Of Sin and Cyborgs

Now that's just lazy, bro. More filling pls. As far as I know, you're going to have your ass handed back to you in a second without other powers. And geez,is he flat or what? He has the personality of a plank of wood.

(Didn't have a good history either, so can't complain on that.)
Alright... in keeping with my bluntness, I shall not spare you niceties.

Smith Jones? Come on... be SOMEWHAT original. That's like saying your name is Bob Johnson.

Kevin Bacon? Come on... search Google or Bing and find some kind of image or something. There's lots of neat anime-themed pics out there.

Personality: ( More than a single sentence. And "Shy and Timid" means "Please mount this character's head on a pike" here )

^ that... ^

That weapon is archaic compared to some of the weaponry in the year (what was it, like 23xx?). Second, It would pretty much bounce off of all the player characters. Not bounce off them, but barely even hurt them. Like a bee sting to a non-allergic human. Painful and annoying, but far from deadly. Silent would make the round even weaker, making that weapon all but a joke.

Your history, though technically acceptable, is incredibly vague. It says nothing on how he escaped, why he was chosen, what corporation took him ( you can make up a corp, or use one already stated in another player's history section ), or anything like that. Nor does it say where he is now.

Your "power" is feasable, but should be in "Special Trait, not "Powers". It is also completely unexplained. Do be so kind as to explain in some technological terms how his threat detection works. How does his IFF system work, exactly? IFF means "Identify Friend or Foe", btw.

His Special Trait should be in "Powers", and same as above, please explain how it works in somewhat technical terms.

I'm honestly not capable of accepting the character as it is now. Should edits be made, I will re-review it.
Name: Iota

Former Identity: Matrim 'Mat' Causs

Age: 26

Appearance: Here

Gender: Male

Alliance: Freedom Fighter

Weapon: A 39' Katana with a fiberglass Sheathe

The 5160 high-carbon spring steel blade is galvanized for corrosion protection and features a checkered Kraton handle for a secure hold. The tang itself ground to hair popping sharpness. He also carries a coil pistol that fires ferrokinetic rounds, the pistol itself is rather large and produces a large amount of kickback, this is for those pesky enough to find themselves on his bad side though it can be unwieldy and almost useless at times.

Personality: Before his kidnapping and 'cyborganization' Matrim was an even tempered fellow with patience to spare and a jovial nature that had put him in good stead with his community, he was well liked and generous with his help.

Since his 'change' however Iota's fragmented mind has seen him become aloof and cold. Where once he was calm with any number of people now he is nervous often panicked when surrounded by many people as his mind replaces their faces with those from his memories. Currently his two psyche's are battling for supremacy though it appears a new one is enveloping the other two, whoever the result is Iota and Matrim will soon no longer exist.

History: Born in a small town Matrim was raised amongst a small tight-knit community consisting of tradespeople and farmers, the town's inhabitants have been supplying the larger cities with organic foodstuffs. His father was an engineer responsible for the care of vehicles and machines while his mother was a seamstress. As a young boy he was curious and a quick leaner, he often followed people around wanting to help them.

As he aged he became more and more curious and worked with many different people, eventually he garnered a reputation within the community as a handyman. His skills saw him working all over the place, at times he was even called into nearby settlements set up by scientists wanting to research in peace and far from prying eyes.

Then he was kidnapped and Matrim Causs was no more, in his stead there was Iota; the embodiment of research into the practical uses of cyborgs as a workforce capable of constructive feats beyond the capabilities of an ordinary human being. He was a robotic handy-cyborg built to survive extreme climates and to 'fix' anything from a broken wooden toy to a space shuttle needing minor repairs. The company who had funded him were more than impressed and tested his capabilities frequently by sending him to the remotest corners of the world to assist research teams on heavily classified missions. Iota's austere 'personality' also made him cold and calculating enough for his superiors to add to his functionality by adding combat routines to his programming and equipping him with a Katana built for utility.

