The Seams


Elder Member
Character Setup:




Weapons/Powers [2 weapons + 2 powers]:


Background up until now:

Physical Description/Image:

Extra Information (Optional):

My Character as an eg:

  • Name: Seth Tylaen
  • Age: 16
  • Species: Human/Demon
  • Weapons/Powers [2 weapons + 2 powers]: A small, poison tipped dagger, demon claws. Can produce a small flame in his left palm, can produce demon wings to fly.
  • Personality: calm, sweet, sly, protective over friends, stubborn, doesn't back down from a fight, focused.

Background up until now: Seth has always been a loner. He isn't the most liked demon-boy around, not like his brother was. When he was young, his parents tried to kill him by drowning him in the nearby lake. However, a demon doesn't die like that. She never admitted it, but it was his Mother that gave them the Demon. His Father was a strong Christian believer, so finding out that his beloved wife and both his sons were demons was hard for him. He locked them both in the house and set fire to it.


Seth's Mother didn't make it.

Seth knows not of what happened to his Father and Brother, though. He spent much of his life alone after that, travelling from town to town, taking what jobs he could and eating only when he needed to.

One day, on a particularly lonely night, he was approached by hooded men.

After that is a mystery.

  • Physical Description/Image:

  • Extra: N/A
Name: Darren Hirst

Age: 16

Species: Spectral Humanoid

Weapons/Powers [2 weapons + 2 powers]: Scythe, Spiked Chain, Deathly Aura (Creates a mist which strikes fear into his enemies), Soul Claim (Claims a soul and send it to the bowels of Hell).

Personality: Calm, Quiet, Speaks when needed to, Emotionless exterior.

Background up until now: Claimed by the big man down under, he roams the Earth claiming the souls of the damned to appease his master, until one day he is ordered to claim the soul of a man clouded in mystery wearing a hooded cloak.

Physical Description/Image: Grim Reaper (Google it :D )

Extra Information (Optional): N/A
Name: Rose Elanor Lawlington

Age: 19

Species: Demonic Humanoid

Weapons/Powers [2 weapons + 2 powers]: Her primary weapon is a set of throwing knives she stole a while back, but she also has a katana that she always carries with her. She can shapeshift into anything she has already seen, and she can also turn invisible for a short period of time- although if she pushes herself, she can continue to do it for longer, but she gets a horrible headache afterwards.

Personality: Rose is a very calm and impersonal person. She tries to sve herself before anyone else, although she'll die for you if you become her friend. She is very suspicious of others, and more inclined to maim now and ask questions later.

Background up until now: She has always lead an exile's life, going from place to place and stealing what she needs to live. Unfortunately, she made the mistake of trying to steal from a hooded man.

Thhe rest is unknown.

Physical Description/Image: Rose has just past shoulder-length white hair, and her eyes are slitted, with blue irises and red pupils. She is about 5'9, and weighs 109 pounds. She wears a red t-shirt and black pants most days, with her katana strapped alone her back and her throwing knives strapped along her waist. She wears her hair loose.
Name: Nessa Belaqua

Age: 16

Species: I'm not sure what's all acceptable, so I'll just be a demon as well

Weapons/Powers [2 weapons + 2 powers]: She is telepathic, but it physically hurts her to enter an unwilling mind. She also experiments in the more physical mental abilities, like moving things with her mind, which she has trouble with (but is improving).

Personality: Honest, overprotective of her friends, passionate, and kind of sensitive. She often hides when she's hurt, and can change her mind/mood in an instant.

Background up until now: She was fairly normal until about 10, when her brother was born. Her mom left, and her dad became obsessed with dark magic, of all things. He eventually went mad, and he killed her little brother. That's when the demon found her, and ravaged her soul. She's been trying to hide it for a long time, but eventually she was found.

Physical Description/Image: View attachment 12337

Extra Information (Optional):Nope.
Name: Drez

Age: 1700 years old

Species: Djinni (Genie)

Weapons/Powers: He can shape shift into basically anything, mythical or not. He can also teleport. (Before you think I'm way too powerful, he needs "essence" to transform and teleport. He steals the life from things around him.)

Personality: Drez is rather demented, with... uh... let's say unorthodox... ideas. He is attached to no one, and is simply bored after 1700 years. He toys with mortals, knowing they will never win in the long run.

Background up until now: Drez has been around basically forever. Recently, he was in a small, nameless village, disguised as a regular mortal man, doing some... business... when he came across a hooded man. The rest?

You really don't want to know.

Description/ Physical appearance: Drez has no true form, but his favorite is a teenager with green eyes, pale skin and black hair, with a scar running down one eye.
Name: Fin Daniel Fischer

Age: 21

Species: Demon

Weapons/Powers [2 weapons + 2 powers]: He has a supernatural ability to both find and hide people, including himself. A fallen angel could bump into him on the street and not realize or notice him. He can't do both powers at once, but they are the reason that he's been alive so long. He has no weapons in his possession, but can fight with a rapier very well.

Personality: He's a semi-religious guy who doesn't understand. He's honest and friendly. He has no violence in him at all, and is a bit too passive. Though when the times comes he can and will fight.

Background up until now: He was raised in a strict Christian home with no siblings. He had straight A's and was pretty much the quiet kid who sat in the front of class. He grew up, eventually talking more and making friends. He moved out at 18 and now works at a coffee shop and keeps his head low. When his father found out about him being a Demon, he went into such a rage, claiming that it was Fin's fault, and that he was an abomination. He had a heart attack and died a few weeks later. His mother hadn't talked to him since, blaming him.

