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  • Users: Drez
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  1. Drez

    The Fall of Gaia : Character Creation

    Name: Dratha Telmiras Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-24_15-28-21.png.36423977c15e50f47535b17c24355d64.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5210"...
  2. Drez

    Xx Caged xX

    Name: Xan 2 years old Animal: Chimpanzee Looks: Black fur, amber eyes, tan skin. Other: He likes to have fun.
  3. Drez

    The Seams

    Name: Drez Age: 1700 years old Species: Djinni (Genie) Weapons/Powers: He can shape shift into basically anything, mythical or not. He can also teleport. (Before you think I'm way too powerful, he needs "essence" to transform and teleport. He steals the life from things around him.)...
  4. Drez

    Gloriosa; Resurrection. - Character creation / Sign up

    Name: Xander Drez Age: 16, going on 17 Gender: Male Personality: Xander's quick-witted, hyper, and on the edge of becoming insane. He will often come out of nowhere and start talking to you. Not a whole lot of people like Xander, for reasons mentioned below, so he's a bit withdrawn in...