Of Sin and Cyborgs


RPN's Most Hated
Alright... let me start by saying that this RP is based around things that have been in my head for many years. I'm talking since I began taking Roleplaying seriously. It may not be perfect, as are few things, but I want this to develop into something big. Hopefully everyone can take this as seriously as I plan to. Oh yeah... and there's this:

Beta making a non-fandom?!?! IMPOSSIBURURURU!!!

Now on to the story.


The world has gone through hell over the past two centuries. There are major cities left, but most smaller settlements were wiped out by the wars that corporations waged on one another. In time, the corporations on the losing sides began to merge with the ones who were winning. These even bigger companies then renewed the war some time later. And eventually, there were only a few megacorporations left. These have all agreed to a truce, as their main interests are all in different areas. Peace has now reigned for decades. But something is stirring.

Militaristic side-groups controlled by these companies have begun kidnapping unknowns and experimenting on them to form cyborg supersoldiers. Not into beings like assassin droids from the archaic "Star Wars" movies from the late 20th and early 21st Centuries... but cyborgs that can easily pass as humans under close examination. These Military splinter groups have immense resources, as they are controlled by the heads of their respective companies. They have even perfected a form of fusion that can be micro-sized to provide immense power and require no venting. The way they 'vent' heat is by simply diffusing it through the tissues of the person transformed into a cyborg. This results in nothing more than a slightly higher than normal body temperature.

Due to the immense power generated by their internal power sources, these cyborgs are capable of insane feats that normal people only dream of. The are strong enough to throw vehicles around, can leap over 100 meters into the air, and even fire off excess energy in the form of an attack ( akin to DBZ-style Ki blasts ). Each cyborg also has a specialized ability. Some are gunkata masters with advanced targeting computers, some can vent their energy through their feet to take flight, etc.

The corporations are each developing these things to 'defend' themselves against the others. But those in the program know there is going to be war. It's simply a matter of who acts first.

Most of the cyborgs have had their memories wiped... but some of the older models were made before a complete wipe was possible. And re-wiping the mind of a finished product runs the risk of rendering it useless. And so the older models retain a fair amount of their memories from before they were kidnapped and transformed. This led to several escapes. The companies deny it vehemently, but reports of random acts of extreme heroism and/or villainy can't be ignored.

And so the megacorporations have determined that the escaped units are a more immediate threat than their rival companies, and are beginning to send soldiers after them. It is yet uncertain if they will end up sending the newer models after the old ones... but it is a possibility. Currently, however, they are making due with sending small strike teams.

The Escaped models, on the other hand... not all of them are seeking vengeance. Some might seek to return to normal lives, some might look for work as hired muscle, some will of course want revenge, and some might be undecided. Only they know for sure.

And so the story continues...



1. Don't be an asshole. A bit of arguing is alright, as is friendly debate. But if things start getting heated, take it to PMs.

2. Don't argue with GMs too much. If you disagree with a ruling, say so and say why. I will re-evaluate my opinion and may reconsider my stance. If I say something is final, however... do not continue to debate it.

3. This is not a place for short posters. Minimum 2-paras per post please. An occasional single paragraph will be acceptable if something is particularly tough to respond to... but let people know in the OOC if something needs more for you to reply to. Perhaps edits could be made.

4. Godmodding. Do it, and I swear to God your character will die. Godmodding is defined by "Autokilling" or "Autohitting" of PCs without prior agreement with the player, Making up attacks on the fly, nuking cities in one shot, and being Superman.

5. Please try to remain active. Give notice if you'll be gone. Extended periods of absence will result in characters being moved along and/or killed off.

6. Collabs are encouraged. They're fun. :3 Don't know what a collab is or how to do one? Just ask.

7. No OOC chatting in the IC Thread. That is why THIS thread is here.

8. Have fun. Don't spam GIFs. No Lemon Party. Thor is best Avenger.

9. Put "Cybernetic" at the end of your CS so I know you read the rules.


CS Template:

Name: ( Name must be from the Greek Alphabet. You can find the link to that at the bottom of this post. Upsilon through Omega are reserved for newer models. Alpha has been destroyed, and Beta is slotted for me. :3 )

Former Identity: ( Normal name, though your character will not likely remember it )

Age: ( 17-50 )

Appearance: ( Pic goes here, please )

Gender: ( Need I really explain? )

Alliance: ( Corporate or Freedom Fighter )

Weapon: ( Please describe your weapon here. A basic "Katana" or "Broadsword" gets a slap and a request to do it over. There are melee weapons, firearms, and explosives. Despite intense research, lasers and directed energy weapons are still highly expensive and not available to the mainstream )

Personality: ( More than a single sentence. And "Shy and Timid" means "Please mount this character's head on a pike" here )

History: ( 2 Paragraphs minimum, please and thank you )

Powers: ( Describe in fair detail, please. No "Can Fly, Blow up kittens with his mind, and fart rainbows". In other words... no short descriptions )

Special Trait: ( Flight System, Advanced Targeting Computer, etc... Only one special trait per cyborg )

Theme Song: ( What do you rock out to in or out of a fight? )


I will be submitting my own character here soon, I want to see what people can come up with before I pop off my own guy.

