The Fall of Gaia : Character Creation

Name: Dratha Telmiras


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-24_15-28-21.png.36423977c15e50f47535b17c24355d64.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5210" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-24_15-28-21.png.36423977c15e50f47535b17c24355d64.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: Somewhere between 100 and 150

Gender: Male

Hair: White

Eyes: Light green

Skin: Not quite pale, but not quite tan either

Race: Elf

Class: A simple fighter, no fancy titles

Faith: None, simply wants to be free, with no Gods ruling over him.

Weapon(s): A short sword and a bow, the pictures are right there. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-24_15-33-28.png.ebc1a1064416ce94beeaee87742591a3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5211" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-24_15-33-28.png.ebc1a1064416ce94beeaee87742591a3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-24_15-33-57.png.84c985de82822eab8cb445dceed96dae.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5212" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-24_15-33-57.png.84c985de82822eab8cb445dceed96dae.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mage Element: (Only answer if your character is a mage; this is their most powerful element.)

Wing Color: (Only if Angel or Valkyrie; choose between white, grey, and black to reflect your belief.)

Inner Beast: (Only answer if your character is an Anashi. This is the animal they are morphed with.)

Tamed Beast: (Only answer if your character is a Beast Tamer. This is the name of their beast.)

Appearance of Beast: (Only place a picture or description if your character is a Beast Tamer.)

Appearance Notes:

Dratha's ears are short, due to the time he served as a slave. He hates how short they are and hates the man who did it, but can't find his old master. He also has several markings on his chin and on his throat, from where his master branded him after several failed escape attempts.

Biography: As a young elf, Dratha was always looking for trouble. He went away from home after several days of mind-numbing boredom, and was captured by a cruel man who went by the name of Loenius. Loenius whipped Dratha and burned him, hoping to squash Dratha's fiery will out of him. Far from making Dratha timid and shy, Loenius made Dratha hell-bent on escaping and destroying Loenius. Dratha succeeded in escaping, but Loenius, in a fit of rage, came to Dratha's home, and killed his mother, his father, and his two sisters. Dratha watched Loenius burn them, and now Dratha searches the world for Loenius, to make him pay for what he has done.

Extra Notes: (Anything else you want to make note of, if anything.) Nah.



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Gender says males... obviously she has boobies and that means not a prince... those are my immediate observations... as well if you are shooting to play the princess just know that there is someone already checking with War Paint to create the princess. Which you would need to get help from her anyways to create story important characters.

Also if continuing to create this character... please fill out that biography... with substance.... lots and lots of substance.

Iessa S.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_inline_mmrlzo7HXw1qz4rgp.jpeg.ca37725afdb1419289c4d5f84d7b2c93.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5277" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_inline_mmrlzo7HXw1qz4rgp.jpeg.ca37725afdb1419289c4d5f84d7b2c93.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Hair: Ashen-blonde, almost white in colour.

Eyes: A crimson shade

Skin: Quite pale, very much due to almost never removing her cloak.

Race: Human

Class: Commoner, though she veers towards a Warrior-Assassin mix.

Faith: She serves the Church and the Royal Family as a spy and an informant, but does not believe in any higher powers, and chooses to believe in more scientific and logical explanations rather than what she deems as 'fiction'.


  • Langschwert: A unique longsword with Germanic design that lies sheathed on her right side when not in use. She wields it with one hand. The blade's length is about half her height and has been reforged countless of times to strengthen the steel and increase its durability. While it bears no special abilities, it is quite the hardy weapon and is quite impossible to break.

Appearance Notes: She bears a strange cross-shaped scar on the right side of her hip. It seems to bear no significance other than to keep in tandem with her cross motif.

A recently stitched up scar lies on the right side of her face, just slightly below her cheek, as well, received during combat practice.

