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  1. DopeSoup

    Of Sin and Cyborgs

    Just to let you know im going to be quite inactive for the next couple of week due to exams. Feel free anyone to use my character for whatever. I'll try to make a post this weekend. soz
  2. DopeSoup

    Of Sin and Cyborgs ( IC Thread )

    Kappa looked and felt awkward wearing his green sweatsuit, standing out obviously amongst excitable and noticeably shorter people who were wearing those identical outfits (he towered over them by about 10 inches, he could see the whole spectrum of people and his nose had the misfortune of...
  3. DopeSoup

    Of Sin and Cyborgs

    I am working on my post now, sorry for being so inactive I've been revising too much for my exams which are coming up.
  4. DopeSoup

    Of Sin and Cyborgs ( IC Thread )

    "Where are you taking me?" Kappa yawned. "Who are you people?" "We are part of the resistance! We are Against Corporative Terrorism Schemes, or ACTS!" the young man declared enthusiastically. "It's so great to actually meet a real cyborg, you don't seem as violent as I would have imagined. I'm...
  5. DopeSoup

    Of Sin and Cyborgs ( IC Thread )

    Kappa left his apartment and flung the hood of his dark sweatshirt over his head to divert attention from him. He looked down at his smartphone and tried to skim read all of the constantly updating news headlines and stories in the Detroit area, until one in particular caught his attention...
  6. DopeSoup

    Of Sin and Cyborgs

    I figured it would make the story flow better. I reckon if we bumped in the street or something, something crazy will happen. Like a huge flashback scene or Yeah he lives in a really bad area though.
  7. DopeSoup

    Of Sin and Cyborgs ( IC Thread )

    Crispin peered out of his obscured greying bathroom window whilst scratching at the already peeling wallpaper anxiously, searching desperately for an indication of the policeman chasing him not 10 minutes ago. In his shaking left hand he held a bag of $20 and $50 notes after robbing a relatively...
  8. DopeSoup

    thanks for the follow

    thanks for the follow
  9. DopeSoup

    Of Sin and Cyborgs

    PHEW! Yeah that would be less apocalypse-y than what I was perhaps thinking about. I have changed up my character sheet a bit, dunno if it still fits
  10. DopeSoup

    Of Sin and Cyborgs

    Oh I see, so a special trait would be something the factory designed the particular cyborg to have, right? And powers are more generic superhero abilities.
  11. DopeSoup

    Of Sin and Cyborgs

    Yeah I see, that makes sense. I've changed it so he just burnt his apartment. That wasn't clear at all I changed it to 15ft as it is intended to be used in a rather Indiana Jones-esque way. I'm not sure I understand the differences between Power and Special Trait? Kappa has a faulty power core...
  12. DopeSoup


  13. DopeSoup

    Of Sin and Cyborgs

    Name: Kappa, ϰ Former Identity: Crispin Brown Age: 26 Appearance: Crispin is a tall (6ft6) dark skinned man who wears his long jheri curled hair in a messy bun on his head. He is slim and wears loose-fitting shirts and his signature light blue drainpipe tight jeans which is splattered with...