Greek Alphabet: http://www.generationword.com/images/framework_images/102_greek_letters.jpg

Character Roster:

Beta - Played by Beta ( that's me. :3 )

Kappa - Played by DopeSoup

Delta - Played by Wiseman

Epsilon - Played by Ineffectivd

Pi - Played by Chaotic

Iota - Played by Ninbinz

Gamma - Played by Kagura

Nu - Played by Legendless

Lambda - Played by Humor

Theta - Played by Makira Kaiser

Sigma - Played by Coro

Omicron - Played by Riddle78

Current list of Megacorporations:

Black Phoenix Consortium


Crowne Corporation ( dissolved )

Ziea Incorporated

Krane Industries
One: You history breaks a rule... 2-para minimum.

Two: Hand to Hand Combat isn't much of a "Special Trait" for a cybernetically enhanced super-soldier. Think a bit crazier. No Goku-level bullshit, but be creative.

Three: Clearly you didn't read the rules. Your CS is missing something outright.

Four: Numbers are not their names. XI would be Lambda.
Name: Kappa, ϰ

Former Identity: Crispin Brown

Age: 26

Appearance: Crispin is a tall (6ft6) dark skinned man who wears his long jheri curled hair in a messy bun on his head. He is slim and wears loose-fitting shirts and his signature light blue drainpipe tight jeans which is splattered with white paint and frayed and torn at the ankles and shins.

Gender: Male

Alliance: Freedom Fighter

Weapon: He owns a crude pistol hidden for "in case of emergency" situations. Wrapped tightly to his right forearm and knuckles is a 10ft thin chain whip which can conduct the energy he produces. Along various links are welded tiny razor-sharp blades and shards which act as an aggressive, albeit inelegant, shield to mundane attacks or as an effective grappling hook to swing from in his city landscapes. The weapon is particularly dangerous and usually concealed behind Crispin's sleeves. When supercharged, it can slice through limbs like soft butter.

Personality: Crispin has ADHD and bipolar, being either very excitable and charismatic or aggressive and agitable. Although insistent on pursuing a normal life, the personality reform program has caused him to find building makeshift weapons a regular and enjoyable pastime, one of the more prevailing behavioural manipulation methods which stuck.

History: He doesn't know much about his old life apart from his name. After escaping, he fled the organisations officers to the nearest city where he could integrate with society and never be discovered. Several months after almost settling in a normal life an agent confronted him in his studio apartment and with the pressure and idea of being "shut down" he exploded, tearing apart his apartment and shattering the surrounding walls.

He left the wasteland and, full of regret and depression, made home in the less developed neighboring city. He uses his impersonations to rob stores for money to live without comprising his identity and commit various other crimes, which he insists is part of the bigger picture. Nowadays he goes by his previous name or his cyborg model name Kappa (the Cynic).

Powers: He was created with a defect where the nuclear fission power core inside him is prone to leak which can cause unwanted radiation. He can control it by focusing it into flame like projectiles or into his chain whip. Additionally, he can concentrate the energy to form armor-like protection on his body. The extra energy causes him to act very hyperactive which affects his personality.

He is as strong and agile as a Olympic-standard human in peak athletic ability, and his soft metal chassis allows him to withstand many attacks (such as from guns or small blades) without compromising flexibility.

He is able to induce magnetic forces in any region of his body by increasing or decreasing electric charges which is useful for limited telekinesis, deflecting bullets and making the shards of metal on his chain whip stand on end.

Special Trait: Temporary Camouflage or Impersonation by molding his body as willed, changing everything from facial muscles and hair to bones and body fat percentage, though these major changes will take several days to form. The effect wears off after a few days.

Theme Song:

Blowing up a major city would not only have ALL of the megacorps after you, but the actual Military factions of various countries. Plus, if he "exploded" as you put it... he'd be dead. Though there are going to be some significant powers at use here, we're not DBZ-crazy level of power. As such, leveling the majority of a city is beyond what any of the player characters will be capable of unless they are outright detonating their cores. In such a scenario, I would allow a large-scale explosion, at the cost of the PCs life.

