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  1. Squirrel

    Scion: Children of Ragnarok ( Signup & OOC )

    yeah had to get rid of it, fixed. and now im gonna go nap while the baby naps and i have the chance lol.
  2. Squirrel

    Scion: Children of Ragnarok ( Signup & OOC )

    backstory done
  3. Squirrel

    Not a Furry

    Not a Furry
  4. Squirrel

    Scion: Children of Ragnarok ( Signup & OOC )

    Mother of God -__-
  5. Squirrel

    Scion: Children of Ragnarok ( Signup & OOC )

    Name: Thomas Anders Age: 31 Height: 6'2" Weight: 233 lbs. Divine Parent: Odin Personality: Thomas has a 'take no crap' attitude and is willing to do whatever it takes to get things done. He doesn't believe in cheap shots or low blows and there are no innocents or bystanders. He does...
  6. Squirrel

    Of Sin and Cyborgs

    so when is this actually going to start?
  7. Squirrel

    Outsiders: Meta-Human Wasteland - LET THE SIGN-UPS BEGIN!

    yes. yes you did.
  8. Squirrel

    Outsiders: Meta-Human Wasteland - LET THE SIGN-UPS BEGIN!

    ak's take 5.56 brah
  9. Squirrel

    Outsiders: Meta-Human Wasteland - LET THE SIGN-UPS BEGIN!

    awwwww the family bond and brotherly love that marcus has is so disgustingly touching, i think i threw up lol.
  10. Squirrel

    The Outsiders (IC)

    About two blocks from his hang out/home Judas had a stroke if inspiration. Making a cut down a side street and walking past a couple storefronts, he finally stopped at a lumber store and did a little window shopping before he found what he wanted. Trying the door he found it locked and realized...
  11. Squirrel

    Outsiders: Meta-Human Wasteland - LET THE SIGN-UPS BEGIN!

    Name: Helena Troy Alias: Hel (pre-outbreak), Lilith (post outbreak) Gender: Female Age:17 Status: Villian Superpower: Helena has the ability to 'awaken' the meta gene within others. She can essentially infect any normal in the 'Meta gene generation' with the meta gene which proceeds...
  12. Squirrel

    Outsiders: Meta-Human Wasteland - LET THE SIGN-UPS BEGIN!

    i do indeed, i figure ill type up a CS and pm it to you. Beta wasnt too fond of it for plot reasons, but haters gonna hate.
  13. Squirrel

    Outsiders: Meta-Human Wasteland - LET THE SIGN-UPS BEGIN!

    Riddle78 Judas never got in the truck, he 'leisurely' walked down the street as his truck and cronies drive back.
  14. Squirrel

    Outsiders: Meta-Human Wasteland - LET THE SIGN-UPS BEGIN!

    iz ok, you're still my beta.
  15. Squirrel

    The Outsiders (IC)

    Judas had made it a few steps before the russian called after him and subsequently pelted his skull with with a piece of road. Without much thought, Judas abruptly spun around to his right with his tail extended, bashing Marcus in the chest and sending him flying on to the hood of his truck and...
  16. Squirrel

    Outsiders: Meta-Human Wasteland - LET THE SIGN-UPS BEGIN!

    im about to open a big ole can of judas whoop a$$ oh yeah, that just happened.
  17. Squirrel

    The Outsiders (IC)

    Judas had been relaxing on the roof of his refurbished nightclub home when he heard the siren a few blocks away, signaling the arrival of supplies and new metas. Moving to the open roof access, he yells down to the few wimps that stayed with him for protection: "Get the bread truck and head...
  18. Squirrel

    Because i Gotta?

    i didnt know his gender was a secret?
  19. Squirrel

    Because i Gotta?

    yup so i guess i gotta do an intro thread thingy. Im squirrel, 25 years old, been Rp-ing since i was 13 mostly with pen and paper. About a year ago my friend beta got me in to the RP forum scene since i wasnt able to RP where i was stationed. Ive been in a few Rp's on another sight and take it...
  20. Squirrel

    Outsiders: Meta-Human Wasteland - LET THE SIGN-UPS BEGIN!

    Name: Judas Colson Alias: Levistus Age: 17 D.O.B.: April 10, 1997 Gender: Male Status: Villian Appearance: eight feet tall, weighing roughly 500 pounds, Judas has thick red skin, long arms ending in four-fingered clawed hands, a long lizard-like tail, massive horns, and a plethora...