When the effects of the memory wipe first began to wane Mat/Iota found himself standing above a dead body holding a well cared for French saber that was dripping with blood. The experience left Mat scared while Iota was simply indifferent which frightened Mat more. Mat/Iota ran from the museum into the night. Eventually he ended up outside one of the largest scrapyards in the country and took refuge there. Currently he has avoided people, his fragmented personalities have left him broken. Now he keeps to himself repairing or building structures and machines from the wreckage including a coil pistol he uses to fend off his pursuers.


Tool Protrusion: His body is riddled with tools from a micro precision scalpel in his right index finger to a power adjustable kinetic hammer located within his left thigh.

The scientists that worked on Mat to turn him into a cyborg not only increased his strength, speed, agility, dexterity and sight to standards at the extreme end of human capabilities they have also increased his intelligence by a few more IQ points.

Special Trait:The E.A.S.S or Environmental Adaptation Survivability System: Iota's/Mat's body is in a state of continual reaction, adapting to whatever his current situation demands. For example, if placed in total darkness his eyes automatically adapt to allow him to see; if underwater he grows functioning gills using state of the art nanotechnology to constantly manipulate his body.

Theme Song:

Erm what was it now? Kybernetic? Super Memetic? No I know what it was, it's Cybernetic!! No?!?! Well what is it then?!?!?!
I think Beta mentioned this to me, so I'll just paraphrase his quote.

The M1911 is at least 300 years old, and with its current standing, it won't do much good against, you know, your own kind. The saber itself could even possibly be sliced into half if it comes in contact with Epsi's blade, not to include the other cyborgs' abilities.

I won't comment on anything else because I only love weapons.
The sword is fine, but can't be plasma coated. Plasma is, you know, hot as all hell.

And yeah, the M1911 is still around, but has been all but phased out in regard to military use. Just make something up as far as a model name.

Other than those things, I see no blaring issues. Make those edits and then feel free to post.
Okay edits have been made, feel free to vent your frustration should you find anything too unsatisfactory and be well assured I shall post soon.

Oh and it's good to be back
Solid attempt, but there are issues.

1. We already have an Iota.

2. Freedom Fighters don't get sent on "missions". They are free willed and may live as they please. Some might be with a group, others may live normal lives, others may seek revenge on the corporations.

3. Your history, though a long paragraph, is but one paragraph.

4. There needs to be a limit on the nanites.

5. The nanites would be a special trait, as no other character has disassembler nanites.

6. The Processor Speed would be under "powers" as at least one other cyborg has an enhanced processor.

7. In your history, it states you're from a small town. There aren't any towns that small left. minor cities of around 50k people are about as small as they get, with large tracts of farm-only land between the megacities and their suburbs.

Powers are more generic things, Special Traits are unique to you and you alone.
Beta said:
Solid attempt, but there are issues.
1. We already have an Iota.

2. Freedom Fighters don't get sent on "missions". They are free willed and may live as they please. Some might be with a group, others may live normal lives, others may seek revenge on the corporations.

3. Your history, though a long paragraph, is but one paragraph.

4. There needs to be a limit on the nanites.

5. The nanites would be a special trait, as no other character has disassembler nanites.

6. The Processor Speed would be under "powers" as at least one other cyborg has an enhanced processor.

7. In your history, it states you're from a small town. There aren't any towns that small left. minor cities of around 50k people are about as small as they get, with large tracts of farm-only land between the megacities and their suburbs.

Powers are more generic things, Special Traits are unique to you and you alone.
Heh, my bad. Uh, what about now. Is it somewhat acceptable?
Name: Gamma

Former Identity: Kira Metzger

Age: 22



Gender: Female

Alliance: Corporate(?)


Due to her special trait, Gamma only carries what she can’t make. A handful of grenades, most of which are frag but she is prone to carry a smoke and stun as well. The only form of gun she carries is a Baretta M9.


Kira was a cheerful girl, always friendly and kind to anybody, able to trust people to the point where she is gullible. Gamma stripped her of all these human qualities. She was analytical now, loyal to her corporations and had complete faith that she could get what they asked her done. She is a rather responsive hot-head, also being conceited , distant, but not uncaring.

They are both strangely polite, although it sounds more sarcastic coming from Gamma, and they are both reliable. There are some qualities like the way she talks with her hands that have passed on. She is still rather quirky.