On another note. Just how long is that chain? Given that you say he uses it ala spider-man style, My guess is like 50ft minimum? A bit much to be just carrying around, really. I'll let 30ft slide. Especially if you use it in combat as a weapon... seems excessive. But again, I can work with it.

Another side note. Fusion doesn't produce much in the way of deadly radiation... that's fission that does that. And most of the Cyborgs can vent energy in the way you're seeking to do.
Beta said:
Blowing up a major city would not only have ALL of the megacorps after you, but the actual Military factions of various countries. Plus, if he "exploded" as you put it... he'd be dead. Though there are going to be some significant powers at use here, we're not DBZ-crazy level of power. As such, leveling the majority of a city is beyond what any of the player characters will be capable of unless they are outright detonating their cores. In such a scenario, I would allow a large-scale explosion, at the cost of the PCs life.
Yeah I see, that makes sense. I've changed it so he just burnt his apartment.

Beta said:
On another note. Just how long is that chain? Given that you say he uses it ala spider-man style, My guess is like 50ft minimum? A bit much to be just carrying around, really. I'll let 30ft slide. Especially if you use it in combat as a weapon... seems excessive. But again, I can work with it.
That wasn't clear at all I changed it to 15ft as it is intended to be used in a rather Indiana Jones-esque way.

Beta said:
Most of the Cyborgs can vent energy in the way you're seeking to do.
I'm not sure I understand the differences between Power and Special Trait? Kappa has a faulty power core which causes him to regularly need to make use of the excess energy.
Powers are fairly universal and other players may semi-duplicate them. A special trait is something that only your cyborg can do.
Oh I see, so a special trait would be something the factory designed the particular cyborg to have, right? And powers are more generic superhero abilities.
That's the general idea, yes. But each unit was made in a lab, rather than an assembly line. They're all fairly unique. No mass-produced terminators here. :3
PHEW! Yeah that would be less apocalypse-y than what I was perhaps thinking about. I have changed up my character sheet a bit, dunno if it still fits
Review of Yuki's character:

Issue 1: The Weapon. Most Senbonzakura Replicas are very poorly made and wouldn't survive the over 200 years from present day to when this RP is taking place. And if you were referring to the real thing from the show, that isn't going to be allowed.

Issue 2: That Personality is far too short. Please add more detail to fit the minimum requirements.

Issue 3: The History is also too short. 2-Paragraph minimum as stated in the CS Template.

Issue 4: As a Cyborg, I'm not sure how one could control any element, let alone 4 of them. This is a technology-based RP, not magic.

Issue 5: As this is technology-based, I would like explanations as to how the flight and invisiblility work.

Review: A solid starting ground, but needs work. Denied, but may be approved once issues are resolved.
Name: Delta

Former Identity: Jason Richards

Age: 27

Appearance: What he Looks like Inside his armor, What he looks like outside his armor.

Gender: Male

Alliance: Freedom Fighter (Sort of)

Weapon: Two magnum pistols with high impact rounds, one combat knife, a modern grenade launcher, three frag grenades, two gas grenades, Two incendiary grenades, one high impact grenade, and five smoke grenades.

Personality: As Jason Richards he was a charismatic, albeit poor, youth from the streets. He had a good head on him for survival, and was full of good natural instincts, which kept him alive. He was a fairly relaxed man with dreams of meeting a nice girl who would support him.

Then he was taken, and Delta was born. As Delta, Jason was a cold blooded killer, an instrument of death. He was silent, he was swift, and he was obedient. All he thought about were the orders he either had or would receive, and life was the simplest it had ever been.

Then his mind wipe programing began to wear off, and the memories returned and filled the gap in his thoughts. Images of friends, loved ones, intimates, rolled through his mind, and by the time he had escaped, he was neither Delta nor Jason, but something new, something confused, and something utterly unstable, the traits from both kind Jason, and deadly Delta mixing in his mind.

History: Jason Richards was a life long bum who grew up on the streets, surviving from just the barest minimum. He tried crime, but didn't have the guts for it. He tried work, but was just too lazy for it. So he begged and lived on the streets, making many friends among the underground community by sheer strength of his personality, and so by the age of twenty he often had a friend he would put him up for the night, or someone who owed him a favor. His free riding and life of laxity came to an end when the corporations came for him.

Jason Richards was transformed into the ruthless killing machine simply addressed by his masters as Delta. His mind was free of all distractions, his purpose was clear, his hands were death, he was a knife, and his master's orders were the arm that swung him. He excelled in all training courses, and showed determination, even pleasure, when completing tasks. For seven years he served, assassinating petty rebel leaders, putting down possibly dangerous insurrectionists, and otherwise serving his master corporation.