Biography: As part of the Raven's Vigil, an elite intelligences team who serve only the Princess and the Church, the latter on some occasions, the knowledge of her past is only privy to herself and no one else. SpecInt agents simply do not exist, and all traces of their pasts have been erased, as part of their initiation. Iessa is no different from her colleagues. Having taken half a year to erase every last speck of her existence, much shorter than any of her colleagues, there is no doubt that Iessa is one of the best agents around: unsympathetic and efficient. There have been documented arsonry as well as reported missing persons during these 6 months where Iessa simply vanished without a trace. These reports and documents soon vanished as well, and they soon drifted away into nothing more than a hazy afterthought in the minds of the public. Only after all this was accomplished, Iessa reappeared, taking her place as an agent of the SpecInt, where she would serve as a messenger, spy and informant for her time to come.

No one knows about her, but she knows enough about everyone and anyone to be able to malign them should she wish so. There is no face that she wouldn't recognise, especially if they were her target in the first place.

While Vigill reports directly to the Church's military force and the Royal Family, they mostly sway towards the Royal Family, and even then, they are not very trustful personnels, rumoured to dispense information to enemies should this act benefit them in anyway possible.

Extra Notes:



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Cressy said:
I want dis to start so badly ._.
Dont we all, don't we all.... 
Well, I think I shall make a character now. I've got a great idea already!~ Oh, dear lord, he's going to be beautiful. Let's hope I do a good job on this guy. xD
So this was brought back from the dead?

I might bring back my mermaid, reworked (since Potato's making a different character), but unfrotunately, no Princess fer meee.

We'll see how much time I have C:

  • Mana-Mortan

    A.K.A: The Herald of the dead

    Age: 200 (due to being a Djinn)

    Gender: Male

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: covered by a cloth (actually red)

    Skin: Dark brown

    Race: Demon/Djinn

    Class: Mage

    Faith: Gloia ((But because of his mind set he can’t fully follow his faith.))


    In Human Form: The bells of Burning Silents: One of the bells has been crafted with the magic of sound the other the magic of flames. They were forged for both the angels and demons to use to open the gates of their respective plains but Mana stole one and was cursed with the other. The bell of Demons was known as the bell of flames its power was to bring fourth demonic fire from its sound. The bell of the angels lets out a glorious sound that can rip apart the unrighteous but in the wrong hands can be used to hurt anyone. The magical force of these bells comes from there sound, so during combat he uses martial arts to swing the bells around.

    In Djinn Form: The sword of howling flames: A masterful fusion of the bells it appears when he take on his djinn form. It summons forth the blackest of flames and sends fear into men’s hearts with the howling rage the sword exhumes. The power of this blade can only be used by him a few times before he is forced back into the ruby he came from. This weapon takes the form of a queens guards blade. ((Kind like clouds buster blade in FF7))

    Appearance Notes: His body is covered in light scars from his trial of being turned into a Djinn

    Mage Element: Fire



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Princess of Illuminus.


Age: 22

Gender: female

Hair: Dirty blonde

Eyes: Blue

Skin: Fair

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Faith: Gaia



Mage Element:

Blessed by Gaia; Water(Main element) Healing (Second element)

Appearance Notes:

*Marisol is very slim in figure, with a moderately toned body, she's around 5'4" and weighs 123 lbs.

*Has mark of Gaia, a sigil, on her pelvis by her hips, she never shows this though and is very embarrassed whenever it is brought up, as she sees this as a "tramp stamp".

*Though most of the scars from her lashing have healed there is still one that has not disappeared, it starts at her shoulder blade and reaches down to her left hip bone. Her healing magic did nothing to correct this, though it is faint it shames her when it is brought up.

*Her clothes are normally elegant and regal, yet very simple. While they show her status the only flashy thing she owns is a necklace, fashioned by her mother, clasped around her neck.



The day Marisol was born the Kingdom rejoined, the first heir to the throne had been born, healthy and happy. She grew up a spoiled little thing, receiving praise when she deserved it and even when she didn't deserve it. Despite her lavish life style Marisol was more interested in the intellectual path, preferring a good book or a casual conversation with someone outside the castle walls, as they had more interesting opinions then the help inside.

