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  1. Hero01


    ((OOC: Cue nervous chuckle...yeah my first posts are pretty long. I didn't pour my heart into this post here though, so don't mind it too much.)) Ahsana pulled his sleeve back to glance down at his watch and sighed. A full ten minuted had passed and the cold was beginning to get to him. He...
  2. Hero01

    Army Crow

    The scream scared the living daylights out of Adam. It was a familiar scream, yes, but he hadn't expected to hear it outside the academy. Of course this was real, hard war and there was probably going to be a lot more screams where that came from. Adam hoped dearly that he wouldn't react this...
  3. Hero01

    Army Crow

    ((OOC: Army Crow is basically an army recruit. If you have any suggestions for the title please let me know. xD )) Adam Haire winced in surprise as the bus lurched forward and his forehead met the glass window with a thud audible from three seats in front of him. He pressed his palm to it and...
  4. Hero01


    Ahsan sucked his teeth, standing at a small rise separating his living room from the long, well-furnished hallway. In fact everything in his large house was well furnished, but for some reason the young master had spent the whole day obsessing over the living room. His servants and maids watched...
  5. Hero01

    The Soulmate Chronicles

    Name: Gregory Hill Age: Twenty Personality: Gregory has been described in many ways, but that's only because no one can pinpoint what makes this man the kind of person he is. He is always open to conversation and prone to talk to strangers regardless of whether or not they actually have the...
  6. Hero01

    Ah man...introductions?

    Alright I think I will. Thanks!
  7. Hero01

    Ah man...introductions?

    Isn't it though?! >u< Thanks anyway for welcoming me! I wasnt expecting any of this kindness stuff from anyone being new and all.
  8. Hero01

    Ah man...introductions?

    Thanks! And the answer to your question is yes and no. The characters are America and Female Russia from the show hetalia, they're just drawn in the form of Adventure Time characters.
  9. Hero01

    Role play anyone?

    I started writing this yesterday on my iPod but it was so long that I was logged out and when I went back to log myself in it turns out I don't know how to copy and paste things so...I'll try my best to work as hard on this as I did with the last one. Anyway I'm new here but a friend of mine...
  10. Hero01

    Ah man...introductions?

    Hahaha. I don't doubt that. ^u^
  11. Hero01

    Ah man...introductions?

    I've never been good at introductions but here we go...I guess. A good friend told me about this website so my expectations are a little higher than they probably should be, but from what I heard I don't think I'll be disappointed. With that being said I'm sure there's another place to put rp...