Then the Memories began to come back. At first they were just whispers, small distractions which bothered him between killings, but it grew and grew, showing him flashes of his previous life, and revealing too him the horrors he had gone through during experimentation. Overtime, the memories began to affect his performance, and his masters were not blind to his instability, and gradually used him less and less. Meanwhile, Delta fell apart, assailed by treacherous thoughts that screamed for revenge against the master's who had created him. As the internal conflict raged within him, another cyborg launched an escape attempt, and in the chaos, Delta found himself escaping as well. When he realized what he was doing he tried to return, but loaded guns met his raised hands, and he was forced to flee.

Now he is wandering, homeless yet again, still dressed in the safety suit used to control his unique power. He doesn't know what to do, he doesn't understand who he is, or even comprehend the strength of the power he wields. He now looks for answers, and perhaps for vengeance, though he still does not understand what has been done to him, or even precisely by who.

Powers: Capable of super human endurance, strength, and speed, this model is made for one thing in particular, killing. Assassination to more precise, but not necessarily quiet assassination. This unit is made with the capacity to combat several armed security forces if need be, and the suit which he often wears during missions is capable of resisting small arms fire, though that is hardly its main purpose.

His body is built to be resistant to blunt trauma, mostly so that he can used his prodigious strength to charge through walls, but is rather "Fleshy" when it comes to being shot or stabbed, which is why his reflexes and speed have been enhanced, though not to the degree of other units. Delta's maximum speed is 75 miles per hour, and he can sustain this for quite some time thanks to his inhuman endurance.

On top of all that, Delta has been trained in special operations maneuvers and self defense over the course of his seven years in service to the corporation who controlled him, and has also been programed with several sub conscious reflexes which make dodging out of the way of bullets, aiming and firing a gun, and snapping a neck between his fingers second nature. The effectiveness of his training and programing has waned in the recent weeks however, due mostly the incomplete memory wipe which destroyed Delta's mind.

Special Trait: Delta is made to kill his target, even if he does not reach his target. As such, Delta can activate internal gestalt particle generators within his body to excite the particles in his immediate area, causing a circular explosion with Delta at the center. The Explosion can range in size from just a small fire ball containing Delta, to a powerful expanding nova of energy capable of consuming an entire two story building.

Delta can also prolong the duration of the explosion (Though not the affected area) by keeping the GP generators in his body active for longer than a few seconds. Doing this is dangerous however, as it causes internal temperature issues, each second of extra time increasing Delta's internal temperature by 10 degrees, and by the time ten seconds have gone by his temperature will be in excess of a 100 degrees.

When Delta uses the GP Generators, they create a small circular pocket around Delta, like a shield of energy, which keeps him and his immediate possessions safe from his own explosions. This shield is just large enough to contain one other person, provided they are not larger than Delta, and provided they press themselves tightly against him. This shield must be thinned and thickened in certain areas, according to how the explosion created struggles against it, and if it is too thin in a place where the explosion is strong, it could burst the bubble and leave Delta unprotected in the heart of his own explosion. To prevent this, Delta regulates the bubble's power mentally, and uses the power of his thoughts to keep the shield at proper strength. Should his will waver, the results could be disastrous.

The suit Delta wears is very much a part of his power, as it helps protect him when the explosion occurs (Though he is already protected by a naturally forming energy pocket that he maintains with his will), and more importantly, it helps him control his power, and without the suit he has considerable trouble accurately exploding.

Theme Song:


What do you think?
Got bored and updated my character sheet, should have more details about his powers and special trait now, so that you can really understand how it works.
Fairly soon, young Padawan. I just have to translate Beta's sheet over in a not so "I am a God" kind of way. 
Typing up my character now. 
Name: Beta

Former Identity: Brian Michaels

Age: 22


(( Pic is incomplete, I know. The artist didn't finish the damn thing. Anyone good at drawing? LOL ))

Gender: Male

Alliance: Freedom Fighter

Weapons: Dual-Sided Tungsten Carbide Broadsword w/Monomolecular Edge, Pair of .45 Semi-Automatic Pistols, Heavy Belt Chain, 2 250ft spools of 10-Gauge Wire w/ weighted ends.

Personality: Beta is generally a helpful and easygoing person. His treatment at the hands of his creators reinforced his desire to help those less fortunate, rather than turn him into a mindless killer that only followed orders. However, if he experiences a programming lapse... his personality does a 180.

History: Beta was a simple kid from New England City ( Boston, New York City, and several other moderately sized cities eventually became one ). Had a girlfriend, was doing alright in school, and wanted to be a manager for one of the megacorporations. He even managed to get a job interview with the Black Phoenix Consortium. They asked him many questions, as he fully expected they would. However, some of the questions had no bearing on the job he was applying for. Things such as "And who are your immediate family members?" and "What was the most physically taxing thing you've ever done?" among other oddities. But Beta brushed them off as things to make him slip up, and instead answered them honestly.