It was clear from the first day she started training that she had been blessed by Gaia, and despite her father's best efforts she was only minorly adept in physical combat, often instinctively reverting to magic when she felt threatened. She received top marks in class and plenty of praise from her tutors. Her father was extremely proud of his daughter, showing her off whenever he had the chance and coddling her with affection.

Of course, ever since she was a child she was repeatedly told stories of the first King and Queen and how they fought for Gaia, the catacombs themselves providing her a chance to speak with her ancestors about what they accomplished with their lives, or she sat on her father's lap and listened to what he managed to pull off in his younger days and even today. This provided her with a great love for Gaia, a biased opinion on what went on amongst the kingdom, and a sense of inferiority, as she felt pressure to do even greater things than even the original Sorceress managed.


Now at the age of 13, Marisol is quite active in castle affairs, joining her mother and father in important meetings about the fate of the kingdom, her opinion holding value when making major decisions. While still young her rampant studying and occasional conversations with the commoners allowed her to greatly influence when consultation was needed.

Her father welcomed this greatly, proud that his daughter took such a great interest in politics, relishing in the fact she was going to be great ruler.

As the scandal between him and Delilah took place, and he repeatedly denied all the rulers, despite the evidence. She felt herself become alienated from her father as he left for days at a time, to be with this woman. This slut. Marisol grew a hatred for her. When the slut's sister found out about the affair Marisol's heart dropped, though she was told the woman "seduced" the King, as much as she wanted to believe it, as much as she tried to believe it, she couldn't. Instead she was amongst the crowd, silently watching while her subjects around her screamed insults, her gaze cold as the woman was thrown into the water by the priests. The scene stuck in her memory forever. She continued to stray from her father, uncomfortable with him despite what he claimed, finding solice in her studies and spending more times with her ancestors amongst the jeweled tombs in the catacombs.

During her time amongst the catacombs, receiving advice from queens before her, one had noted her ego, her drive to become greater than even they, and plotted to subtly put her back in her place, giving the young girl horrible advice.

Finally the former queen's work had paid off, during one of the meetings despite her better judgement she listened to the woman, initiating a trade that broke the economy, sending it plummeting and initiating a squabble amongst the commoners, sending them rioting through the streets. The King was forced to call the guards on his own people, many lives were lost, the entire time they yelled for the princess, asking for her to be punished for her mistakes. In order to appease his subjects the King himself gave her the lashing, 10 to be exact, she never looked him in the eye again.

Young Adult:

When Marisol's father was assassinated she regretted rejecting his attempts to reach out to her, but even to this day she is still bitter towards the man. She now helps her mother rule the kingdom, and despite their fake smiles she knows her decisions are not fully regarded as sound anymore, a part of her has given up and tried to succumb to practicing her manners to find a suitable husband, another part knows she has what it takes to rule her kingdom, the third, despite being cliche wants to simply run away, maybe not forever, but at least see the world before she is stuck behind the glass wall permanently.

She visits the catacombs constantly now to speak with him, a futile attempt to make up for what she did while living.

Extra Notes:

Marisol was very sheltered when she was younger, so slang and sexual innuendos fly right over her head, she is very text book and well-read, so while she has plenty of theories and knowledge at her disposal, her youth and inexperience tend to make her views rather black and white.

*She has a strong sense of what's right and wrong. (To her at least.)

*Despite her being rather mediocre in physical combat and her father's battle-like personality transcribed into her magic, making her wildly offensive, she's unlikely to use defensive magic at all.

*Though she wants to help Gaia become reborn she is too uncomfortable with killing a person to harvest their soul.

*She holds a particular distaste for Korth, and distinct hatred for the "man" who assassinated her father and the woman who seduced him.

*She has quite a large ego, which she tends to try and swallow to appear more subtle, though due to her "over-achiever" and "top grade student" personality she tends to think herself better then certain people.

