Of Sin and Cyborgs

Name: Sigma

Former Identity: Sterling Hale

Age: 24



Gender: Male

Alliance: Corporate Agent, currently the second cyborg utilized by Maker's Mark Inc.

Weapon: Weapons, plural. Sigma was designed as an all around melee fighter, to accent the previous cyborg, Theta, a marksman. He uses a group of weapons designed by Maker's Mark, specifically for his own use. This series of weapons is called The Ocean's Waves when spoken about collectively, otherwise they are all codenamed individually as aquatic animals.

He obviously cannot carry all the weapons he is capable of using at once, and thus will only sortie with a selection of weapons catered to the mission at hand. All his weapons were also designed by Maker's Mark.

  • The Piranha: A tri-pointed kunai knife, made of an excellent conductor material. Carried in sets of ten, the case they rest in on Sigma's hip has a series of fiber cables that can clipped onto the circular end of the knife before being throw or used, to utilize the knife as a whip like weapon, or return it to be thrown again. The cables also conduct power from Sigma's internal power sources to the conducting knife, electrifying all but the handle.

Other weapons ideas are being tested and designed but these four are currently the only ones that have passed the many tests of Maker's Mark Research and Development, able to hold up under immense wear and tear, and still function in an acceptable manner.

Personality: Sigma, or Sterling, still retains a few of his memories, enough to know more about the situation he shares with Theta than Theta does. Thus, Sigma takes it on himself to protect Theta, and usually acts in Theta's best interests. This is even reflected in their roles while on operation. In addition to this oddly protective nature he takes concerning Theta, Sigma is rather shut off from the world, seeming a little cold and a little distant to everyone but select few people. When not acting out of concern for Theta, he is extremely pragmatic and skeptical, looking out for number one. If he wasn't around, who could he trust to take care of Theta?

Sigma has an odd desire for the truth, one that doesn't mesh well with his pragmatic nature. He is often torn between taking the path of least resistance, and delving deeper into the mysteries of the how and the why. This hasn't managed to land him in trouble yet, but it'll only be a matter of time before he goes from the frying pan and into the fire.

History: Sterling had been a straight A's student, college bound even in the corporation ruled world he lived in. Coming from a humble middle class family, Sterling never knew how glamourous the rich life could be until he met Thane Marcus in college. They were taking the same program, to become cybernetic scientists, and the two of them quickly rose to the top of their class, always competing, but remaining the best of friends. For the humble Sterling, it was a dream come true, to be living the good life, and Thane now had a true friend in Sterling.

However, all good things come to an end.

Just when things were looking the brightest, when Thane and Sterling had received jobs in Maker's Mark, the corporation Thane's father ran, Maker's Mark, needed a human test subject. John Marcus used his own son, Thane, to halt his company's slow decent, and re-establish them as a force to be reckoned with in the cybernetics community. Sterling himself was the second-in-command of Project Theta, MM's first success. It figured he had been appointed to that position by John, just as John appointed Thane the test subject. Sterling, and the rest of the staff, were threatened to complete Project Theta. Sterling caved and operated on his best friend.

Disgusted by his own guilt at turning his best friend into a weapon, Sterling went to John with a new project in mind, Project Sigma, a perfect counterpart to Project Theta, and offered himself to be the test subject. John happily agreed, ready and willing to gain another cyborg agent to do his bidding. Upon awakening as Sigma, Sterling managed to retain some of his memories, and questioned the staff, his former colleagues about the situation. They had left out the brainwashing devices, and tried their best to keep Sterling's memories intact, as they had all been briefed on how Sterling volunteered himself. Sterling thanked the staff, his friends, just as John came in to greet his newest creation.

Now, Sterling has to play the part of the willing slave to John, to help protect Theta. Not much of Thane remains in the cybernetic shell, but Sigma stands firm in his conviction to pay for what he did to his best friend, and help Theta however he can.

Powers: Sigma has a link system in his left hand, designed to link to any of The Ocean's Waves. Many of the weapons will draw on Sigma's internal power supplies to function at peak efficiency, such as the propulsion system of The Hammerhead, or the drill of The Orca. As of right now, The Stingray is the only weapon that doesn't have a use for Sigma's power link.

Sigma is also, like most other cyborgs, incredibly gifted physically, with superhuman strength, speed and reflexes, which he puts to good use while wielding his numerous weapons. This was an emphasis in Sigma's design, and while it remains untested against any cyborg except Theta, it is assumed that he is superior in the strength and speed departments.

Special Trait: Sigma's special trait is a ridiculously durable body, designed for his melee fighting tendencies. Sigma jokes with the staff that work on him and Theta, some of the only people in the world he trusts; He's like the Terminator, he just keeps coming back for more.

Theme Song: Nightcore remix of Blackstar, by Celldwller.


*glances around*



ID: Omicron

Name: Steven Ridley

Age: 31

Sex: Male


Just ignore the Blacklight Retribution UI...

The helmet has several vision filters: EM,UV,IR and light enhancement. The armour is hyperdensely woven spidersilk with steel plates.


His suit is white. Stands six foot three,weighs 225 pounds.

Alliance: Freedom Fighter

Equipment: Besides his silly thick armour?