The 'interview' was being listened to by a man known only as "Shroud". Upon hearing Brian's answers to several key questions, Shroud gave the signal. The woman conducting the interview received a beep on her interface visor and told Brian that her supervisor was calling her and she would return in a moment. The teen, eager for employment, nodded and smiled. That would be the last thing he remembered for a while, as not ten seconds after the woman stepped out, the room filled with an odorless nerve agent. This rendered Brian unconscious and unable to resist.

Two Years Later...

Brian had endured many painful surgeries and training sessions, including suffering numerous attempts to wipe his mind. Each attempt was more successful than the last, and in time he even forgot his name... referring to himself as Beta, as the Black Phoenix Consortium wanted him to do. Even so, SOMETHING inside him kept fighting the programming. When his transformation into a fully operational organic-based war machine was at 65% completion, he was taken to a training ground for a field test. The part of his mind that was still human took the chance, and he escaped the facility. In his escape, he killed 38 soldiers, 14 scientists, and a sanitation worker unlucky enough to be caught in the crossfire.

Now living in Detroit, USA ( as Detroit absorbed cities in Northwest Ohio and Northeast Indiana, it is no longer only in Michigan )... Beta still only remembers shards of his past. But what he does remember, he puts to use in his daily life. Help others, treat them like you want to be treated, and don't be a bully. This proved helpful when he stopped a mugging. The older man was so thankful, that he offered to reward the young cyborg. Beta denied a reward, of course. And so the man asked to hear his story, to better understand why a young man would help someone being mugged in Detroit of all places.

Upon hearing Beta was pretty much destitute, the mugging victim offered him a room in his home. It was a loft above the man's garage, but it was heated, insulated, and even had a mini-fridge. It seemed things were looking up for Beta. But as with all good things... this would also come to an end.

Powers: Able to fire off short bursts of energy from small ports in his hands and feet, skilled pistol marksman able to pick off a soldier at 100yds or more, Hyper-Enhanced Reflexes and Speed ( 140mph Running Speed, 420mph energy burst-assisted dash ),

Special Trait: Redundant Energy Generators, allowing Beta to enter an "Overdrive" mode. His speed, power, abilities are enhanced threefold by the massive output increase. This is accompanied by a field of repellant energy around his body. The more power he uses, the thicker the field of energy. It is not a force field that stops attacks without fail. But it does have a repellent effect on matter, making Beta harder to strike. However, the more frequently he uses this ability, the more unstable his latent programming becomes. Though his internal processors repair the damage slowly, excessive use could lead to a permanent relapse in his programming and revert him to a mindless killer.

Theme Song: [media]

How is that for Cybernetic?
Alright! So when is this baby gonna start? Also, since EVERYONE joined the Rebellion, could I make a second character owned by the Corporations? A Hunter of sorts. If not then that is fine as well, just so long as we dont have to wait two more weeks for this to start!
I'll start it up when I wake up. I need to at least TRY to sleep.

You can make one of the New-Models some other time. For now, let's just stick with what we have.
Name: Zeta

Former Identity: Wilson Bacad (Back-add)

Age: 35


Gender: Male

Alliance: Corporate

Weapon: Has a hidden blade under his wrist. It is 6 inches long and is sharpened every now and then to keep it from going blunt the blade is under his right wrist. He also carries a silenced 9mm pistol. Zeta is engraved on the left side of the gun. It is normally attached to the strap on his shoulder making it much easier and faster to pull a gun in someone in a dangerous situation. On his right hand he wears a stun glove that can easily stun normal human for around 15 minutes (3 posts maximum) but he needs to charge it up first which takes 1 minutes (outside of combat 1 post in combat 6 posts) takes 5 minutes to recharge the reason he has to recharge after using it is because he powers the weapon from his own body power and so has to regain a suitable amount of strength back before being able to use it to its full potential. (5 posts, must be out of combat)

Personality: Is quite cold and the silent type when it comes to conversations. He does not make friends with people. To him people are just a information source for hunting down targets given to him. His face is almost always blank like hes been playing a game of poker all of his life and can't stop doing his poker face. He is not one for romance, come on to him he will more than likely shove his blade through your stomach and let you drop dead to the floor.

