Search results for query: *

  1. Reptillicious

    Fandom LF Yakuza 1x1 (MxM)

    Still looking :)
  2. Reptillicious

    Fandom LF Yakuza 1x1 (MxM)

  3. Reptillicious

    Fandom LF Yakuza 1x1 (MxM)

  4. Reptillicious

    Fandom LF Yakuza 1x1 (MxM)

  5. Reptillicious

    Fandom LF Yakuza 1x1 (MxM)

    Hello there! I am looking for a 1x1 involving the Yakuza series, I'm particularly interested in Y0 right now, but I'm open to anything. I don't necessarily have a plot in mind as of right now (I'm sure I could think up something if I'm talking to someone as excited about the game as I am), I'm...
  6. Reptillicious

    Fandom LF Lit MxM Bandom/Bandslash RP?

    Bump <3
  7. Reptillicious

    Fandom LF Lit MxM Bandom/Bandslash RP?

    Bump <3
  8. Reptillicious

    Fandom LF Lit MxM Bandom/Bandslash RP?

    Bump <3
  9. Reptillicious

    Fandom LF Lit MxM Bandom/Bandslash RP?

    Bump <3
  10. Reptillicious

    Fandom LF Lit MxM Bandom/Bandslash RP?

    Bump <3
  11. Reptillicious

    Fandom LF Lit MxM Bandom/Bandslash RP?

    Bump! <3
  12. Reptillicious

    Fandom LF Lit MxM Bandom/Bandslash RP?

  13. Reptillicious

    Looking For Partners. (Fandom List)(ALWAYS OPEN)

    Oh, well alright. I'll be sure to PM you tomorrow once my 24 hours is up, then :)
  14. Reptillicious

    Looking For Partners. (Fandom List)(ALWAYS OPEN)

    Edited~ Sorry, I wasn't aware asking for e-mailing was against the rules! :S
  15. Reptillicious


    Hello, thanks for the welcome! ^^
  16. Reptillicious

    Other People With Skype

    I have a skype under the same username, although I go on and off it sporadically. Plus I can't really "call", but I can always listen and IM if anyone ever wants to add me.
  17. Reptillicious

    Other Drawing?

    *raises hand* I love to draw! But I'm definitely not a pro and I lack the tools to draw very well digitally, so sometime in the future I hope to get a tablet and maybe take a few lessons to help better my anatomy and drawing skills :)
  18. Reptillicious

    Anime & Manga What was the first anime that you ever watched?

    Mine has to be Pokemon. But the first anime I remember watching and knowing it was an anime was probably Inuyasha, if not, maybe Naruto or Blood+.