-He possesses a personal shield,called the Barricade Mk.I,a big ol' tower shield,made of six inches of diamond microfiber-reinforced steel,and capable of being "deployed",where it engages feet and anchors,as well as deploying folding flaps at either side. In it's deployed state,there is no surface any thinner than two inches,also of diamond microfiber-reinforced steel. The shield sports a "mail slot" styled peephole near the top. Although completely uncovered,it's a VERY small opening,making it a tough target for even the best marksmen,enhanced or otherwise,especially when it's in motion. The shield's mass makes it a devastating bashing weapon,and because of a cyborg's inherent strength,Omicron can use it with one hand,where normal humans need two. Omicron has actually removed one of the hand-grips from the inside,rendering it impossible to be used effectively should the enemy capture it. Developed by Krane Industries.

-He owns a small,hammer-like device. Known as a breach hammer,it contains a seven inch long spike,attached to a high-pressure piston,rigged to an impact switch. On impact,the spike is released at supersonic speeds,piercing any solid defense. After the spike is engaged,it must be manually retracted via a hinged handle on the rear. A normal human would have to expend significant effort to operate the handle,but a cyborg can do it with ease. Omicron tends to bash people over the head with it. You need that like you need a new hole in the head. Which is exactly what this hammer will do. Blueprints stolen from Krane Industries,produced himself.

-FN FAMAS Mk.LXXII,a gauss bullpup assault rifle,chambered for .338 Lupa Magnum High-Explosive Anti-Personnel ammo. It's selector switch can be set to safe,semi-auto,three round burst,and full-auto. It has a mounted hybrid closed sight and a holographic sight,as well as a UV laser sight attached to the barrel. All of his magazines have a quick-swap system attached,to minimize reload time. Developed by Fabrique Nationale.

-Krane 8 ga. Assault Shotgun,a fully automatic bullpup shotgun with a drum magazine,holding fifteen "spike slugs",slugs in a spike shape. The weapon has nothing more than a normal laser sight,and a foregrip...Which is rarely used,since the Krane is often used alongside the Barricade Mk.I. Developed by Krane Industries.

-The Krane PRT-EMP-L 60,a five foot long,collapsible spear developed by Krane Industries. It's made of synthetic diamond fibers,treated to resemble simple iron,and the head is sharpened to a monomolecular edge. The very point of the head,however,is platinum,and it serves as the terminal for a hybrid electroshock/EMP device held within the spear. The EMP will ravage all electronics systems it touches,but is limited to whatever gets stabbed. To maintain effectiveness on unaugmented humans,it also delivers a debilitating electric shock.

Personality: Omicron walks the line between heartless bastard and aloof. His time with Krane Industries left him a bitter,jaded husk. Caring only for delivering eternal justice on wrongdoers,and going out of his way to sabotage Krane Industries,Omicron is a violent man,never walking away from his human weapon fate. He cares only to live his life as the arbiter of pitiless justice.

Powers: Omicron possesses the standard cyborg enhanced strength,speed,reflexes,and agility,as well as training in the operation and care of his weapons. Although his strength was dialed up a touch,it isn't by much.

Unique Trait: Omicron was enhanced with synthetic diamond microfiber dermal armour,making his skin near-impenetrable to most combat arms. Although his skin is nigh-impenetrable,he still feels the impact,and therefore pain. A laser would make mincemeat of his armour though,as it would with a normal diamond.

History: As a normal human,Steven was going to college in Toronto,studying to be a programmer. Although a bit of a lazybones,his work was doubtlessly the best in his class,and constantly talked about revolutionizing the games industry. Walking the tiny distance from Humber College to his home one day,however,he was ambushed and sedated. He woke up gagged,and bound to a stainless steel operating slab.

The next three years of his life were Hell. Steven,now known as Omicron,was no longer a human to the people at Krane Industries. He was a tool. A weapon. The entire time,Steven plotted. Waiting for the time to break free. Although they tried to break him,even going so far as to wipe his memory,Steven remembered three things: He was Canadian,his given name was Steven,and he wanted to make a revolution. In what,he couldn't remember,but he decided that this would be an appropriate one.

Steven knew he was superior to the people around him. He had been quietly testing the extent of his dermal armour,and discovered that he wasn't able to penetrate it. So,he laid siege to one of Krane Industries' R&D labs from within. In the prototype labs,he stole his spear,and the blueprints for the breach hammer. His next target was the armoury,which by now was reinforced. He blew through the defenders by the sole virtue of his durability,using his spear to impale his enemies. In the armoury,he retrieved his armour and weapons,as well as his signature asset; the Barricade Mk.I.

Now,Steven is a vigilante in Detroit,having moved there to attack a new Krane Industries location,paying for his rent and groceries with what he gets from killing criminals and raiding Krane Industries locations,living a double life as a rich,eccentric recluse. His revolution made him a bitter man,having no tolerance for the stepping on of human dignities,having his stripped away long ago.

Yes,it's a Brony song. The fanbase has some magnificent musicians.


Krane Industries is a weapons and armour fabrication and development company,with their founding HQ in Vancouver.
Only real issue I have is the FAMAS. .338 HEAP is pretty frigging powerful. Full auto, the recoil would be immense. I don't think even a cyborg would be able to maintain any real accuracy with such feedback coming from the weapon. I'd suggest sticking to semi-auto and 3rd burst.

Your call, I suppose.

Just to let you know im going to be quite inactive for the next couple of week due to exams. Feel free anyone to use my character for whatever. I'll try to make a post this weekend. soz

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