*Very much so a feminist, which only increased after the whole ordeal with the lashing and pride from being able to rule the Kingdom with her mother.

*She is very talkative

* She is interested in the war, half-way due to the politics of the matter and half-way due to the fact she wants to stop the war, subconsciously because she wants to make up for what she did, but also to become famous, like the Sorceress she heard so much about. And while she enjoys (most of the time) her princess duties she'd prefer to make something of herself before settling down to be ruler.
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Marcellus Trombe

Sanger Valtenheim


"-I Am The Sword That Smites Evil!"

(Replace "Sword" with whatever weapon he is holding at the time.)

Age: 48

Gender: Male

Hair: Dark Brown and Graying. His hair is realtively short and naturally spiky, so he usually slicks it back with a weak gel.

Eyes: Dark grey.

Skin: Lightly tanned.

Race: Human

Class: Warrior. More specifically, a mercenary captain.

Faith: Aligned with Gaian ideals and goals, but is not an actual follower. He lives to rid the world from evil.



A moderately large battleaxe, with ornate Nordic engravings on the head. It is almost two-thirds the height of Marcellus and is usually carried by him on his back. The Steel axe head has gained numerous scratches from multiple battles and the wood of the shaft has blackened with age, but with Marcellus's constant maintenance, it has remained a formidable weapon throughout the years. Despite the fact that any sane individual would wield it with both hands, Marcellus has been observed swinging it around with one, with the same deadly efficiency. The bottom of the handle has been hollowed out slightly to allow for a detachable spearhead which Marcellus uses when necessary, most of the time however, it not attached.

Tatsumaki Zankantou:

A sacred heirloom to a now extinct Jaisaian family. In it's regular appearance, it takes the shape of a katana, with a black hilt and a blade polished to a mirror sheen. It also has a number of Jaisaian characters engraved along the blade. The blade has the ability to shift into another form, which is that of a oversized, broadsword, almost as tall as Marcellus himself. Other than the shifting, the blade itself has no inherent abilities, but Marcellus's near fanatical devotion to maintaining the blade has kept it in pristine condition.



Tatsumaki Zankantou used to belong to his now deceased Jaisaian apprentice. Details are in the background.

Marcellus also carries around two daggers, about the length of a human forearm as backup weapons.

Appearance Notes: He wears an eyepatch, over his missing right eye, the patch itslf is made of metal and the band is made of leather. He also has a large, diagonal scar across his chest.

Biography: Marcellus is a famed mercenary captain, well known in the mercenary world for his overly-dramatic and bombastic personality. He has a habit of naming his various piece of equipment ("This way, they take on a life of their own, and man and weapon are one!") as well as yelling over the top statements to his enemies during battle. Despite his overly boisterous nature, he possess the skill to more than justify many of his boasts and is rather sharp and quick-witted, he can also be serious should the situation call for it, but will usually return to his theatrics shortly after. Currently he works as a freelance Mercenary, roaming from place to place in search of more adventure and coin. What separates him from most common sellswords are his very strict standards when it comes to his line of work, he will only take contracts with an unambiguously noble goal, and refuses to take any morally ambiguous jobs. More than once, he has been under the employ of the Royal Family, as well as the church of Gaia, and he still receives contracts from them from time to time, earning him quite the reputation amongst them.

Marcellus's past is shrouded in mystery, nobody had heard of him until around seventeen years ago, where he had mysteriously appeared in a tavern in New Pearl, selling his services with his usual, theatrical flair.

In reality, Marcellus's current nature is mostly a façade, a personality he has adopted from someone else.

