime soon? =(
  3. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

    Fool then jumped and disappeared in the darkness. "That was pretty weird." said Spook. He then looked at Joel. "Don't worry about him. He is just a prankster that's all." said Spook. He then looked around. "I think Latos left us for now. What should we do now?" asked Spook.
  4. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

    Spook stood up. "Thank you Joel so much! That cat thing was creeping me out." said Spook."Fool is sorry. Everyone thinks Fool is stupid and weird. Fool get really lonely. Does demon want to be friends with Fool the cool?" said Fool while smiling.
  5. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

    "Hey Joel you saw that cat thing right?" said Spook. Just then The cat thing showed its self to everyone. "My name is Fool. Fools so cool that I can make the darkest ghouls drool." said Fool. He then looked at Spook and said spiders are Fool's friends. Fool then tackled Spook and then started...
  6. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

    A cat like creature poofed out of nowhere. He smiled at everyone. "Fool loves seeing outsiders they make great spiders." The cat creature disappeared with a haunting laugh. Spook then thought silently "Wow that cat thing is still following me around." Then Spook remembered something. He has seen...
  7. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

    "Don't think of me as friendly. I hate humans and besides I'm friends with no one exept Joel over here. said Spook in a low voice. He didn't want to upset Latos. In fact that was the last thing he wanted to do but Spook had to stand up for his friend and tell the truth no matter if Latos like it...
  8. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

    "I didn't summon him. He just came in here." Spook said. To tell you the truth Spook was so afraid for the first time in a long time. Latos was the biggest demon Spook has ever seen in this world. He wanted to disappear but he couldn't out of fear.
  9. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

  10. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

  11. LostDreamer
  12. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

    "Alright. If there is something you need just tell me. Okay?" said Spook. Then he heard something in the bushes. Spook stared into the bushes.
  13. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

    "I was just wondering." said Spook. He looked at Joel. "You seem depressed are you alright?" asked Spook. He didn't want a friend to be upset or sad over something.
  14. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

    "Oh ok." said Spook. He didn't mind if Joel trusted a human or not. Spook just didn't want to get in voided with a human... It never goes well if he gets near or sees a human. First has deep hatred when he notices one of them and then comes the uncontrollable rage. He chases them and if he gets...
  15. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

    Spook looked at him. "Do you trust humans at all?" asked Spook. "I don't really trust them." said Spook in a low voice. Not that he was upset or anything. He just wanted to know.
  16. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

    "Its alright. You can take your time." said Spook. He was sort of glad to have Joel stay with him. Spook thought about something. "Hey Joel, can I ask you a question?" said Spook.
  17. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

    "Pretty much." said Spook while he sighed and looked up at the stars. "You know that this place is suppose to be connected with the shadows on Earth and if you want... I can try to travel to Earth with you. I mean I will try to get you out of this place if you want to." said Spook.
  18. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

    Spook lite up the firewood and watched the stars. He saw a shooting star but he didn't wish for anything. Besides he wished a thousand times already but his wishes never came true except for this one. He was glad to have a friend at last.
  19. LostDreamer

    So, I'm New...

    Hi. Welcome to Rp Nation. I hope you like it here. :smile 2:
  20. LostDreamer

    The Cursed

    "Your welcome. I'll go get some firewood to start a fire." said Spook. Later Spook came back with some firewood and started the fire. Spook looked at the stars in the sky and the moon. They were always so pretty even though they were always there all the time. (Yay! I can't wait until summer...