The Cursed

"Its alright. You can take your time." said Spook. He was sort of glad to have Joel stay with him. Spook thought about something. "Hey Joel, can I ask you a question?" said Spook.
Joel felt calmed somehow. Now that Spook was here it didn't seem as bad anymore. "Yes, sure," he said as an answer to his question. He sat up a bit, as to see Spook better, and to not fall asleep mid-conversation
Spook looked at him. "Do you trust humans at all?" asked Spook. "I don't really trust them." said Spook in a low voice. Not that he was upset or anything. He just wanted to know.
Joel pondered this a moment. He hadn't really thought of it before, and wondered why. But then it suddenly hit him. "I don't think I've ever trusted anyone..." He said realizing this at this moment. "Human or not..."
"Oh ok." said Spook. He didn't mind if Joel trusted a human or not. Spook just didn't want to get in voided with a human... It never goes well if he gets near or sees a human. First has deep hatred when he notices one of them and then comes the uncontrollable rage. He chases them and if he gets lucky catches one of them. After that another human saves them and then he disappears. He hates humans. That's why he loves to terrorize them.
Joel seemed to be deep in thought. "Why do you ask?" He then said, wondering why it mattered. He was starting to wonder why anything mattered. He was detached from the world
"I was just wondering." said Spook. He looked at Joel. "You seem depressed are you alright?" asked Spook. He didn't want a friend to be upset or sad over something.
Joel attempted to smile. "Oh, I'm okay... I suppose..." He said. Joel now remembered that he always said that a lot. Especially when it wasn't true. He wasn't sure it had ever been true. He had never had a family, and all the people he connected to would always leave him.
"Alright. If there is something you need just tell me. Okay?" said Spook. Then he heard something in the bushes. Spook stared into the bushes.
Joel jumped at the noise from the bushes. He stared intently at them, and dind't know if making noise was a good idea. He wanted to ask what Spook thought it was, but found it safest to stay quiet, in case this was some unknown creature that was dangerous
Latos was hidden in the bushes but was rather uncomfortable and moved a bit, turns out he made more noise then what was intended and the creatures had heard him. Latos sighed a bit at his discovery but finally revealed himself.

"Demon!" Latos shouted in his unholy voice

"You don't belong in the shadow realm."

He pulled out a axe and continued his sentence

"State your business to a guardian" He commanded

(Decided to make a appearance xD )
Joel scurried backwards in fear and stared with large eyes. He has an axe! he thought. What was he supposed to answer? There was nothing to answer, he didn't even know what he was asking about.

"I don't know anything!" he blurted out, realizing that didn't make any sense. "I mean, I don't know how I got here!"
Latos laughed loudly at the demons first response then began thinking of the things he could do to the outsider

"I should skin you alive and send you back to the realm which you came!" He said with his voice getting louder with each word.

Latos examined the area and looked at spook he then raised his arm wielding the axe

"Did you summon the outsider into our realm?" He said questioning

To Latos outsiders were rather uncommon because the world normally consisted of monsters and other strange creatures. He has encountered few demons in his time. Latos turned back over at Joel.

"I know what your like demon!" Latos grunted

"Intelligent and clever are you not? Therefore you must be lying to me"
"I didn't summon him. He just came in here." Spook said. To tell you the truth Spook was so afraid for the first time in a long time. Latos was the biggest demon Spook has ever seen in this world. He wanted to disappear but he couldn't out of fear.
"I am not clever at all!" Joel yelped, his eyes rounding. "I'm only a lesser demon! I'm not even trained!" Joel wanted to run away, but he stopped himself. He couldn't leave Spook here with this monster, after everything he had done for him
Latos dropped his axe that landed with a loud thud that kicked up dirt into the air and got on one knee then leaned towards almost Joel almost pushing their heads together

"Listen closely outsider.... These aren't the realms from which you came" Latos said in a loud whisper to Joel

He looked back at Spook which he still had his suspicions about.

"Iv'e wandered these planes for plenty enough generations to see the horrors that go on here" He continued

Latos stood still for a moment almost like a statue. He re-lived some of the things he's seen and done for a minute.

"Unlike your friend over there a portion of the creatures won't be so friendly" He again grunted.

He stood back up and picked up his weapons and holstered it once agian waiting for a response form either the demon or ghost.

"So Naive" Latos thought
"Don't think of me as friendly. I hate humans and besides I'm friends with no one exept Joel over here. said Spook in a low voice. He didn't want to upset Latos. In fact that was the last thing he wanted to do but Spook had to stand up for his friend and tell the truth no matter if Latos like it or not.
Joel shivered and stared from Spook to the scary newcomer, utterly confused and frightening. He was calmed by Spook defending him though, at least about him. He did however not like the idea of there being more frightening creatures around. If there was any more like Latos... Or worse than him...
"Oh so loyal aren't you puppy dog?" Latos laughed mockingly

There weren't many duties Latos had to go attend to so he stood there continuing to talk.

"Technically as one of the guardians of the Nightmare realm" He sighed

Latos always hated this part, he had to answer questions that the demon may have

"Do you have any questions I need to answer naive demon?" He asked

"Or has the mutt already answered them for you?" He added
Joel's heart was pounding in his chest, and his fear for this place was back full-on strong. He shivered stronger, not being able to sit still. Then he was asked if he had any questions. Joel was puzzled, he had thought he would be attacked sooner than helped. "I.. Don't..." He began, before a question sprang to his mind. "If we... If... We get killed here, by... Something.." He stammered. "What.. Happens to us? Where do we go..?"
Latos was a bit surprised at that question.

"Where do you go? Where do you go if you die!?" He said in a joking manner

He saw the puzzled and scared look on Joel and realized he was serious

"I've heard that you go to The Keeper and he decided what to do with you"

Considering most people here were from diffrent eras and times they all would have diffrent names for him

"Depending on your era is what his name is."

"Most people refer to him as a soul collector or Reaper"

Latos himself had never seen The Keeper in person but it was a topic he was uneasy about himself and made him somewhat uncomfortable.
A cat like creature poofed out of nowhere. He smiled at everyone. "Fool loves seeing outsiders they make great spiders." The cat creature disappeared with a haunting laugh. Spook then thought silently "Wow that cat thing is still following me around." Then Spook remembered something. He has seen the Reaper because he died. He wandered if that was why the cat thing was following him around.
(Was the voice and laugh inside spooks head or did everyone hear it?)

EDIT: (Im gonna assume everyone heard it)

Latos was startled by the disturbing laugh and drew his axe

"Reveal yourself creature" Lotas said in a stern tone

Latos was unsure what could have made that laughing sound but it bothered him not knowing and what the thing said "Outsiders make great spiders?" He thought quietly in his head.
Joel stared from Latos to Spook, confused and stirred. He could have sworn he just heard a voice, butit hadn't been visible. Maybe he was going crazy, it wouldn't have surprised him. The Keeper, huh... He thought to himself, wondering if he should try and seek him out. He was still conflicted to if he wanted to go back or not... Sure, both worlds were bleak, but at least here he had gained a friend..
"Hey Joel you saw that cat thing right?" said Spook. Just then The cat thing showed its self to everyone. "My name is Fool. Fools so cool that I can make the darkest ghouls drool." said Fool. He then looked at Spook and said spiders are Fool's friends. Fool then tackled Spook and then started licking him. Spook struggled to get Fool off of him. "Get this thing off of me!" Spook said hopelessly. (Poor Spook xD )

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