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  1. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    Um guys, I actually think I'm going to have to drop out. I just had a rather big schedule change, and I don't think I'll have much time to post. Added to that I'm already pretty bad about keeping up, and I just don't think I can do it between a busy schedule and my internet problems. I figure it...
  2. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    (Sorry for not posting! My computer was being stupid and not letting me get to RpNation. T_T I'm back now! I'm going to just say that Adaline had apologized and Alexander had quickly dragged her off so she wouldn't accidentally say something rude again. They found their rooms and now it's...
  3. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    I just wanted you guys to know that my internet is not always letting me onto RpNation for some reason, so if I'm not here for a while that's why. Sorry about this, I'll try to keep up!
  4. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    "Adaline." She said, smiling, "It's nice to meet you!" She cocked her head to the side, "You're a human?" Alexander had caught up with her and was now standing next to her.
  5. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    (What happened? Adaline almost ran into Hannah, but then apparently it didn't happen? I'm going to pretend that it didn't happen. I'm assuming you guys just didn't see my post. It's fine, I'll just post it again with some changes.) Adaline was really excited. She knew that she probably...
  6. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    Oh, and what about Ene and Melost? Do they have roommates?
  7. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    Adaline was really excited. She knew that she probably shouldn't be quite as excited as she was, but she couldn't help it. She was excited. Adaline had not been in a school for a long time. She had attended primary school and had begun her first year of secondary school, but as soon as she began...
  8. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    Oh, yeah! She might have a room to herself though... seeing as she's royalty, and she's got Hannah. Other than that I'd love that, especially because Adaline is more comfortable around humans sometimes, and Hannah's company would be nice. Oh! And I need a roommate for Alex! *totally forgot about...
  9. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    Oh, by the way, who should be my roommate? I don't know if their are any girl characters without roommates, but if there are I'll happily be their roommate.
  10. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    There we go, glad we got that sorted out. :amuse:
  11. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    "Thank you!" Adaline told her excitedly. She had pretty much gotten over the nervousness, and was now bouncy and excited. You could see that she was very eager to go see her room and the rest of the school, so she quickly thanked the Headmistress and rushed out of the room. "Come on Alex!" She...
  12. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    Okay, thanks! I was pretty sure I hadn't seen a response, but I have a horrible history of missing really obvious things, so I wasn't sure. Sorry for the confusion.
  13. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    Um... so I'm a little confused, sorry! I was wondering if you could help me sort it out? I'm not quite sure what happened to my characters. They were in the headmistress's office and they had just said what their last names were, but I don't think I ever got a response. Now Evangeline is in her...
  14. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    So... a bit off topic from the present discussion of first vampires and such, I was wondering if there is a character limit? I have no intention to add any more characters at the moment, but I would like to keep it in mind. How many characters can we have?
  15. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    All Out War

    Is there a limit for how many characters you can have?
  16. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    Okay. Sorry for bringing it up now, I was just curious. That makes sense. ^_^
  17. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    "Belinsky." she said. "And mine is White" added Alexander, who was now standing behind her.
  18. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    "Is this where we get our schedules?" Adaline asked her. Though she had been a bit nervous at first, it had been mostly due to the largeness of the school, and Ms. Rominov seemed nice to her.
  19. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    Yes! I have won! xD I'm obviously not a very techy person... That took me SO LONG. :laugh: But I got it now. Yay! Oh, by the way, I have a question. Can vampires feed off each other in this game?
  20. Natasha Saphira Lubella V

    Rominov School for Vampires

    Okay, I think you can see the picture now. (finally!) I have it as my avatar picture right now. I'll also post it here. There. I think I've finally gotten it. I'm going to feel really silly if it doesn't work though. xD