Kira’s memories only recently started coming back; first it was her name, then it was her birthday. Flashes of things about her past were there, but the system known as Gamma easily crushed them. Still, there is an eerie feeling in the back of her mind when she remembers her last partner, Iota. The corporation had often paired them together for missions, and only recently she has started feeling this significance.

The memory wipe was still blocking the fact that before they were both cyborg units, that the two were dating. Taken for the pure experimentation purposes, they were testing the success of a memory wipe. Kira was never actually meant for the program so they made up for her lack of prowess by giving her a purely offensive ability that complimented Iota’s. As Gamma, she was the muscle of the two-man team, whilst he contributed to fix everything they asked of him.

When the wipe started to fail on Mat, her waning heart seemed to pick up on her boyfriend, although her mind didn’t know it yet. It was then that her memories started coming back, Iota running away being a greater push in that direction. She still works for the corporation, given that she is still mostly Gamma, but her other side is surfacing.

Powers: Nothing short of what is normal for a cyborg unit; Super strength, improved reflexes, speed and flexibility.

Special Trait: Gamma can ‘form’ the energy that leaks from her, creating weapons around her limbs. These are used for bludgeoning, slashing and/or piercing her enemies, and can be used until this energy runs out. (Four posts with activation, two post cool down)

Theme Song:


I Keed. Cybernetic.
Name: Nu

Former Identity: Tara Lincoln

Age: 19


In armor:

Out of armor:

Gender: Born female, Nu is agender and demands 'they' pronouns to be used

Alliance: Corporate

Weapon: Their main weapon is a large automatic rifle. It has a clip for 200 rounds. It has a large scope, allowing them to be able to target someone/thing at a range of 350ft. Nu is able to remove the front of their gun and use it as a shotgun, but it takes 20 seconds between each shoot.

Nu has a 15ft metal whip that they keep attached to their back when not in use. Both sides are incredibly sharp and can cut through most basic metals and anything weaker.

They also wear a set of gloves with sharp nails at the end for close range fighting.

Personality: Nu is cold to everyone they encounter and follow a strict code, based off their belief from when they were human. They care nothing for pity or mercy if they believe the person to have broken a rule or done something irredeemable. They do not take kindly to unnecessary violence or cruelty. Although they may protect people and "help" them, they care little for the person themselves. Despite their frigid attitude, Nu understand emotions and such fine but believes it is pointless to get involved with people. They can interact well enough with people if they have to, but do not form connections and disregard everyone as either, master, target and non-target. They are lead by their mind and not their heart.

History: Nu was born Tara Lincoln. They recall few memories from their life and has actively blocked out all memories they might remember that will "compromise them". What they do recollect is that they had a pretty average life, although their parental figures were not around as much as a normal humans might have been and had tried hard to remain outside anyone's notice. They had struggled for awhile as well and might have lived on the streets for a year or two. In order to cut themselves off from their human past, Nu has taken to refer to themself as they and have even dismissed the idea of gender completely.

Nu has worked for the company that owns them since they could recall outside their human life. They have worked as an assassin and have also been used as a bodyguard for the higher ups who own them. They do not want to leave, both content with their life and finding no reason to rebel or fight against a society like the one that is present right now. Nor do they think there is any reason to leave their owners as a "normal" life does not appeal to them. They live and breathe their job. Nu does what they are told but has been known to act on their own at times when they believe a situation has called for this. Because of this, the company that owns them is afraid that they might leave as well and become rogue, although Nu hasn't showed signs of betrayal. Instead they still have a strong moral code that they act on if they witness a "wrong" act being committed.

Powers: Nu can use their vents to release enough air to leap 70ft in the air. Without the use of the vents, they can still leap up to 45ft by themselves.

Nu, being a smaller model and lighter, is able to move 6x faster than a normal human can.

Nu has faster reflexes than an average human and their reaction time is o.5x faster.