Marcellus was originally known as Sanger Valtenheim, a leader of a relatively small and low-key mercenary group known as the warhounds. Sanger himself was born to a middle class family in New Pearl, and grew up relatively normally. At the age of ten, a pirate raid on the harbour cost his parents their lives, and Sanger was kidnapped by the pirates and forced into slavery. For years, he had to serve the pirates, being beaten and forced to do the most horrible jobs, like carrying gunpowder in the middle of battle. Slowly however, Sanger wormed his way up the ranks from a mere powder monkey, to an equal, amongst the grunts of the crew after showing remarkable skill during a fight against an enemy, when backed into a corner. For nine years, Sanger spent his life on that dreadful ship, plundering and murdering to get by, and to establish himself as a trusted crewmember, nine dreadful years of crime and debauchery, which plagues his nightmares to this very day.

On the night of his Nineteenth birthday, the crew had a celebration, getting themselves drunk and stoned out of their minds. Seeing his chance for revenge, Sanger slaughtered the entire crew in their stupor and burned the entire ship down. From then on, Sanger pledged to put the dreadful experience behind him and move on in life. Knowing that fighting was nearly all he knew, he tried to start a mercenary band in Hiren and recruiting. Though largely unsuccessful, (mainly due to his relatively high standards when it came to morality.) he managed to cobble together a small band of men. From then on the group, known as the Warhounds, went across the map, fulfilling contracts here and there. Though never earning much money, (though not for lack of trying.) they wholeheartedly enjoyed their journeys.

On one particular outing to Jaisai, they came across a house, where a fight was clearly underway. Curious the group looked inside to find a young boy, no more than sixteen fighting a losing battle against several bandits. Rushing to his aid, the group slaughtered the brigands and attended to the boy. Seeing as none of his family had survived the raid, Sanger took the boy in as an apprentice. The boy, Ryoma proved to be a adept swordsman, using the family sword, Tatsumaki zankatou, with great skill and proficiency, this painfully reminded Sanger of his earlier years.He was however inexperienced in the workings of the outside world, so Sanger took it upon himself to teach him the ways of a sellsword. Much of his time was spent teaching the young boy on various things and the two sparred on multiple occasions. He was also very dramatic, naming his own special moves, and being generally over the top, even while doing menial tasks, this over the top attitude endeared him to the members of the guild, most of whom quickly warmed up to him. Ryoma also had a fascination with justice and heroic figures, and would spend hours on end poring over books detailing the legendary exploits of heroes, both fictional and real. He idolised the members of the wolfhound, and saw them as his own heroes and aspired to join their ranks. Over time the two formed a close bond, closer than that of brothers.

The guild however, had fallen on hard times, they had found it increasingly difficult to make money. With no other choice, Sanger was forced to take on more morally ambiguous contracts to scrape by. Slowly but surely, the guild was lost all sense of their original heroism and standards, becoming no better than common brigands. Ryoma, by then a full fledged member of the group, was disturbed by this change, and constantly voiced his disapproval of his now almost morally bankrupt, groupmates. He and Sanger constantly were at odds with each other, and the two men, mentor and student, once so close, were driven apart.

Eventually the group took on a exceptionally high paying contract, which involved the seemingly easy task of smuggling several contraband items from New Pearl to Hiren. Ryoma, suspicious of the apparent ease of the contract, separated from the group to do some investigation, and found out that the employers had planned to betray the group at the drop-point. Rushing to warn them, he found them already at the arranged spot, with their assailants hiding nearby, poised to strike. Ryoma warned them of the impending attack, and quickly slew one of the assailants. Their cover blown, the men turned their attention to the young swordsman to silence him, outnumbered 10 to 1, he went down quickly, though not before grievously wounding several of his attackers. The remaining wolfhounds banded together, and slew the rest of the thugs, but they were already too late, Ryoma had been mortally wounded and was fading fast. With his dying breath, he passed his beloved mentor his treasured sword, and urged him to return to his old heroic self, and for the Wolfhounds to return to their roots, before shuffling off the mortal coil.