History: Zeta remembers almost nothing about his past the only thing he can remember is his past name, to him its like a bounty of treasure so he keeps it locked away in a safe part of his mind. He'd been a lab for a few weeks the scientists had said he wasn't "acceptable" yet. But it wasn't long before he was out of the labs and heading off to Ziea(zee-ah) Incorporated. They were quite the secretive type he'd found out and that was why they'd built him. He was there to make sure none of these secrets came out. They'd put him through some training before he was allowed out onto the real field. He was put through simulations and mental tests. He was then told of how he was a one of a kind. Ziea Incorporated had spent a hefty fee on him and to get this unique ability planted inside of him. Tiny projectors that would replicate his surroundings to make him invisible.

It wasn't long before he was sent out into the field. But he knew right now he was just dealing with the small fry. Puny gang leaders fighting over the corners of the streets. His first target was a man named Trent Dida a leader of a tiny gang that had been disrupting progress inside of Ziea Inc. He'd been given a location and the fact to make sure Trent wasn't left breathing when Zeta left the building. It wasn't hard, all he had to do was climb up to the apartment blocks roof next door. Jump down and land onto the building and find the room in which Trent was. As soon as he got onto the roof he went down the maintenance stairs on the roof. He activated his cloaking ability as he was trained to do. Shuffled up onto the wall and peered round the corner. Only one guy and he was facing the wrong way. Zeta had quietly walked up to the man and grab his head and twisted its 270 degrees, let go and watched the body fall to the ground. He then began looking through the doors most were open till he came to one which was closed. He opened the door and looked at the photo of Trent. He peered up, the man was Trent. He took one step forward towards Trent before his cloak timer had ran out. The man reached for the alarm button which was obviously under his desk. Zeta pulled his 9mm pistol from his shoulder holster and pointed it directly at Trent's head. "Don't push the button." Zeta stated with no emotion or tone to his voice. The man reached in a second and smashed the button, no longer than a second later had a bullet flew through his head. His guards would be here soon so Zeta climbed out of the window and headed back to his rendezvous point and went back to Ziea Inc.

Now he still works for Ziea taking out whoever hes told to because they may compromise what Ziea Inc are there for and what they do in the dark. He has improved his skills since his first mission greatly and almost takes a form of pride in what he does and what he is capable of doing.

Powers: -Increased agility and finesse to scale buildings and avoid direct conflicts quickly.

- Has boots that reduce noise he makes with his foot steps (Didn't really know where else to put this)

-Enhanced vision so he can see easily in the dark giving him an advantage over others in dark areas.

Special Trait: Nanomachines are placed inside of his body. Each have a tiny camera and projector. When needed, they can activate and create a form of invisibility field by filming and projecting images around them. This can last for 5 minutes. Zeta can not shoot out without it causing his field to become blurred and wobble but he can pull people inside making it easy to kill someone who steps to close. Lasts maximum of 3 posts, will keep it at an average of 2 posts.

Theme Song: If I find one you'll know
Name: Epsilon

Former Identity: Allison Gray

Age: 23




Epsilon, when operating under her corporation, dons bulletproof armor which was specially customized to withstand forces comparable to a swing of a sledgehammer. This is only relative to human strength.


Gender: Female

Alliance: Corporate


-A straight-edged katana/tanto variant under the production name of Kiwite-001-Alpha. The blade is fairly normal without activation. When activated, however, the blade charges up plasma to run along the edge of the blade for maximum cutting ability. The plasma charge can run continuously for two hours. When dry of battery, though, the only way to recharge the blade is to refill the juice manually from batteries in the pouches that Epsilon carries. She carries a maximum of two refills for each deployment. It only restocks when she returns to Shinju-Kai HQ. Batteries are unavailable in other Shinju-Kai establishments, however.

-Two Mark-17 pistols, handguns styled after the ancient M1911 with extended magazines. Their functionality surpasses usual handguns and are used by anti-personnel troops to combat hostiles. They possess a dark, oaken camouflage paint on the grip. Each holds a clip of around 20 rounds and both fire semi-automatically. Unit Epsilon carries four clips with each deployment. She only restocks when returning to Shinju-Kai HQ. Other Shinju-Kai establishments may or may not contain refills, depending on their placement.

-Two combat knives, one a normal military-issued variant, the other with a grim serrated blade. The latter is sheathed upon her back of her armor, the other on her hip.


One adverse effect that her conversion to a cyborg had on Allison Gray is the development of two intertwined, but vastly different, personalities, one the aloof and relaxed Allison, the other a cold, calculative and sadistic hunter, Unit Epsilon. The switch between them has grown more frequent after Epsilon recovered her memories of her human. Neither seems aware of the other personality, and both seem to be almost part of an entire single personality themselves, albeit a highly dysfunctional one. Do not disclaim the other in favour of the obviously present one at any time. Since both exist as Unit Epsilon, both have the same abilities the other has. An example would be Gray still having the sharp perception that Epsilon tends to exude more. The difference is whether she takes action or not.

