The Cursed


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Spook heard someone or something walking in the distance. He ignored it for a while until he felt something on his head. He growled and went deeper into the card board box like her was sleepwalking and lied down at the end of the box. He then heard someone following him. Just ignore it and it will go away he thought.
Joel felt groggy. His brain felt as if it was filled with some mystic goo that wouldn't clear up. He didn't know where he was, and he was starting to become un-sure of who he was. It had been a few days in this unknown place, at least he thought so... But it seemed to always be night in this place. He walked aimlessly after a shadow, or at least he thought it was a shadow, and hoped for someone else, anyone else
Spook went outside of box. He saw what looked like to be a demon. Thank goodness its not a human he thought. Something looked off about that demon. He went to investigate. "Are you alright? You don't look good." Since he did trust anything besides humans he was okay in helping him out anyway he could.
Joel jumped and tripped backwards, at this sudden uttering of words. He managed to stay on his feet though, and looked to the newcomer, looking him up and down. "I uh, I um..." He swallowed. "I don't... Know where I am..." He eventually said, wearily looking at the strange creature,wondering weather or not it was friendly.
"You are in the Shadow Lands. Are you okay?" Spook asked as he tilted his head to the right. "I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Spook by the way." "Is there anything I could do to help you?"
Joel's face constricted in a confused look. "The... Shadow Lands?" He said, befuddled. He had never heard of such a place before. "How.. Did I get here?" he said. "I don't understand..."
"You must had wondered here. My mother wasn't from the Shadow Lands. She said she was from this place called Earth. They say that Earth connects to the Shadow Lands somehow. I have never been to Earth since I was born here." said Spook.
"Wait a second..." He said, holding a hand to his head. It was pounding. "I'm not on Earth any more?" This prospect filled him with fear, and his heart pounded along with his head. What was he supposed to do if he wasn't even on earth?
"Nope you aren't on Earth anymore. There isn't much I can do for you if you want to go back to Earth. I don't know the way to Earth and besides I like it here." said Spook.
Joel lost his breath for a moment, as he stared at Spook. In shock, he fell into sitting position on the ground, and stared in front of himself.
Spook backed away slowly. He knew things could change in a split second. After all that was how his mother and himself were killed.
Almost without noticing, Joel reverted into his lesser-demon form, as he always did when he was scared or uncomfortable. He curled together almost like a scolded puppy, before he spoke again. "What... Do I do now..?"
"I don't know." Spook said. He didn't know the way back. Plus he didn't want Joel to start crying. He also didn't want to go into their world. The humans' world. Spook didn't trust humans since the day it happened. Spook didn't understand why Joel wanted to go to Earth in the first place so he asked him "Why do you want to go back to Earth anyways."
"It's the only place I know..." Joel said feebly. He didn't have any family or friends, or a home for that matter, but at least he knew how things worked there. Here, he had no idea, here, it was dark and frightening.
Spook understood that. "I will be your friend. You can stay with me if you want." said Spook. He went up to Joel and sat down beside him waiting for him to calm down or at least answer. He didn't want to leave Joel just lying down there. Spook was lonely to since his mother died.
Joel looked up at Spook. His eyes were a bit damp, but he decided not to cry. He smiled a little. "Thank you, that's very kind of you..." He said, trying to take all this in and attempt to be calm about the situation

((Off to bed now, 02:19 over here now, I'll reply in the morning :) )
(Ok goodnight.) xD  
Spook was glad that Joel decided to stay with him. "You must be tried." said Spook. He then went back to his card board box and pulled out a bed for Joel. He returned with a mattress with a sheet and pillow on it. After that he came out with a comforter for Joel.
(I'm uuuuuup xD )

Joel looked on with round eyes as Spook fetched him an entire bed. He smiled a pale smile. "Thanks... I don't think I've slept..." he couldn't quite remember if he had slept any lately
"Your welcome. I'll go get some firewood to start a fire." said Spook. Later Spook came back with some firewood and started the fire. Spook looked at the stars in the sky and the moon. They were always so pretty even though they were always there all the time.

(Yay! I can't wait until summer! xD )
Joel curled up in the bed made for him and curled himself under the blanket, peeking out from under it. He noticed he was cold, and he hadn't before. He shivered a bit, but became a little warmer from the bed
Spook lite up the firewood and watched the stars. He saw a shooting star but he didn't wish for anything. Besides he wished a thousand times already but his wishes never came true except for this one. He was glad to have a friend at last.
Joel closed his eyes to the heat of the fire. But he didn't fall asleep, not yet. "What.. Is this place? I mean, is this all there is? Darkness?" he asked, peering out from under the covers
"Pretty much." said Spook while he sighed and looked up at the stars. "You know that this place is suppose to be connected with the shadows on Earth and if you want... I can try to travel to Earth with you. I mean I will try to get you out of this place if you want to." said Spook.
Joel looked at Spook, blinking his eyes. He thought, but now that the initial shock had passed, he didn't know if he wanted to... It wasn't as if he had anyone to return to. "I... Don't know..." He said quietly. "It's... Brighter there, but.. Somehow.." he trailed off, not sure of what to say

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