Search results for query: *

  1. Overrated

    The Untouched World

    Is it now fine?
  2. Overrated

    The Untouched World

    Name: Ferri Terenther Gender: Male Age: looks 19, but has lived over 12 000 years Race: Sulis Nickname: Dragon "You should respect your elders~... is my life lesson" Personality: Ferri is really aggressive and arrogant. His mood is really inconsistent. Sometimes he is calm as...
  3. Overrated

    Silence in the Woods

    NAME: Arto LeFevre AGE: 32 GENDER: Male ALLIANCE: Undecided POSITION: Broke and homeless SPECIES: Human APPEARANCE: He is really small 148cm/4'10 inches tall, POWERS: IQ of 195 (If you can call that a power) WEAKNESSES: weak and non-athletic, being normal human has lots of...