Special Trait: Nu has a perfect memory. This ability allows them not only to remember everything they encounter, but Nu can also reproduce anything they have either seen visually or auditory, allowing them to copy the actions of their targets and non-targets, but also able to recreate any sound they hear whether it was a voice or something from an inanimate object (like the sound of a hammer hitting a nail). This also allows them to memorize their opponent and how they fight in order to get around it. Nu is restricted to actions that they can produce without additions meaning if they witness a target healing themselves, they cannot reproduce the action as their body does not have the same capability. This is more of a problem when facing other cyborgs than humans. This also allows them to seem human and normal when they have to as they can copy the mannerism and conversation cues and the like from the humans around them.

Theme Song:[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lM07iiGKoo[/media]

Kagura. Approved.

Review for Nu incoming. 

Legendless said:
Weapon: Their main weapon is a large automatic rifle. They are able to shoot off rounds at their target for a maximum of three minutes before reloading. It has a large scope, allowing them to be able to target someone/thing at a range of 80ft. Nu is able to remove the front of her gun and use it as a shotgun, but it takes 20 seconds between each shoot.
How long is three minutes compared to an average combat post? Because going full-auto for like 10+ posts is a No-go. Most Automatic weapons today fire between 600-900 Rounds per Minute. That means your rifle has an 1800-2700 round clip. Forgive me for not being OK with that. Suppressing fire is one thing. Overkill is another.

The range is also incredibly short. If the weapon you are using is the one in the picture, I wouldn't be surprised if it was accurate out to 350 yards/meters.

Legendless said:
Nu, being a smaller model and lighter, is able to move 6x faster than a normal human can.
Given the average accepted sprinting speed of a human is about 14mph, and long-distance speed is around 8 or 9mph, that means you can sprint at about 85mph and long distance run at about 55mph. Impressive. Very solid numbers. Just me being nitpicky and putting figures to otherwise variable things.

Legendless said:
Nu has almost inhuman reflexes as well and their reaction time is 3x more than any other living thing.
3x faster than any other living thing? I request that you amend that. Average Human reaction time is around 300 milliseconds, and technically the other cyborgs are enhanced humans already... You triple their reaction speeds, you'll be snapping your own neck if you dodge a kick to the face. On top of that, to allow this as a passive trait would be highly unfair to the other players. If you wish an ability that will for a VERY brief period, allow even more enhanced abilities than normal, such as Beta's Redundant Energy Generators or whatever, please do so. As with any ability enhancing thing, I like power-ups to have drawbacks.

This ends my review. Incredibly well rounded character in need of only minor revisions.
Sorry bout the weapon. I have no clue about anything involving guns so I went with my best guess. I will amend that. Do you have a suggestion for what would be best?

I assume the 6x faster is okay, but I can amend it if you want me to.

Oops. I will amend that. I'll just say that she has a faster reaction speed. How about 0.5x better?

"On top of that, to allow this as a passive trait would be highly unfair to the other players. If you wish an ability that will for a VERY brief period, allow even more enhanced abilities than normal, such as Beta's Redundant Energy Generators or whatever, please do so. As with any ability enhancing thing, I like power-ups to have drawbacks."

Was this meant for the special trait? I only ask because I couldn't quite tell and it was in the same paragraph as the reaction time. I wasn't sure about it and was thinking of changing it slightly or just giving her a new one altogether.
I'd say it would be alright to have a big clip for a gun, maybe 200 rounds. But even that would be like 5 "Combat Actions" worth of fully-automatic fire.

6x faster is perfectly fine. I actually complimented you on winging that so accurately.

0.5x reaction speed would be much more acceptable.

No, that was for the reaction thing. If you want to super-boost them for a short time, that would be acceptable. And far as I recall, another cyborg already has encyclopedic memory as a special trait. Not sure how that's going to work out, but it's whatever, I suppose.
Okay. Thank you.

They did? I was looking at the traits and didn't see it, but maybe I overlooked it. I do recall someone having a perfect memory in their powers.

I will go and edit them now.
I would love to, but we have barely gotten ankle deep in this fight since Dino is an infrequent poster.
Then by my powers as GM, I give you two until 5pm Eastern Time on Saturday to finish. By that time, I request you simply post what you have. 