Sanger and the guild returned to their usual hideout in Hiren, overcome with guilt, he disbanded the group and the members went their separate ways. As a tribute to his fallen protege, Sanger adopted the name Marcellus Trombe, using a combination of names of several heroes from the tales that Ryoma had lovingly read about for days on end. He also rigorously trained himself in Ryoma's particular brand of swordsmanship, so that his legacy would live on. With his past behind him and his new route clear, Marcellus Trombe set off, vowing to become a legendary hero, like those his blood brother had idolised.

Extra Notes:

Helswath was Marcellus original, primary weapon, and continues to be his most used weapon till this day, though skilled with a blade as well, axes are still his forte.

Though much of Marcellus's personality is a ruse, evidence has pointed to him starting to embrace this persona more on more. His original personality has started to mesh with this new one. and Marcellus's has been shown to genuinely enjoy his new demeanour.

Marcellus's fighting style involves precise and methodical swings, though his attacks themselves may seem rather slow, Marcellus himself is rather agile, even in his heavy plate armor. His fighting style with Tatsumaki Zankantou, however is the complete opposite, involving fast, aggresive strokes and with an unpredictable pattern, this sudden change is often bewildering to an unfamiliar opponent. The reason for the stark contrast is that Marcellus uses his protege's style of fighting when using the sword, as a tribute to him. Obviously however, it is impossible when the blade is in it's second form due to the sheer weight of the Colossal blade, so he reverts to his original fighting style when using it.

Marcellus greatly hates anyone who disregards familial bonds, and scorns those who actively mocks their parents. Largely in part due to his history.

Despite his admittedly old age, one of Marcellus's greatest wishes is to start a family of his own.
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SirDurrHurrHurr said:
Can't see pic, try downloading it to your PC then uploading it because Zerochan does that a lot. "Use the share links provided instead!" instead of copy image url ._. which is like the same thing 

EliCarter said:
Can't see your pic either
Quote say it all

Dashremnar Leophaz Viheizheit

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/gabranth.jpg.0889c5132550454a0c7df80ceb50e8ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5493" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/gabranth.jpg.0889c5132550454a0c7df80ceb50e8ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Hair: Light Brown

Eyes: Yellow

Skin: White Peach

Race: Human

Class: Summoner ; Mage

Faith: He believes in himself


Grimoire Weiss; A book of ancient Sin the white book of spells whose pages course with ancient magic of destruction. Consuming souls to gain power in its eternal quest to feast and gain knowledge. Weiss is a book that due to its overly magic capabilities imbued with a mind and soul the book can speak. A tongue that is unhindered by cordial affects voicing all it needs to it follows its new master Dash with the sole purpose of consuming his soul one day.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/grimoire.png.8f04296e0dbc4c78edd3c9e5f6e50d73.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5499" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/grimoire.png.8f04296e0dbc4c78edd3c9e5f6e50d73.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Touched by Gaia

Mage Element: Lightning

Appearance Notes:


  • A babe weeps loudly as its tantamount need for food overtakes its simple mind. The cries cutting through the blackened night. A limp hand laid from atop the edge of the bed dangling down. The light taps of red pelted the young infants forehead that lay on the ground below. The trail of scarlet that spread from fingertips up past the forearm to the shoulder and then to the chest... There they lay a mother and a father pressed against the red sheets of wanton, motionless unmoved to the cries of their child that lay in strife on the cold wood floor.

    "Dash! Dash slow down my boy!" A man seasoned with salt and pepper hair called out as his elegant cane tapped against the dirt path. A large smile adorned his soft face as he shook his head at the boy in front of hims vigor. "Master! Master! Is it true I get to meet the Princess!?" The young boy with his milk chocolate hair that shifted with each of his movements as he raced around the path jumping on things or off of them. He stopped as he waited for his master to catch up his small chest raising and lowering with each breath in excitement. "Yes my boy you will. Just remember your manners around her and show her respect. I know you will make me proud. now please help an old man get to where he needs to go." He chuckled as Dash raced over to him seeing refuge underneath the cover of his masters cloak. The old man reached down as he rustled his hair with care. "One day will I get to be as great as you?" Dash blinked as he looked up at the old man with his bold green eyes. "Dash... one day you will be greater than any man before you." The caring Master smiled like a father telling his son he could be a king. Dash's head nodded quickly as he swallowed those words a flash of red overtaking his cheeks as he thought about how great he would be.