Physical Description/Image: YES. He is Justin Law because I love him.

Extra Information (Optional): None that I can think of ^.^
Name: Silith

Age: 21

Species: Higher demon

Weapons/Powers [2 weapons + 2 powers]: Ankh Grnolim (Polymorph weapon), Blood Grimoire (Summoner), Body split (replication)

Personality: Loner, brave, supportive, part pacifistic (tries to avoid physical fights), fights for what he thinks is right, stubborn.

Background up until now: He has no knowledge of his past nor any relatives. The only thing he does know is his name, what he is and where he is.

Physical Description/Image: Tall, black hair, piercings, tattoo stretching from his stomach to his neck, he has his name scorched onto his left wrist. (See signature)
Name:Merrill Odin

Age: 16


Weapons/Powers [2 weapons + 2 powers]:Her cards are her only weapon.Card Manipulation - Merrill is able manifest special cards.The cards are able to become sharp as diamonds or as stretchable/flexible as any plastic.Merrill controls the cards telepathically and knows which cards are which,unless she sets them down as a trap.She is also able to summon weapons for other people,or even store things in a blank card

Personality:Merrill is hard-ass.She does not like failure or failures.She prefers success and if it is not achieve she will make it happen no matter what.Merrill is some what nice to others,but when you first meet her she seems cold and distant.

Background up until now:Merrill's family are circus magician's and so the whole circus was her family.She grew up learning about magic humans had latent,and she learned to use that magic through cards.Her father,the ring master,and her mother trainer.Her father was a master magician and he only used his powers to bring joy to people.Her mother was able to use dimensional magic,so she could appear in a tiger mouth or under a elephants foot.Merrill had an affinity for cards and could appear any where her cards where.She could place someone in a card,take them out,transfer them to another card,and many other things.Merrill set out one day by herself,and told her parents she would get in touch when ever she could.

Physical Description/Image:

Extra Information (Optional):
((Hey, it says Mrs Pumpkin in the you mean as in Mrs Pumpkin's Comical Dream? If so, then I'll just post a picture for everyone using the IMG code :3 but of course yeah, jump in now if you want :D ~)) 
Was it based around this character? C:

Name: Valakir.

Age: 19

Species: Demon Hunter.

Weapons/Powers [2 weapons + 2 powers]: A Demonic Infused, Twin head battleaxe. Both blades curve inwards in a crescent shape. A Katana, Thin and made from enchanted steel. Specialized to cause damage that would feel like burning to an average demon, he mostly uses this as a back up weapon. Or in some cases, he will wield both the battleaxe and the Katana in a devastating dual wielding technique. But, this is only available while using one of his signature battle forms. Which I will explain now. / The first power he possesses is an unholy knack for becoming more agile the longer the duration for a fight lengthens. The second ability, which is probably the greater of two evils; is the trademark hunter ability of Metamorphosis. Infusing his own being, with the demonic being that cursed him with his powers. He transforms into a shadowy entity, increasing his strength, speed, and resistance to magic. But don't be fooled. This particular hunter has more than one weak spot, once discovered. Can be exploited excessively.

Personality: Quiet. He speaks rarely, usually remaining by himself. When making an open appearance only to either hunt, or if summoned. He thinks quick on his feet, but his specific fatal flaw is his blood-lust. Once fighting, his demeanor changes entirely. Becoming an unrelenting savage.

Background up until now: He knows little about himself. Growing up in the darkness. He was born, raised, and trained away from the prying reaches of the sunlight. Upon making a pact with a demon to escape this fate, he was granted these unholy powers. Quickly coming to regret this, the demon refused to release him. He devoted his existence to one sole purpose. To fight the demon and force him into submission. Upon finally confronting and defeating his foe, he learned that he will never be released from the binding pact. He now controls this demon, and exploits it into helping him hunter his unholy kin.

Physical Description/Image: Valakir wears a low cropped, ebon coloured hood at all times. Obscuring his face in shadows at all times. With the hood on, the only visible part of his face are a pair of thin, cracked lips. The expression on his face is on the most part, Stoic and un-phased. On the rare occasion his head is not crowned by this hood, and his face fully visible, would provide a shock to most. A young, blemished teenager hides behind his destructive exterior. Without the hood, he changes completely. Losing most of his imposing presence. He would have bone white hair that falls around his shoulders. Deep, Grey eyes full of scared memories. High, well defined facial features. Raised Cheekbones, a slim jawline. A streamline nose. No obvious scars maim his face, which would cause him to look even more youthful than he should. A set of heavy, leather shoulder-guards fastened to his broad, heightened shoulders. Toned, but not overall powerful arms hang down by his side. His attire consists of leather on a whole. Worn leather straps hold most of his gear in place, designed for allowing the hunter use of his full fighting styles. Tight, fingerless gloves pulled over his thin, bony fingers. Over his back hangs two sheathes. One for his battleaxe, and the other for the smaller katana. They cross over diagonally, with the hilts of the weapons pointing skywards. The colour of his leather consists of a dark black/grey tone. For first viewing, this is all that remains visible.

Extra Information (Optional): Nothing more really to add. An experimental character I understand. A hunter may be nice to spice things up a little :3
((Jesus-- Definitely accepted, waiting for you to spice things up 'round here :D

alright, people who didn't read it all, long story short:))

  • Demon hunter
  • 19 years old
  • Battleaxe and Katana as weapons
  • Demonic metamorphosis and agility in peril as powers
  • Loner personality
  • Wears a hood, leather armour and gloves

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