Wiseman and Ineffectivd please get the collab posted. I don't care which of you posts it, but we need to move forward. 
^ Amended ^ 
DopeSoup Dino Kagura Wiseman Chaotic Ineffectivd

Sorry for the delay. I am typing up a post now. Stuff IRL, plus the recent ragefit I've been in have delayed it. 
Wiseman DopeSoup Ineffectivd Chaotic Dino ninbinz

... y'all need to get to posting.
Yes, I know. I'm still in the midst of planning my next move, I'll get it done soon, I promise
I am currently running from a Helicopter, so what am I supposed to do? Do you just want me to post about fighting it, or does someone else take control of it, or what? Also, what do I do after I'm done fighting it. Delta is a mental wreck so he is just going to wander around and react to things if no information or plot is presented to him.

Just post running from it and escaping. Hell, it's night time in my post now, post running into the same hotel for all I care. Plot is funny like that.
I am working on my post now, sorry for being so inactive I've been revising too much for my exams which are coming up.
Name: Lambda

Former Identity: Ludger Wayneright

Age: 21


  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bd9eb5eb9_ludger.2.jpg.4b2e457d6a238f2c9aaf68341069cb4d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="738" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bd9eb5eb9_ludger.2.jpg.4b2e457d6a238f2c9aaf68341069cb4d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: Male

Alliance: Freedom Fighter

Weapon: Electricity

leather pouch inlaid with rubber filled with coins

Personality: A man of few words Lambda is a relaxed man who enjoys the little things in life now as he has become a free wandering vagabond that stops to smell the roses. He loves his new found freedom and will stop at nothing to keep it that way. He flows through combat with the same smooth demeanor as he does throughout his daily life. He is not known to get angry and barely shows any emotion other than happy. Apathetic and lackadaisical in most approaches he is easy to talk to and never hard on the ears to hear his views.

History: Lambda was created in the labs of the Crowne Corporation, a arms manufacturing group that was managed by two brothers. Seeking to be neutral in the world trying to avoid the larger corporations wrath they created Lambda as a loan model that would be for hire to help anyone with the money to perform their tasks with the utmost discretion. Lambda was highly loyal to the duo brothers of Crowne corp. following their every word and listening only to the two. He was the loyal dog a soldier to their fortune. Created as no other cyborg was before using a experimental electro magnet generator that costed an unbelievable sum to acquire the raw materials and man power to create it. Putting their entire fortune into their new weapon of mass destruction Lambda was the shoulders that this company put its future in.

Lambda is a well known lone wolf among the early models of cyborgs as well as his immaculate work is regarded in the highest of views among all patrons that have paid for his services. His service record was flawless having never failed a mission that he took on. His teamwork that he exhibited with the early models was highly regarded as he filled the long range support and reconnaissance for the missions that they would tackle. "You can feel at ease when thunder cracks and there is a lightning flash because then you know Lambda has got your back." - Alpha

The early years of Lambda's new life was filled with joy as he found performing his duty the most enjoyable to him. His owners pampered the robot with constant upgrades on his body and even taking him as their own personal bodyguard to high end meetings. This all changed when The Crowne corp. overstepped their neutrality by placing embargoes on corporations that offered less money than their rivals. As the growing company expanded and expanded their new found power had not gone unnoticed. The inner cloister of the corporations decided to rid themselves of the growing arms manufacturers before the balance of the current powers shifted. enlisting the use of their own cyborgs and personal security they infiltrated the Crowne Corporation in an attempt to assassinate the two brothers. As Lambda and a few security guards held off most of the invaders a small group had slipped past and killed the brothers. Having returned to the room to find one still barely alive he held the dying human in his arms as he spoke one word to him. "Run..."

Once the brothers were killed, the Crowne Corporation was dissolved by the board of directors that happened to be apart of the Inner Cloister. Dividing up the assets they finally came to what to do with Lambda. Deciding on decommissioning and analyzing the top secret core inside of him.