    "Hey Master! Will I be so great, the gods will know me?"

    "All will know your name."

    "Master will I be a hero?"

    "Of course you will"

    The duo continued down the path as the view of the great kingdom of Illumnis came into view the white gates of regalia the rising ivory towers the massive roofs with tanned shingling.




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Hey, guys. I'm so sorry I've been vacant for a while. Work has been ridiculous since they let go my co-worker after an incident with catching a car on fire, or something. I haven't had a day off since yesterday and I had to work on some company stuff yesterday and catch up on unanswered e-mails. Haley starts working with me next week, I believe, so I should be on much more often with some relief from work. But I'm going to attempt to start this either tonight or tomorrow once I have time to review some profiles. I'm so sorry this is taking so long.
[QUOTE="War Paint]Hey, guys. I'm so sorry I've been vacant for a while. Work has been ridiculous since they let go my co-worker after an incident with catching a car on fire, or something. I haven't had a day off since yesterday and I had to work on some company stuff yesterday and catch up on unanswered e-mails. Haley starts working with me next week, I believe, so I should be on much more often with some relief from work. But I'm going to attempt to start this either tonight or tomorrow once I have time to review some profiles. I'm so sorry this is taking so long.

I agree with Don here, Real life first, take your time :)

Name: Lanus Nox

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.eac36e946968b247fa280a3b7b5aea0e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5523" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.eac36e946968b247fa280a3b7b5aea0e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 372

Gender: Male

Hair: Dusty White

Eyes: Dull Red

Skin: Chalky

Race: Vampire

Class: Reaper

Faith: Ardent Follower of Gloia


Reaper's Scythe: The iconic weapon of the Reaper class, Lanus' weapon has a gemstone embedded in the hilt of the blade that allows for the storage of souls.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.e704c4db0a1d96e55d03c17a26c46274.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.e704c4db0a1d96e55d03c17a26c46274.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bloody Sacrifice: Although already reasonably strong and agile by human standards, Lanus' strength and speed is significantly boosted for a few hours after consuming a pint or more of fresh blood. While certainly unable to move blindingly fast or punch a hole through a stone wall, he becomes strong enough to confidently battle characters with magical abilities and spelled weapons.

Regeneration: This is more a defence mechanism than a weapon. Lanus can generally regenerate from most injuries except for being decapitated or having his heart impaled. His rate of regeneration is dependent on the time of day, the cycle of the moon, and how recently he has consumed blood. While he may be able to recover from say, an amputation, regenerating an entire limb would likely take the better part of a month.

Appearance Notes:

Lanus is an unnervingly tall 6 foot 11 inches, and skeletally thin. His fangs do not retract. The only parts of his skin that are unmarked are on his face and hands-- the rest of his body is etched with burn marks and scars from sharp implements which have either sliced across or impaled his skin. At one point, he skinned his face and hands so that smooth flesh would regrow in its place. However, the process was too painful and cumbersome to repeat over every inch of his body.

In terms of clothing, his most notable items are the ragged black cloak which flaps about his knees, and the belt at his waist from which hangs two satchels full of glass vials and oilskins.

Birth on Glorius

Lanus was born before the Fall of Gaia, before souls roamed the earth, ripe for the picking. His birth and childhood is like a half-remembered dream. The first thing he can recall is the hunger, the thirst for blood. Without fully understanding the consequences, Lanus had murdered a number creatures-- he cannot remember how many-- within the first month of his existence. Yes, the vampires had blood-letters in the keep, which as long as they were not wholly drained could be a constant source of food, but Lanus had a difficult time understanding the concept of "stop".

