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  1. ZeldaFeb

    Fantasy When Heaven has fallen

    Sayurn nods, confirming her name. She switched back into her human form, wings disappearing back into her skin. Her hair settled down to a darker blonde and she took on a petite form. She nodded, agreeing with Malthael, "If we can even manage that in time. Even worse, the humans may endure...
  2. ZeldaFeb

    Fantasy When Heaven has fallen

    Sayurn looked to Cheytire, "Thank you, I'm still weak. I came out here assuming I would have enough strength to fight one demon, then everyone appeared." Sayurn watched as the demon lord was taken aback, ending the battle. "So much for coming out here just to stop one demon," She sighed. She...
  3. ZeldaFeb

    Fantasy When Heaven has fallen

    (Jesus, you guys post fast, I can't keep up omg) Sayurn wasn't prepared for a lunge, and was cut once by the demon's (@Aleatorem ) attack. She hissed and used her other arm to put her hand over the cut. It was bleeding, but it would stop her from fighting. Sayurn was only a bit relieved by...
  4. ZeldaFeb


  5. ZeldaFeb


  6. ZeldaFeb

    What do you think about minecraft?

    I used to play it literally almost every single day for about two years. I continued to play it on and off for about three more. Now, I just cant keep up with the updates. They add so many things all at once. It doesn't feel like Minecraft anymore, but probably just because I was so used to the...
  7. ZeldaFeb

    Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

    I first started on a super sketchy, freaky chat website on my DSi. I saw people doing RPs so I joined in, and a year later my parents found me like playing pretend date on the RP ('cause I was really young and thirsty) and they took my DSi for two years. I think they just forgot to give it back...
  8. ZeldaFeb

    Memorable or favorite video game moments

    When I was six, my brother and I used to always play Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock, and we took turns switching between who got to chose the song we would play. I, being a little six year old girl, only liked the song " ". So, I would always chose that EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. My brother was so...
  9. ZeldaFeb

    Fantasy When Heaven has fallen

    Sayurn became distracted, noticing the demon lord (@FrostXShadow) overhead. She locked eyes with his glowing eyes. Trying her best not to be fazed, Sayurn growled, rolling her eyes and setting the bottom of her spear on the ground, "Looking for blood too, ugly?" She stepped forward some...
  10. ZeldaFeb

    Fantasy When Heaven has fallen

    Sayurn put her bag down, looking out her window from her apartment. The sun was fading, the time to fear the demons was starting, which would last until the sun rise. However, she never showed this fear as best as she could. Though Sayurn was weakened and wasn't as powerful as when heaven...
  11. ZeldaFeb

    (To the Tune of Hello by Adele) Hello, it's me....

    I never completed Majora's Mask because of school distracting me, but I did love it too, so hopefully I can play it again this summer. But my favorite is Ocarina of Time, it's very nostalgic to me. (: Majora's Mask looks like it will be my 2nd favorite so far.
  12. ZeldaFeb

    Fantasy When Heaven has fallen

    Full name: Sayurn Meiss (Sayy-ern May-ss) Alias or Nickname: Mei Appearance(Human Form): (Except without the gear and weapons; This was the best I could find.) True Form: Sexuality: Straight Personality: Calm, introverted unless attacked; Very protective of allies Powers(don't...
  13. ZeldaFeb

    Other CRUSHES!

    I had a huge crush on a guy and we were both so shy and quiet, but now we're going on 7 months of dating. I know it may not be much to some, but he's my best friend and I'm so lucky. (; I also just started showing him forum RPs, so I made a new account and helped him make one here as well!
  14. ZeldaFeb


    omgsdihgkjrghsdjk okay fine I'll date u let's get married, Romeo
  15. ZeldaFeb


    Welcome, I'm new here too~~~~~ ;;; ;) ))) (I am said girlfriend.)
  16. ZeldaFeb

    (To the Tune of Hello by Adele) Hello, it's me....

    I was wondering, if after all these years, you'd like to RP... No I'm just kidding, I'm ZeldaFeb. I've been roleplaying for about 3 years and recently fell out of interest in forum roleplays last summer, but I'm wanting to get into it again. I just want to join maybe one roleplay now and...