The Gray personality is more passive, choosing to relaxedly handle matters while picking the most sensible path when sorting out a problem. She commonly manifests when Unit is not engaged in combat or otherwise...excited. Gray also takes charge of Unit at random times, but seems to be in control whenever the Unit isn't on duty. She speaks in a rather radical way for a hunter of a high-earning corporation, almost as if she were still a teen. She often expresses annoyance and laziness in doing her job, making up quips as she goes. Even in armour, Gray is quite sociable towards competitors and other cyborgs, though Epsilon's innate kill-lust towards her brethren often over-rides this part. Her style of combat relies more on speed to offset her pacifistic personality, choosing to dodge and avoid attacks to counter with a non-lethal bash to the head or gut, usually from the pommel of her tanto.

The Epsilon personality is the more violence-orientated side of the Unit. While still arguably aloof, her bloodlust and irrational want to compete with other productions often cause her to make rasher decisions as compared to Gray. She is unapproachable in all manner, unlike Gray, and will cut down any sort of attempt to start a friendly conversation with her. The 'cut down' part may apply literally especially if the initating party of the conversation is another cyborg. Epsilon has the tendency to manifest whenever the Unit is enraged or is facing an identified cyborg. Like Gray, it may also randomly be "in charge", though to a lesser extent when out of mission. Epsilon's speech is highly robotic: emotionless and uncaring. She spouts out the more generic orders and responses not uncommonly seen in an army. Her combat style is more aggresive than Gray's and focuses on placing pressure on the opponent by using every weapon in her arsenal.


It was only about a year of service with the Shinju-Kai Corp. as the 'big guns' of the rising giant that Unit Epsilon began exhibiting symptoms of her returning memory. The doctor in charge of her conversion, a newbie in the industry as well, had anticipated this, but did not take any further action, much in spite of his superior's orders. Headches and continuous flashes of her memory plagued Epsilon, making her recall the past that belonged to her. Sometimes, it was clear as day what the memory showed: her athletic prowess in school, a student of well academic results, times with friends and family, the like. Sometimes, though, it was all just a blur of memories, nothing substantial, and often they would degenerate into nightmares. Throughout her experience, she gathered that her name was Allison Gray, a graduated student of an unnamed school, with a younger brother and a pair of accompanying parents. When queried, Dr. Fairfield simply affirmed her suspicions but said little else.

The price of regaining this memory was, ironically, the corruption of them. The experiences and personality of Gray, once an socially active and cheery girl, clashed with the ones of Epsilon, a built and trained hunter and killer, and warped the recollection of her memories, feelings and eventually herself, entirely breaking the arrangement of her inner mind. The side that housed Epsilon began to break into a rage around other cyborgs, without any rational reason, borne from her forgotten, but still existent, hatred of cyborgs after happening to witness the deaths of her family by the hands of a cyborg, an event that neither Epsilon nor Gray recalled. Gray only stayed on with Shinju-Kai to earn her living and to support her family, whom, in her disillusioned state, she thought alive and well. She continued sending e-mails to her father's address, each one of them intercepted by Fairfield in order to keep up the illusion so as to not cause further mental unrest to Gray.


-Enhanced limb movement to draw and sheathe her tanto within a blink of an eye, almost replicating iaijutsu.

-Enhanced ambidexterity for necessary implementation of dual-wielding, be they blades or guns.

-Boasts Enhanced strength to lift a maximum of 30000 Newtons. Reaching maximum not advised, glitches may cause the ERAS to activate upon any force above 10000 Newtons. Dr. Fairfield has been requested to amend this. No progress has been done.

-Enhanced speed and reaction to allow chasing of fleeing targets. Dr. Fairfield requested a parkour programme. Idea rejected.

Special Trait:

Emergency Recuperation Activation System (ERAS)

“Unit Epsilon needs to be fitted with this. There needs to be something that limits its- her actions. We can’t have an experiment just failing because we overlooked the overheating when she over-performs. She was built to kill, to eliminate all hostiles, but that means she will sustain tons of damage over time. I can’t be there to fix that when anything happens. So I installed the ERAS for this sort of situation. On detecting a potentially crippling or lethal damage on the body of the Unit, the system will kick in and shut down all machinations and release an anaesthetic to reduce the collateral damage. The system also activates a refractive field around the Unit to conceal it from the perspective of potential hostiles. The Unit is encouraged to retreat as swiftly as possible to a corner before the activation due to lack of any escape system we could have installed. Once activated, a signal will be sent to us, whereby we will dispatch a team to recover the Unit for repairs.

