Afloat in the Air (Closed)

Awesome! Thanks for setting it up! I will have my character sheet up soon! Do you want a normal picture or an anime?

Name: Taylor

age: 18

Appearance: scrubby and torn clothes. A deep cut lies on his cheek and his face is riddled with dirt. Wears combat boots, black jeans, and a black coat all dirty and torn a little

Island of origin: Erest

Island condition: fallen

Personality: Taylor has always been a pretty Reserved person. He never likes to let people in immediately. He likes to see that you deserve his trust and then he will be loyal to his dying breath. Taylor is often pretty pessimistic as he feels that everything will fall apart whether he stands up or not. He likes to look at people and try to understand their pain.

Background: as the son of an important man, Taylor always had a bar of expectation that was held above his head. He always strived to be that person, though he knew that he consistently let those people down. He began to become a pretty angry and violent person, but what really set him off was when his father didn't return home one day (I have an idea for this). Because of his fathers importance, the dictator, Brasius, commemorated his father, but taylor refused. He had spiraled from there. He tends to block out these years of his life but they always haunt him. A few months back. Erest, his city, was the first of the lot to fall. It was such an iconic day for Taylor. He tried to help as much as he could, but the only memory that appears in his head, is the fearful look as people fell to their deaths. He knew that everything was different and that it couldn't have been much of an accident and has used that to fuel his fight.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.bdcae6463f6cc29eaee408d10181f707.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58635" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.bdcae6463f6cc29eaee408d10181f707.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I'm fine with either. Personally I couldn't find the picture I was looking for, but I'll post it if I do find it.

Name: Marcelline (Marx) Fitzgerald

Age: 17

Appearance: Short, blonde, blue-eyed, almost always in blue coveralls with a tank top and specialized goggles for working in the dark. Shes never without at least a smudge of grease somewhere.

Island of Origin: Kartel

Island Condition: Currently untouched

Personality: Marcelline, for the most part, tries to be optimistic and cheerful. Her intellect keeps her from getting overly bubbly, but she has a bad habit of rambling when she gets too focused on a subject. She's personable but not overly social, and is only especially close to three people. She's curious and can be easily distracted, though she's well aware of it and tries not to be.

Background: Marcelline's been at the heart of the rebellion since day one, though she never really knew it. The man that raised her, the Chief (no one knows his real name), used to be one of the highest ranking officials in the inter-island police squad when he started realizing that some things didn't add up. He noticed trade routes that just dropped off the face of the map, un-named and largely un-populated islands that were there one day and gone the next. He showed his coworkers, and while some dropped out of the department to aid him in stopping this, some went straight to the government. Now on the run, he went to live with his then baby grand-daughter, Marcelline, and lay low for a while. This is where he found others, even some that had seen the islands fall with their own eyes. As he began aiding the rebel cause, Marcelline was growing up. Her father died from illness around the time she was two and her mother was almost never home, so she quickly grew close to the Chief. She was a bright student, did well in basic schooling and developed a love for building things. It started small and quickly grew until she started building flying vessels, like the ones used to travel between islands. Chief always encouraged her, even when he came home to a living room littered with mildly dangerous ship parts. While she was curious, she never really asked where the Chief went when he left for long periods of time. She trusted him, and assumed that if it was anything bad, he would tell her. And then, while on a final test flight with her ship, the Hermes (the chief told her to sell it, but she wouldn't dare, it was her baby) she stopped to refuel on Helion, a nearby island. She watched as it's neighbor, Hybion, slowly broke apart and fell into the fog. Horrified, she ran back and told the Chief, and he explained it all to her. She still holds out hope that it's all just coincidence, the government isn't out to get them, and watches the rebellion from a distance.



(Looks bigger than it is, it can only hold about 6 or 7 people at max.)

Tada! Anything else we should go over?
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Oh my god yes! So can we start? Is there anything else you want to go over first? Do you want to start or do you want me to? (Sorry, I'm really excited about this rp!)
Not at all! Give me a little bit to get going though, I have some real-world problems to deal with first. Shouldn't take too long.

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