Having lost his old masters the cyborg now found himself on a cold metal table with men in white coats surrounding him. Remembering the things his old owners had told him he recollected the memory of them ordering him to only listen to them... Lambda smirked as he thought of what the last order he received was. with a flash of red and blue bolts of lightning struck around the room as it danced on all the surfaces striking human and metal with a high pitched ting and hiss. Rising off the cold slab he grabbed his clothes from the bin in the room and walked out of the facility with monumental casualties ensuing to stop the escaping Lambda.

Now he rides around the land alone

Powers: Electrical charge. Lambda is fit with a Tesla electro-magnetic reactor energy generator in which the generator is surrounded by a three magnetic metals that have counter attract and repel qualities that creates a constant friction that generates and spins around the generator that is electrically charged from the core generator creating electricity on a massive unlimited scale. The electricity can flow throughout the reinforced nervous system of Lambda creating an abundant electrical charge that can be fired or channeled into an object creating a rail gun like effect.

Special Trait: Lambda was made as a long ranged killing machine built to create chaos and confusion among the enemy ranks. Lambda has been created with a electromagnetic pulse generator that sends out an EMP blast that temporary electronic disruption in a 1 mile radius. E1 Emp blast caused by electrical distortion that disrupts electrons. Electrical discharge creates a electromagnetic field that expands out from the epicenter that is Lambda

Standard theme. [media]

. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H03L1SOSk8M[/media]

I said I would make a character

Cybernetics yadda yadda



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Name: Theta

Former Identity: Thane Marcus

Age: 26


Gender: Male

Alliance: Corporate.

Weapon: A 50. cal sniper rifle with a 5x scope, And a company made 50 cal hand gun which looks like a revolver but only uses one bullet at a time. Needs to be reloaded everyshot.

Personality: Ever since his mind was reprogrammed and renewed, Some of Theta's personality changed. When he is given a goal, He will do anything to achieve that. Even though he's already a cyborg, He still has he's sense of humour. He still 'trusts' others, especially his best friend. Still knows why people smile and he can smile himself.

History: Thane was born and raised in detroit. His father already had a company by then, Called " Maker's Mark Inc. " . The company develops weapons and other technologies. Then the military assigned them to develop something beyond their reach, Cybernetics. Even though almost all the company did the same, they wanted the MM inc to make their own cybernetics as well since they also develop weapons. But anyways, Going back to Thane. He was raised like every normal child were. His mother died right after she gave birth to him though. So only his father takes care of him now. But, throughout the years. His father only comes back once a month. And sometimes, He doesn't come back at all. He never hated his father because of that, He understood that his father was busy with his company. So he made a vow, To join his father in his field.

After many years, Thane finally graduated College. He and his friend, Sterling Hale, Then joined his father's company. They both helped in the research. They were able to make theories and hypothesis, but no conclusions yet. Finally, The higher up got tired of waiting and demanded for a human subject or they are gonna shut the company down. His father panicked and tried to look for a Human subject. But, The research is not yet finished. They were still basing in hypothesis and theories, Using it on a human subject is 50-50 chance. So his father, Used his one and only son.

Thane was drugged by his father and was sent directly to the lab. He was stripped except for his underwear. And the experiments were being conducted on him. He can feel the needle and scalpel on his skin. And while he was still conscious he saw his friend, Sterling, operate on him as well. He was crying while operating on him. And finally he closes his eyes and let the scientists do the rest.

When Theta woke up, He saw a man's face. Somewhere between 45-48. He immediately thought of the man as his master and creator. His name was John Markus. He then starts to unbind him and Theta was able to sit up. The man said " Follow me " As Theta obeyed without any second thoughts. Theta followed to the dressing room where he was given clothes. Then he looked at himself in the mirror. There was a tattoo in his right chest saying " Thane " He wasn't sure what that meant but chose to ignore it instead.


-Able to lift a small car with both hands.. ( increase in strength )

-Enhanced eye sight a maximum for 3 km. from 1km to 1.5km has perfect clarity. Beyond that, will be blurry.

-Leg power increased, (jumping, running, landing)

Special Trait: Modified Eyesight - The nanomachine in his eyes allows Theta to see through solid objects. This only lasts for 5 minutes. And needs to be recharged for 3 minutes.

Theme song : http://www.youtube.com/embed/uXb4yhfByUQ

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