Gentlemen. I highly encourage this instalment. We don’t want your money being flushed down the drain just because Epsilon falls to an unforeseen threat. I pray, though, that this system will never be used.”

-Dr. Fairfield

Theme Song:

Non-Battle Theme: Akiakane - Fujun Satisfaction

Battle Theme:

Name: Pi (180 degrees seems fitting for her role, haha!)

Former Identity: Jade Nicole Douglason

Age: 19

Appearance: Appearance for a shapeshifter is moment dependent ..

Gender: Female

Alliance: Corporate

Weapon: Unarmed Combat – please see history for the reason

Personality: Pi is a reactionary personality type. Her projected personality is fluid and will often change depending on the role she is currently being asked to fill. If, for example, she could best manipulate an aggressive brute by guilting him into believing her a submissive and weak little girl then she will. Conversely, if the task requires someone to take charge and bark orders, she will do that also. Basically, her overall personality type is that of a conartist or manipulator.

If entirely comfortable with her surroundings and not working, she has a tendency to be a tad bit sarcastic but fairly easy to get along with. She watches her surroundings almost constantly so as to be able to react or take the place of the people around her at the drop of a hat. It has been jokingly mentioned that she, as an individual and now as a cyborg, has never actually learned to sit still.

History: Jade was seventeen when the company first took her off of the street. At the time, she had been working as a petty pickpocket with the rather unique ability to talk her way out of almost any situation. As such, the people who spotted her saw a rather unique opportunity. The different corporations had been gathering people on which they could experiment and make their weapons for some time now. This girl, while a weapon, would not quite be the sort that the others would see coming.

In what may have been one of the most cruel and long lasting transformation projects to date, they remade the girl almost entirely. Nearly every aspect from bone structures to pigmentations were touched up and enhanced with bits of their technology until they had what they believed would prove to be one of the most useful weapons in this cyborg war’s history. After all of their hard work and the girl’s tortured ordeal, they had created a being capable of altering its own form in nearly any way it pleased.

Now, the limiting factor that they had discovered when creating this infiltration masterpiece was the mind of the person that they had been experimenting on. The human mind, as of yet incapable of controlling limbs that it couldn’t already instinctually control, limited the girl to humanoid forms. This, of course, didn’t bother the team of scientists who had created her in the slightest. They had intended her to be able to infiltrate other groups after studying and eliminating the person whose spot she was to take. Once inside, she would gather important data and plans before reporting back to them with little trouble along the way. After all, who in the enemy corporation would have thought that the incoming attack was coming from a notably loyal member of the company itself.

Due to this rather subtle attack strategy for which she was intended, the girl was not offered any weapons training as walking into work carrying some big ass sword or gun would probably draw unwanted attention. Instead, her training focused on hand to hand combat with special attention paid to the arts of misleading and disarming her opponents. With this training, it was believed that while she would not draw attention getting into the areas they required her to get to, she would still be capable of defending herself once there.

Their job nearly completed and her training well underway, the company added one last little bit to their plot for her. They made certain that she had friends and close ties, some of them even among more powerful members of the corporation itself. In this way they created a family of sorts for the girl which they could than use to manipulate her and keep her coming back. While to most of them she was simply some bit of machinery to be used and manipulated, this created for her an illusion of worth and thus secured her loyalty.

Powers:Flawless memory: after all, what good is she to the corporation if she should forget the information she was sent to recover before she could report back to her superiors?

Special Trait: Pi’s special trait is her manipulation of form. This enables her to, over a period so short as a minute, change her gender, pigmentation, bone structure, hair color, etc. Due to the fact that she was not built to fight, however, they also had to make her quite durable and so she is an exceptionally fast healer. When lightly wounded she can patch herself up approximately 3 times per day, when moderately wounded she can manipulate her form to heal herself once (at the cost of her light repairs), and if seriously wounded to a point of death her body will shut down to initiate repair processes lasting approximately one week. These healing processes, while always capable of running, require energy which in turn requires her to take in absolutely insane caloric totals daily. If energy should deplete to a point where her healing capability wouldn’t function (say if 2 light uses or 1 moderate use had been already used and food had been scarce for the week) her shut down would be death until her company could recover her form and add additional energies to her system. Should anything happen to the body during the serious damage recoveries repair time, the girl can quite easily be destroyed.

Theme Song:[media]

I figured it would make the story flow better. I reckon if we bumped in the street or something, something crazy will happen. Like a huge flashback scene or

Yeah he lives in a really bad area though.
Chao Chao Chao... Omega is off limits. Don't you read? 
Omega still mentioned in her info. :3 Take your time. 
DopeSoup: You can make another post. There's no real posting order.

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