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  1. Fallingfaster42

    Max's Masterlist/Search for Partners

    I'm super interested in all of these!!! Plot 6 and plot 3 probably interest me most but I'm very interested in role playing with you!
  2. Fallingfaster42

    MxM Partner search! Updated 9/29

    hey! I'm totally interested in each of these! I'd love to start one with you so pm me?
  3. Fallingfaster42

    Plots for MxM/Yaoi~Fandom and Original (Updated 12/5/2015) (ALWAYS OPEN)

    Hey! I'd be very interested in your Kurai X-Men rp!
  4. Fallingfaster42

    Afloat in the Air (Closed)

    Sorry, I'm working towards a post! I've just had an extremely busy weekend
  5. Fallingfaster42

    Afloat in the Air (Closed)

    Taylor didn't mind that she didn't think it was normal, it was probably the most normal thing he has seen in quite a while. As the muddy road turned into a paved pathway, Taylor could already begin to hear the small talk of people. He could hear the clatter of all their shoes against the road...
  6. Fallingfaster42

    Afloat in the Air (Closed)

    Taylor picked lightly at his fingers as he stood in front of her. He had noticed he was speaking up more than he probably should. He didn't want to be the trouble-maker, but he didn't want to sit idly by either, taylor wanted, more than anything, to matter. He wanted people to respect him, like...
  7. Fallingfaster42

    Afloat in the Air (Closed)

    Taylor looks at Marx as she immediately spurted joy. He couldn't help but take on a small smile. As she did spew joy, she made eye contact with him, and Taylor stared at her blue eyes. He smiled again lightly and as she brushed past him in an excited rush, he followed quickly behind. He stayed...
  8. Fallingfaster42

    Afloat in the Air (Closed)

    Taylor continued watching Marx with an eagle eye. He watched as she fiddled with her goggles and how she refused to look at him. It was almost like a game, watching he try so hard to get through this. He was very shocked that she was so unable to have a conversation with him, it seemed fluent...
  9. Fallingfaster42

    Afloat in the Air (Closed)

    As Chief looked over Taylor judging his character, Taylor glanced over him and Ron as well as Jarid. He looked at each of them with the same hollow stare. His eyes trailed off onto the Chief again. His form was strong and straight and the confidence looked over him even with the, what seemed...
  10. Fallingfaster42

    Afloat in the Air (Closed)

    Taylor leaned back sighing. He felt like the answer was incomplete and useless information. He frowned at he frowned lightly to himself and looked out the window. As he saw them getting further and further away from civilization, he couldn't help but feel like a misfit, which wasn't exactly...
  11. Fallingfaster42

    Afloat in the Air (Closed)

    As the bright sun squeezed through Taylor's poor attempt at a visor, he was guided out into the sunlight. Taylor stayed towards the back as the group. As the 22 walked patiently and silently towards who knows where, Taylor slowed his strut. He stopped in the middle of walking and looked at all...
  12. Fallingfaster42

    Afloat in the Air (Closed)

    Taylor leans against the cold and steel walls of the high speed train traveling from island to island. This specific train is crammed and full of stinky, unbathed refugees that have escaped the horror. Around are mothers without their newborns, fathers without their wives, children without...
  13. Fallingfaster42

    Afloat in the Air (Closed)

    No problem :)
  14. Fallingfaster42

    Afloat in the Air (Closed)

    It's okay I am excited too! This is probably one of the ones I am most excited about! Would you mind starting?
  15. Fallingfaster42

    Afloat in the Air (Closed)

    Oh my god haha I honestly think This RP is golden! I can't wait to start! Great background also!
  16. Fallingfaster42

    Afloat in the Air (Closed)

    Awesome! Thanks for setting it up! I will have my character sheet up soon! Do you want a normal picture or an anime? Name: Taylor age: 18 Appearance: scrubby and torn clothes. A deep cut lies on his cheek and his face is riddled with dirt. Wears combat boots, black jeans, and a black coat...
  17. Fallingfaster42

    Partner search! (MxM mainly)

    Hey! I'm interested in really anything! I unfortunately can't pm so I hope you don't mind pming me! Also, I don't think I have any specific ideas, but I'd love to brainstorm together
  18. Fallingfaster42

    Always Looking For Partners (Ideas INSIDE!!)

    I'm really interested in "to curse the heart"! I am new to the site so I would appreciate it if you would Pm me!
  19. Fallingfaster42

    Afloat in the Air (open!)

    I'm interested in this! Unfortunately I am new and can't Pm yet so I would appreciate it if you could pm me
  20. Fallingfaster42

    One Messed Up Woman; The Game {18+}

    This sounds really cool! I can't either yet, but I'd love to try this out!