Army Crow


New Member
((OOC: Army Crow is basically an army recruit. If you have any suggestions for the title please let me know. xD ))

Adam Haire winced in surprise as the bus lurched forward and his forehead met the glass window with a thud audible from three seats in front of him. He pressed his palm to it and brought the hand back, thankful there was no blood. First of all, he fell asleep on the bus. He wasn't sure if it was alright for a soldier to do something like that, but especially since this was his first mission he was anticipating some kind of comment later on about how he fell asleep. Second of all, Adam was the jumpy type as it was. While he was training to become an army recruit he was made fun of for cringing while practicing how to shoot, freezing up when his soon-to-be-commanding officer lowered the time he had to complete a practice course, and for being told to "BEAT HIS FACE SOLDIER" more than any other trainee at the academy. The one good part about that last thing was he had some pretty impressive upper-arm strength. This could hardly have been a reason that he was chosen to go on this mission though. He had been bothered for a while now over why in the hell they let him step foot out of the academy. Adam finally decided it was because of his smarts and quick perceptiveness. Many of the other soldiers were brutes, relying on their strength to get them what they wanted. While that worked most of the time, Adam always managed to outsmart them during simulations. All it took was a little taunting, chasing and half a step to the right before he blew them all sky high. Hypothetically of course, really it was just a plume of harmless smoke. The best part was none of the idiots ever caught on! It would have seemed so obvious to him what to do in their shoes, even when tactics were switched, but for some reason what was in front of Adam's face was out of their line of sight. All for the better, he decided, but he didn't exactly make friends this way.

He assumed his mentor was going to be a lot like this too then. Adam wasn't worried about his first mission at all, even as the bus pulled up to their base and he watched the other more experienced soldiers grin at the bus and rub their hands together in anticipation for the new meat they could bully. He was worried about the mentor he was going to be paired with. The man was apparently a veteran, and veterans were always portrayed as cold hard men who would tell Adam stories so frightening and real he would shit his pants. Of course that's only how they were portrayed...Adam was certainly not ready to see what they were really like.

His stomach spun and twisted in knots as he shuffled out of the bus. Having sat in the back he had just enough time to freak out internally before thanking the bus driver and stepping onto the trampled grass below his boots. He looked around the field and already his comrades were being swept up by other mentors, or even old friends. Adam brought his palm up to the sore spot on his head, using his fingers to massage his dirty blonde hair and scanning the crowd with his gray eyes. There was no turning back now (the bus had already closed its doors and sped off) so all he could do was stand there like an idiot and wait for someone to claim him as their...apprentice. Yeah, Adam liked that. Apprentice.
Sargent Darren was at one point and time a recruit like everyone else which some people find hard to belive, He is a already a seasoned war veteran who has seen his fair share of death, destruction, and seeing things he wished he hadn't. Through out Darren's military career it has taken away what ever bit of innocents he had left and has made him a somewhat cold person, Along with being demanding and not allowing error to go unnoticed. After becoming a Sargent he was sent back to the U.S to train the new recruits.

Sargent Darren leaned up against the chain link fence, it was hot at and he had been standing there for almost 3 hours now and he should know because he counted it was a bit annoying but he had the patients to handle it. Darren pulled out a smoke and lit it. He continued to take one impatient puff after another and some how already managed to smoke one in about 20 minutes. The bus finally decided to show up and Darren saw a young man get off the bus and he was a bit slimmer then your average soldier. It was already obvious that he was scared or nervous or something of that sort anyways.

"This kid doesn't belong here...." Darren said with a quieter tone of voice

Darren decided to top eye balling Adam from the chain link fence and started walking towards him placing another cigarette in his mouth.

"ATTEN HUT" Darren Shouted at Adam

Darren Pulled a tan file out of his back pocket and opened it up. It was Adams profile, Darren already knew everything there was to be known about him before they even met, height, age, weight, experience, ect

"I am Sargent Darren" He Said with a stern tone

"Now I want to make this clear now I am not your friend, or your buddy or anything of the sort my purpose here is to break you, then train you." He continued pacing in-front of Adam

"Now Adam do I make myself clear" He scratched the scar on his neck for a minute then returned his attention to Adam.

"Now welcome to the corps boy" Darren stuck out his hand.
The scream scared the living daylights out of Adam. It was a familiar scream, yes, but he hadn't expected to hear it outside the academy. Of course this was real, hard war and there was probably going to be a lot more screams where that came from. Adam hoped dearly that he wouldn't react this way again. He jumped so suddenly in shock that his fingers got caught in his hair and he gave it a nice hard tug. Gingerly Adam removed the hand from his head to salute his commanding officer, managing to smack his sore from the bus incident in the process. Thankfully the man who he assumed was his mentor had been looking down at his folder and didn't see Adam cringe.

Adam knew that if he watched Sergeant Darren pace back and forth he would be yelled at, so he held back the urge to watch Darren move around. Once he finished making it clear that Adam would not be making a good friend anytime soon (like he had seen in war movies and hoped would happen in real life) Adam nodded and barked a hearty "SIR YES SIR!" in response.

Adam then scrutinized the hand in front of him. If Sergeant Darren was playing a trick on him then he wasn't going to be fooled that easily. After a while though it seemed Darren wanted a genuine handshake. Adam flashed Darren a toothy grin and slipped his hand into the older man's rough, experienced one. Most army-men give each other one sure, hard shake. Adam on the other hand shook Darren's hand quickly and repeatedly, keeping his smile and his gaze locked on his mentor. "Can I just say it is an honor to have the chance to work with you?" He said enthusiastically.
"I did'int get where I am today by honoring another man. I suggest you don't do the same" Darren said

Darren started walking towards the camp expecting Adam to follow him.

"Now Adam Im not sure what kind of training you went through." He said with the same stern tone

"But no matter how hard they try to desensitize you in training it never works" He continued

They walked through the camp and there were men getting ready for a mission while others where cleaning their rifles or checking ammo numerous times. At the far end of the military camp there was the medic tents not a whole lot of people enjoyed being over there.

"Over there are the medical tents" Darren pointed

"Just in case you ever shoot yourself in the foot private" He laughed a bit

They walked into a tent which was pretty dark besides the one light in the middle of it that had a map and a layout along with plans that were some what hard to decode, men stood around it arguing most likely setting up for a raid of a camp of some sort.

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