Even as he grew and began to understand the consequences of his actions-- that killing a creature meant annihilating its existence-- Lanus had grown too fond of the hunt follow the coven's laws and traditions. His appetite for bloody deaths eventually caught Gloia's notice, who harnessed his skills by employing him to dispose of those who sought to weaken her rule over the Dark World. He was perhaps less discriminate than Gloia would have preferred, but Lanus was a faithful servant nonetheless. Lanus worshipped the Dark Goddess for giving his life purpose, and as he continued to fulfill the responsibilities of his position, lesser demons learned to shudder at the sound of his name.

However, perhaps an unsurprising turn of events for a world centred around greed and hate, demons of the Dark World eventually captured Lanus and extracted upon him their revenge, skewering him to a rock where sunlight seared his skin, covering him with just enough shade and forcing enough blood down his throat to keep him alive despite the torture. The broke his bones and carved out his intestines for five weeks, five years or five decades; Lanus is hazy on the details. All he knows is that he eventually dissociated himself from his body, reverting to the basic thought patterns of a child. As his captors destroyed his flesh, he followed his stream of consciousness where it would go, eventually loosening his grip slightly on reality, reason and logic. His torture ended when Gaia fell.

He views the Violet Dusk as a day of rebirth.

The Early Days of Ominia

In the days of Ominia's infancy, still fearful for his life, Lanus went into hiding. By daylight he cowered in caves and between tree roots, becoming a shadow of his former glory as Gloia's faithful servant. In those days, the lands were not yet carved out and many unprotected human populations travelled Ominia in search of safety. At night, Lanus scavenged off the packs of these humans, although he learned quickly to flee from dead bodies since their spirits would return, and most would try to kill him. In these early days, Lanus had no idea how to control the spirits.

As the years crept by, Lanus regained his strength and some of his sanity. At the same time, the boundaries between the lands became more apparent, and he learned to avoid Illuminus and its adjacent territories altogether. Lanus preyed upon the creatures that thrived in Hiren and Lanin, still terrified of stepping on the soil of Beryl. As he became stronger and no longer clung to mere survival, a presentiment arose: Lanus had lost his purpose. As Gloia's servant, his killings had meaning; however, since the Violet Dusk, killing was simply killing. There was no elegant purpose behind it. Lanus desired a purpose.

Summoning up no small amount of courage, Lanus followed the whispers until he reached Korth's mansion in the heart of Beryl. There, Lanus pledged allegiance to the new Demon King, who had supposedly been a lover of Gloia. Korth desired an immortal army, and Lanus offered to help Korth attain this goal.

Becoming a Reaper

When Lanus had finally reached Korth's mansion, more brilliant minds had already begun to understand how to control the spirits. Since controlling souls requires exerting mental influence over them, reaping did not come naturally to Lanus-- whose mental stability was still questionable. It took Lanus many years of training at Korth's mansion to become full-fledged reaper, and even so Lanus found it difficult to utilize the souls he has captured. Consequently, he tended to keep the souls contained within his scythe until he could dispose of them at Korth's mansion.

Over the years, Lanus became more selective about the types of souls he wished to hunt. At first, he hunted humans indiscriminately, then fairies and then elves. With the progression of time, Lanus became more proficient at Reaping, moving onto more interesting prey. These days, he tends to hunt mages who are loyal to Gaia.

Extra Notes:

Like all vampires, Lanus is sensitive to light. He needs to be fully covered during daylight, and thus tends to walk around fully cloaked, wearing a hat, mask and gloves during the daytime. Daylight severely weakens his stamina, so while he can travel in short spurts, he would certainly be unable to fight.

He needs at least 4 pints of blood at least once a week or risk dying from starvation. While animal blood is a suitable substitute for human blood, he requires more of it to stay alive.



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I'm heading down to mechanic training for the military in October, but I'll still have internet access almost every day regardless so I'll be somewhat active.

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